3000 credits, wasted

It does not help the parts of the kit she needs. People are still gonna flame us because they don’t know what we do. They don’t follow up on EMP or hacks, stick to our health packs etc. And if people ACTUALLY play her which I expect more people dropping her than picking her up, they know what the problem is. We wanted bug fixes over nerfs. Which are STILL there

Funnest thing to do is ‘catch the Sombra’. :smiley:

i know, it’s just what i see a lot of people complaining about. how much skill she needs doesnt matter.

the infinite stealth is kinda nice but it wasnt needed. really all they had to do was fix her bugs and she’d have been fine. not make her translocator as loud as an ult call and her detected hitbox the size of a bus.


I think if they just fixed bugs, and added the ablitty to break your Translocater, she’d be in a good spot. Not strong, but good in the right hands

Finally, another person who knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Agreed. Only you should be able to break your own translocator. No one else should be able to destroy it. That would have been a plus.


Sombra has max health of only 200. Anyone can just line up their crosshairs where her head’s gonna be when she warps over, then left click.

She’s going to be amazing if you want to be invisible forever and not play the game. I intend to sit behind the enemy team and not contribute.

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Yup. Told you these guys are turning Sombra into a throw pick. :unamused:

Why did they think infinite stealth would be a good mechanic?

There’s an item in TF2 that lets the Spy have infinite stealth, letting him wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. It’s called the cloak and dagger, and no good Spy uses it ever. Good Spy players are going to be constantly taking advantage of opportunities, and the likewise goes for Sombra.

Yeah, dude. I fail to understand why they are doing this, because they’re not doing the right thing. I’m guessing they don’t even know that Sombra is currently off-meta, and that she doesn’t deserve a nerf for that matter.

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They know that Sombra is off-meta, they’re just making assumptions as to what her weaknesses are. Blizzard wants to give her better tools to pick and choose her engagements, when what she really needs is ways to be more effective when taking on those engagements.

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For everyone here, y’all should see the recent video of “WorstSombra” on youtube. It says EVERY nerfs on the ptr

If Blizzard wants to make Sombra more effective, then they should read alot of these comments on the forums, because nobody’s happy now except some of these non-Sombra players.

girl, why even buy that skin in the first place? it’s trash

Lol how so?

20 char.

it’s her only ugly skin imo. that hair… her plastic looking outfit… :joy:

Oh well :man_shrugging:
That’s your opinion :joy::joy: I respect that

OH nooo… you cant jump. because thats her character’s signature. That’s why her trailer is called “Parkour”… Oh wait. It’s called infiltration. And in said cinematic she barely made about a 1m jump with a lunging start. Was the parkour fun. Yes. Was it core to her character? No.

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HI. I am a sombra main. I am happy.

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i burned atleast 8k gold on sombra + a gold weapon. yes i also bought the Talon skin…3k…