You’re making a fool of yourself. The developers implemented this change on the PTR because they believe this would make her stronger. However, they are interviewing some of the high rank Sombra players because they want feedback; they want to get a better idea of how to make her more viable or more powerful. The only problem is that you don’t have any hours on this character, and yet you are acting like you know better about what role fits the character in the game than those who have hundreds/thousands of hours on her(this includes the high rankers they interviewed). You people are the only ones saying “spying/scouting is her primary role”.
Based on the posts you made on this thread, you even ignored what the high-rank Sombra players are saying. All you did was come up with this awful “scouting” argument; you’re not actually proving anything.
It’s truly hard to comprehend…
- how some people have no hours on a character, yet they want to sit and argue with those who have tons of hours on that character
- why some people are lying about having lots of hours on Sombra.