3000 credits, wasted

…on one ****ing Sombra skin(Talon). This was one month ago. I was dying to get this skin while practicing her, and spent 3000 credits on a hero that will be broken very soon. :clap::clap::clap: That’s really awesome!! Hey, I even wasted some more credits on a victory pose! Blizzard should be proud.

Stealth and Translocater are obviously getting nerfed, not buffed.

Infinite Stealth, amirite??? Wait a minute…Sombra’s speed is getting reduced, she cannot even contest with Stealth, and she can be detected from an even greater distance. I do find Infinite Stealth unnecessary; don’t you think the ability will get abused alot? And for that matter, it makes me believe that more and more people would consider Sombra a “troll pick”. So what do you mean by “buff”?

Infinite Translocator. Riiiight; infinite duration, but not infinite health. This translocator would make this beeping noise, making it easier for the enemy to find it and MELEE it(5hp). It’s even less useful than a Sym turret. This is not what I call an infinite translocator. Once again, WTF do you mean “buff”? It makes no sense.

At this point I’d recommend either leaving Sombra alone or deleting her. Why do heroes like this exist if Blizzard is going to (purposefully) destroy them, and ignore what everyone is saying?


I have every Bastion cosmetic.
(Excluding some extra’s that don’t count towards the overall number in the hero gallery)

FeelsGREATMan, am i right?

I even have Bastion’s Golden GUN.


I think the devs are trying to phase Sombra out of the game, because why else would you give the lowest pickrate and winrate hero NERFS?


Everyone is acting like shes going to be unplayable. Shes still going to be amazing at what she was intended for, disrupting the enemy team and allowing yours to push and win the fight. Shes a high skill hero, this update makes her have a higher skill cap. Your going to be able to run around invis and be able to survey the fight much better now and you’ll have more liberty to decide when you want to jump in.

Everyone thats complaining about it being a nerf is just too lazy to change up how they play.


long time no see chibi. I will say new sym actually helps bastion alot (as long as she realizes “hey maybe i should teleport the death machine behind them”) I’ve been able to do a few game where sym helped me alot like hanamura first point. I was gunning from the balcony and got a POTG when she threw it on the 2nd floor behind the choke point and i wiped 4 of em from behind and when they returned fire i warped back. New sym tele is good news for bastion.

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If it makes you feel better i bought a 3000 credit skin for hanzo, you may be thinking hanzo’s op so you didn’t waste credits and the answer is i hate his new primary fire speed so i just stopped playing him.

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4 meteres is only about 2 reinhardts away


Yea! Long time no see.

But… This only means that Bastion is even further dependent on a Specific team comp, let alone the team as a whole.

Oh wow, two whole meters. She sure is ruined forever. :V

Seriously, if you can’t see the massive scouting potential that Sombra now has, then you either never coordinate with your team or you’re just butthurt that you have to relearn her.


still very true but maybe my “active camo” idea isnt so bad for bastion give him sombra old timed stealth xD

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Hmm. In my eyes on the ptr she’s insanely powerful compared to what she was before. You can actually wait for the right chance to strike instead of having 5-6 seconds before getting boned. I mean, right now she fits more in the lore, and has more utility than ever before. You were never supposed to contest the payload with stealth and a non destroy able translocator was stupid to begin with.


idk what button it is on PC but you hit the “back” button on console you can see the whole teams line up at anytime, and it’s pretty obvious which way they are attacking from, not like the spawn room changes locations randomly.

not to mention current live sombra can do exact same thing as infinite stealth sombra

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They reduced the falloff damage to all of pharah’s counters and I bought her gold gun yesterday

How do you think I feel!!!

They’re finally getting somewhere, 5 more years and he’ll be a viable character.


The back button won’t tell you that a Reinhardt is in a sneaky spot on Oasis, ready to shatter your whole team as they try to walk back onto the point.

Didn’t realize being invisible for five seconds was exactly the same as being invisible indefinitely. My mistake. :^)

you honestly cant hear the loudest character in the game clanking around, turn up your volume

with invis for 5 seconds and 75% mobility you can peek at the approaching enemy no problem and most times your on high ground anyways so you see it come and can tell your team and dont have to worry about your 20 second translocator being destroyed. 20 seconds is a LONG TIME to be able to retreat safely, now its louder then symmetra old shield generator and makes it extramly easy to find. Clearly all the sombra players with play time have no clue what they are talking about.

You’re lucky. I literally just got her gold gun about 2 weeks ago. What am I supposed to do with that now?

Sure thing.

That’s a buff, but not a necessary buff though. You should still be revealed after taking at least 1 damage.

At least the translocator was not permanent in the first place. And yeah, you’re not supposed to contest if you have infinite Stealth. That makes more sense. Otherwise, what’s wrong with being able to contest if you’re only invisible for a limited time?

I still have a lot of doubts about the new Sombra.

here’s what a good sombra player is capable of with the “current” sombra. When the 50% mobility hits quite a few of these jumps will become impossible


To be fair, you shouldn’t really hunker down on a hero that is highly unstable and will be changed a LOT in the future. It sucks, but it was your choice that could have been prevented. I would just save up and wait until she is actually viable.

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