3000 credits, wasted

This translocator would make this beeping noise, making it easier for the enemy to find it and MELEE it(5hp).

Is this really worse than having an enemy find your translocator and camping around it til you pop up to delete you right then and there?

Plus, I think now you can destroy it yourself (remotely I presume) so that you can place it down someplace more convenient.


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I’ll never know when they would “revive” Sombra. Might as well practice McCree instead.

Please leave.

Yeah, rip.
20 charac

Am I the only one who thinks all these Sombra “mains” are way too over dramatic?


True, but they have a reason to. How would you feel if your main was trash tier and Blizzard flat out didn’t care?

No she’s not lmao

Tracer and Genji have done it better and will do it even better after these nerfs.

You’re not. But after everything I’ve heard about the new Sombra, I doubt that she will be any better than she is now. We’ll see.

A good Sombra puts it close to or on a Health Pack so you have potential to fight back. If it is destroyed you are stuck in a fight for at least 5-6 seconds and it is not easy to do so with how flashy the Translocater animation is and Stealth taking a second to actually go into Stealth

Try changing your playstile. She should be good at scouting for her team and spawncamping healler (I’m not at home so can’t try it out myself).

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Even so, throwing around all this whine and claims that devs should just delete ther since that would apparently be “better” is so childish…like a kid throwing a fit in a supermarket because their mom won’t buy them candy.

I am aware that Sombra is in a bad spot but you could still be a bit more mature about voicing your disdain instead of throwing a fit.

Might need a Sombra megathread soon otherwise.


this comment though :joy::joy::joy:

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The problem is that this isn’t a fun play style. Sombra does not have the 1v1 Potential to spawn camp most heroes besides Zen, or maybe new Sym. And Scouting isn’t as good as people think. There are only so few places enemies can be. And you can just click tab to see their team comp.

But she always did have scouting potential, even before this change.

Very true. Not everyone is like that though. Somvra for one isn’t, is the most notable person on the forums that actually tries. Others do too, but sometimes a couple bad apples ruins it for a lot of them. Still, these mains don’t deserve what’s going on with their hero and it is pretty unfair.


I thought that her stealth and translocator were actually perfectly fine the way they were (aside from the bugs). Maybe an increased duration, but not infinite at the cost of no longer being able to contest objectives and having a greater detection radius.

If we expect her to be a viable damage hero such as Genji or Tracer, she needs to have better damage output to compensate for her lack of mobility. When Sombra is not in stealth mode in the back line she has an incredibly short time window to get a kill and then escape. Genji and Tracer can stay in the back line long after they’ve been detected, since they have lots of mobility options. These are luxuries that Sombra doesn’t have, on top of her low damage output. She basically has to get 1 kill and then leave.

Note: I’m not a Sombra player, so I could be completely wrong. This is just from what I’ve experienced in the small playtime that I have on Sombra.

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Still love Sombra. Bought and have all of her things, but I refuse to play her until she actually gets FREAKING FIXED. ._.

Aside from that, Hide and Seek is going to be infinitely more fun. :3

I have almost all cosmetics. They’re overrated.

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nah, they’re just mad more people will be able to play her now. a lot of people are angry because “it takes the skill out of her!!11!11!!1!”

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Well of course, I always had the feeling that having at least a Sombra on your team and the other on the enemy team would turn a match into a game of hide-and-seek. Lol :woman_shrugging: