3 reasons why mass rez was GOOD for the game

1. It countered poor teamwork
The only way a Mercy would be able to get a 5 man rez off is if she was flat out ignored by the enemy. If you don’t kill the enemy mercy and dump all of your ultimates into fight only to have that undone by rezz, that’s your fault. If you grav + dragon but the enemy has a zen ult, you realize that you probably should’ve baited that out, so how is it any different with rez?

2. It was impactful
Valkyrie is like a smoothie of different mechanics in the game, it doesn’t have one standout flavour. It’s a garbled mess of flying (Pharah), AoE healing (Moira, Lucio) and AoE dmg boost (orisa). It doesn’t excel in anything, so it doesn’t have a noticeable impact. Mass rez on the other hand had 1 function - to bring allies back from the dead. You were able to keep the momentum of a fight with her ultimate, and that’s what so many people loved. Bringing back 3 allies to continue charging into the enemy team felt amazing.

3. Before the dumb invulnerability buff, it was not meta defining
There is a misconception that mass rez mercy was always meta. This is far from the truth, as she was mediocre for the longest time, being outshined by Ana. It’s easier and feels much better if a weaker character is buffed up slowly, rather than trying to nerf them from a very strong state. Anyways, back to the point. Skill junkies love Ana, and that’s who was meta for a while until Mercy was needlessly buffed into an OP state. A revert to pre invunerability rez with some buffs and tweaks would be much better for the state of Mercy.

As usual, keep in mind that this is my opinion and I’m not trying to speak for every Mercy player out there :relaxed:


It would’ve been easier to buff her up (like maybe adding an E ability which every other support had) instead of a full blown rework


Preach, sister. I hope the devs will come to their senses one of these days.


If they brought it back without the invincibility buff it would be really good. If the dps couldnt kill u in time then thats their fault.


I am definitely ready for its return - but I’m sure there might be more adjustments :wink:


Go watch any pro match before August 2016 and say that to me again.

I’ll wait.


Did you see her pickrate in plat + when she didn’t have invulnerability? Ana was the support that defined the meta which is why her pickrate was so high and Mercy’s was low


Before Ana came around Mercy was unbelievable though, and was certainly meta defining, especially at the pro level. Team fights were won depending on who got their mass rez up first. She was left behind due to power creep, yes, but saying that she was NEVER meta defining during this time is just flat out incorrect.


Mercy was so good back then because she was the only main healer at that time…


Okay but the pro level doesn’t impact us. Also zen + Lucio was very popular before Ana came along, but you must keep in mind that Mercy was the only main healer until Ana came.


Or was behind her team, or a wall.

For her.


Because getting 1 shotted by a rip tire feels amazing for the enemy? Ultimates aren’t meant to make the enemy team feel good lol

Oh wow a Mercy staying in the backline to avoid taking all of the damage?

Hide and rez was a strategy that was not effective if you wanted to climb. The amount of times it was used was also blown out of proportion. The higher you got the less you’d see it.


We should balance around the professional level. Otherwise we are not balancing around what a hero CAN do. We are balancing around what us people who are no good at the game can do with a hero. Imagine how poorly this would turn out for any hero that requires aim. Heroes like Widow and McCree would be hilariously busted above mid-Diamond, killing the scene in Masters and above and ruining the game’s long term lifespan


Can be stopped by shooting it back, and you can still hear and see it coming.
Not to mention that you can get away from it, or tank it.
Stopping it with barriers is also possible.


Its so ridiculous how people only point put mass rez being broken and not having a counter meanwhile we had the beyblade meta, dragongrav meta, etc etc and all of those ults team wiped all the time, yet mass rez was a problem?


Im not here to care about either side tbh just like reading but can i just point out

You cant say

Right after saying

Those would be considered facts not opinions. Especially the first one.


Gotta disagree on it countering poor teamwork, mainly because the only thing that should counter poor teamwork, is excellent teamwork, not a button that almost always would give your team a victory no matter how bad your team work was. Dying on point is not good teamwork.


Are these strats still used in the game?


Is mass rez still used in the game?

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I think you just answered your own question.


Mass rez stuck around through all of those though (except the most recent iteration of grav/dragon bc that came after it obviously). By design it would ALWAYS have that issue.