3000 credits, wasted

This is a sombra is underpowered thread disguised as a give me my credits back thread

It still sucks though; they ignored most of our comments on Stealth and Translocator changes.

The five things that he mentioned are just small changes. They gave her Infinite Stealth, which was uncalled for. Then they took her ability to contest and her +75% speed while in Stealth mode. The translocator is still not invincible to enemies. That’s huge.

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She’s gonna be a passive spectator from now on, so… if you wanna customize your camera, buy a skin for sombra.

Wow, i am impressed.

I have been collecting al Roadhog cosmetics, and I have almost all event related ones (hoping i unlock the rest by lootboxes)

Now, roadhog is not as great as before, but i dont regret my decissions.

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Look at bastion and ana…they arbitrary gut the both of them and refused to change them back in fear of some dominant meta. BUT HEY WE STILL GOT MERCY/ZEN FOR 6 SEASON STRAIGHT.

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Welcome to counterplay.

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Do you place your translocator behind the enemy team.

You bought a skin, you can wear said skin. This lame take on “wants mo powa” doesnt work.

Oh, great idea. You can use the translocator noise to decoy you opponents!

I feel the pain. I finally got everything for Ana. :slight_smile:

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Yikes. :grimacing:

At least i know someone has a harder time getting POTG Than i do…

(But no seriously you can probably get them more often than i ever could, Especially on a healer… <.<)

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-Invis was being used for, and was not designed to be a Parkour aid. It was designed to be invis. The speedboost was added because of the timer so that you could get into position before it wore off. The fact that you still get a speed boost from invis is abhorrent, it should be removed entirely, but acting as though eliminating parkour is a character nerf is absurd. You still have translocate to get to mostly unreachable spots, you dont also need “Asassin’s Creed Mode”

-Infinite stealth may not have been asked for, but is a good thing overall. This isn’t “The Sombra Main Game”, and what Sombra mains (who have often literally forced map redesigns through clever use of exploits of unintended combinations of her skillset) want isnt always what is good for the game. The character playing as intended is healthy and allows better development of the character.

Sombra is a character designed around scouting and infiltration. Invis is a crucial component of that role, thus expanding invis is good. Supporting a bastardized playstyle because the 21 people who managed to figure out how to exploit the game’s weaknesses is not.

This rework is not made to make it easier for people who have already mastered Sombra to be more powerful, it is aimed at the 99.77% of Overwatch players who choose anyone other than Sombra.

One of the things that limits peoples’ willingness to play her is the forced choice that timed invis creates, and the stressful environment which it creates.

The same is true of the timer on Translocate. People give Sombra a whirl, throw a few translocater beacons in the faces of their opponents at the crucial escape time and go “to hell with this character”. This change stops that from happening, which again, widens Sombra’s appeal and playability, as horrific and unappealing as that prospect is, but it does much more.

All player made objects are player killable, but because there was a timer on translocate beacons, it was exempted. Making a permanently placed beacon player killable is both fair and more importantly, consistent. It didn’t need to bark out, and the change made it so you would have to trip on it to hear it, but it is still the least obvious player made object in the game. It is consistent that player made objects all be destoyable, just because…Sombra doesnt make it any exception. Only it’s expiration timer makes it so. Furthermore, making it destructable allows you to know and communicate enemy location away from you, as well as preventing you from translocating yo instant death. It can also have a "remove beacon camper from a fight"effect if someone wants to camp your beacon and you know it.

Contesting while invis is a cheese tactic, and if you can’t see that the wind is blowing away from cheesey stall tactics which violate the way the game should be played, then you are deluding yourself. Wraithform stalling was already removed, this is going away, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see iceblock next. The advent of Brigitte serves to counter Lucio and Tracer solo holding. The tactic is soon to be a thing of the past.

The detection change, the beacon audio reduction were both good. Permanent invis and beacon are also good.

Of course, there will be plenty of low level Sombras who do nothing while waiting for their perfect opportunity, but there are plenty of people who play any character wrong.

The only truly bad part of this whole thing is that more people will be playing Sombra, and as long as hack is in it’s current form, then it makes the game considerably more miserable.

If you can’t play her very well, then I’d recommend you watch some vids on how to be a better Sombra player, or just not play her at all. Why should they make it so we can no longer play her and all of you newcomers/non-sombra mains take over? We know what is good for her and what isn’t. We know what changes would make her stronger and/or more useful. We know how people are supposed to play her. You guys DON’T.

This change will take away her uniqueness. This character is for people who can think fast, that’s why she was better off with limited time and +75% speedboost in Stealth mode.

Like I said, she does not need to become a scout. Your teammates can already tell where the enemy team is heading most of the time.

Contesting ability and 75% speed boost > Infinite Stealth

I’ve already explained this. I don’t get how so many non-Sombra players can’t comprehend what we’re trying to say when many other non-Sombra players can.

I feel the same with Symmetra, I know its a buff but I miss her lock-on aim. (I regret buying her gold gun)

Hey now, I’m sure overwatch will do something about it for us, the community of Bastion player, eventually… possibly.

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Wow, entitled player, the post

Become one? Have you lost your mind? She was designed as one, and those who designed her have literally said not only that but that these changes are made specifically to enhance that role.

No. She should be more of a flanker rather than a spy. Again, you don’t have any clue what makes her more useful in the game or how you’re supposed to play her, that explains why you never comprehend what I’m saying.

I dont comprehend how a player thinks they know what a character’s role is in a game better than the express statements by the maker of the character and the game. That is what I dont comprehend.

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Damn jax hits em with the big fact