30FPS on Switch

Aesthetic, style, and excessive optional items that have no consequence to gameplay have nothing to do with how “graphically demanding” a game is.

The Witcher can scale to stupid high photorealism, but the bare minimum required to run is extremely low. To be playable, the Witcher doesnt require as much onscreen as Overwatch can regularly have – continually processsed particle effects, shaders, a really tight VRAM budget, and depth buffers for proper playability.

Overwatch becomes unplayable when you start removing things like particle systems and the red outline on enemies. Removing this stuff has a detrimental effect on gameplay.

Are you aware of how the Switch works?

Very much so, do you?

They underclock it in handheld mode and then use normal clock speeds (possibly still underclocked) in docked mode.

Og xbox one or like xbox 1

Clock speed docked on the Switch doesn’t improve performance all that much, considering it’s already the lowest performance console (by a significant margin mind you, well under even its listed specs) on the market and operating well under several minimum specs for Overwatch. Looking at flagship titles with a quick google search, the performance aspect is relatively limited to fidelity and scaling, and not true performance output. I say scaling, because the Switch doesn’t actually output true 1080 or 1440, it simply upscales lower resolutions (I think it’s either 720 or possibly lower).

The Switch needs better hardware if players want better performance. And that’s not something that will happen with its limited form factor, a trade off necessary for the “anytime/anywhere” gimmick it sells itself with.

It’s hard to say right now, but it looks like 30fps is literally all that the Switch can manage when it comes to Overwatch. It might be able to run Overwatch at 60fps if the limited form factor didn’t prevent it from allowing full unhindered use of the onboard hardware without issue, but even that’s a stretch.

If players truly want to play OW at 60fps+, the Switch is not the console they should be looking at. It’s important to understand the benefits and downsides to the consoles players choose, and while the Switch is a wonderful console in many different and innovative ways, performance is definitely not a selling point.

More detrimental than halve the framerate?


Samsung Galaxy or Apple Iphone stands a better chance. Should’ve forgot the Switch all together.

It’s a cashgrab, stop arguing for whatever else guys.

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The difference is, its a console, so they all are the same spec, so therefore keeping it fair is much easier. besides, 60 and 30 is a big difference.

The Wii runs at 1080P maximum, and most of its titles are released at 720p.
Only the gamepad is locked to 480p.
But I did screw up one part, I referenced the wii and the wiiU the wrong way around. Do forgive, I have had almost no sleep because I’m raising puppies >.<

Worth noting though, that to get the maximum resolution to display on the TV you do need an adapter (made by nintendo because they love making money) but the point is it CAN.

Im not sure what adapter you are even talking about. Also are you trying to say WiiU is just as powerful as Switch?

Even 45 FPS would be better, jeez.

It’s either 30FPS or 60FPS with half resolution textures. Considering the audience on the switch, 30FPS makes sense I guess. Switch should have had better hardware and Nintendo needs to stop pretending “we’re cheap” is a feature when it’s not reflected in the price the customer is expected to pay.

I suspect they’re gonna be making a Switch+ in the future that will boost games like Overwatch to 60 FPS and other games to higher res and stuff.

No, as a Nintendo fan and Nintendo Switch owner, I (and many other Nintendo fans) don’t like half-baked-hot-garbage ports…

We are not different than PS4/XOne users…

It will probably be the next gen Switch, not a “Switch Pro”; They said that they expect a 5-years lifetime for the Switch at minimum, so I don’t expect anything new announced before 2021…

Some of you need to get hold of yourselfs lol. Weaker hardware comes with the territory of being portable. Some Ninty fans prefer that, take a look at their handheld vs. home console sales. Being a home console hasnt exactly saved Xbox from getting humiliated by Switch. Blizz made a choice of either having a game that always looks good(900p) at the sacrifice of fps or a game that looks terrible (900p if everyone is standing still) for 60 fps. If you are a game pushing crossplay from the start then Paladins route makes sense. If you are interested in selling to a new audience then presentation is key. I have paladins on Switch and during hectic fire fights it gets pretty blurry. So far Overwatch on Switch sounds like the 900p presentation is consistent.


Oh wait, you’re being serious…

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Honestly were you really expecting 60 fps on a handheld device?

Actually laughed, thanks stranger

A game simply cannot run at 60fps easily if it doesn’t have the hardware to do so. Overwatch is HEAVILY reliant on the CPU to do its work. Something, a group of us have been speaking with the fine folks at Blizzard’s support staff on Technical issues.

Overwatch sends render processes off to the CPU and the GPU fails to pick them up. Which is why if a person has a GTX 1060, 1080 or the titan cards. The FPS gain isn’t much. It isn’t until a person Overclocks their CPU, upgrades RAM or just flat-out buys a better processor. That they only then, witness the significant gains in Frame-Rate performance.

The Switch is fun, I have one as well. But it doesn’t have the “punch” like the other consoles do,.