3000 credits, wasted

Still? She sucks. Like really hard. Unless what she was intended for was to be the worst pick rate, worst win rate character in the game, because it’s pretty amazing how bad a position she is in.

The only thing amazing about Sombra right now is that anyone still plays her.

She needs buffs. Proper buffs. No give a little, take a lot crud like this latest failed attempt.


I know the feeling. I spent 3k on the magician sym skin, and I hate the new Sym

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Who is this “Bastion” you speak of? :stuck_out_tongue:

i thought you were going to make a pun with ‘i think the devs are trying to phase sombra out of the game’ by saying thats right they are making her invisible so she can disappear forever :rofl:

im very disappointed you didnt make that pun.

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This doesn’t explain why you think the nerf was needed.

Riiight. How can I tell that you’re a Sombra main when your profile is private and you’re not even explaining anything?

Does anyone even take this person seriously at this point?

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I am 95/95 on Sym with Golden Gun. And now Sym got deleted.

Bro you are speaking WAY TOO MUCH sense to these people. They dont, and wont, ever understand what you are saying.

Its not a nerf. Its a buff, get over it.

I am a Sombra main, over 130 hours between this account and my other, and I LOVE the changes. She no longer feels like she’s on a ball and chain. You people seriously need to start thinking outside the box a bit and discover new ways of playing her.

How hard is that to understand? You are no longer FORCED to either attack, at a crappy time, or retreat and waste time starting over. You no longer have to worry about coming out of stealth at a bad moment and YOU get to choose when the BEST TIME is to attack instead of having to work within multiple timers and not find that opportune time.

Not being able to contest the point in stealth is just not a big deal. 9 times out of 10 you will be discovered and killed anyway. Lets face it…Sombra being not being able to contest is not a game-winning or losing ability. It sucks but not the deal that you guys are making it.

There has to be a trade off when balancing. If you give someone something, you have to take away. They gave her infinite stealth so they took away contesting, they have her infinite trans so they added 2 meters to detection. Its really not that hard to grasp guys…

I also have every cosmetic for her and gold gun and regret NOTHING.

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I’m more annoyed that every legendary skin costs 1000 or 3000 credits, but a legendary gold pile from a loot box is only 500 credits.

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I bought her gold weapon because it looks cool day 1 and barely touched her. Gold weapons really don’t mean anything. You don’t have to main or play the character with a gold weapon. Play a couple seasons and you’ll have a couple weapons.

i feel you, bought winged mercy right as it came out only for them to gut mercy so then i decided to learn lucio

Actually I’ve made two full posts about different aspects of this rework. As for why my profile is private, I wasn’t aware it was. I am not sure where I go to change that, as i just assumed that the default was public. Weird. I also note your profile is private. So i guess because you put on an easily attainable sombra icon, that makes you a sombra main.

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Pretty sure most of bastion golden gun owners did so as part of a drunken dare in the dead of night.

…thats how i got mine, no regrets, at all.


Why the hell do you people keep bringing up this “change your way of playing her” bs? It’s not going to help at all.

She is not supposed to be a scout. How is this going to make her any more useful, if you just sit and wait for a long time while your team is 5v6? Like, how am I even supposed to call this a buff when it’s not a straight buff?

I didn’t have much problems with contesting in Stealth mode. I didn’t even get discovered that often, because I knew where to hide and surprise enemies.

This isn’t balance. They added a “buff” that does not make the character any more useful than she currently is in a team-based game, yet they gave her multiple nerfs. She runs slower in Stealth and the detection meter is like greater than it should be. That means the PTR version cannot get past choke points. That is a nerf, not a buff.

In fact, she doesn’t need a lot of nerfs because she is not meta. I understand that you may like this change, but I still strongly disagree with it. A lot of experienced Sombra players would disagree as well.

Don’t be dramatic we have all spent on skins & stuff on heroes we can no longer play. Why if they buff her next month?

I have like around 30 hrs on her. I started practicing Sombra last month, because I found it interesting how some YouTubers played her. So now I just want to get better at this character, because I realize that she isn’t really a “generally useless/weak hero”, it’s just that people(including me) didn’t really know how to play her. So now I know that she requires a lot of skill; no wonder her difficulty level is 3-stars.

But now I don’t think this change will make her “easier for bad sombra players”, I think it would generally make her worse.

I Got mine because even though i hated the stress of Comp, i had finally built up enough credits to get a special weapon for my favorite hero.

And i regret even liking said hero, now…

There is hope for your credits.

Good news! The detection range nerf and loud translocator are getting reverted!

I hope that this means that the Sombra rework will be a net buff. Especially since now she can now animation cancel her reload with hack.

Unnecessary “buffs” (aka nerfs) happen when enough people whine about a hero. Bonus points if it’s a streamer that whines about them.