20-30% of players are cheating

I’m not even sure what this is supposed to mean lmfao

Try making a coherent sentence next time. 0/10.

I’ve been on PC since S5…

Keep making assumptions though. You’re giving me a good laugh

This argument is super funny ngl

I have been posting on this issue in excess of a year.

The issue filters down. Cheaters smurf too. The boosting “industry” is 90% cheaters. It’s profitable. Ask around. You’ll find answers.

Your point that top 500 is not necessarily applicable to the rest of the population is valid, but the counterpoint is that the state of cheating is actually somehow worse in quickplay, I promise you.

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yeah I haven’t seen many cheaters if any at all. I must not be on a higher level or I might not even notice it. If I die to a hitscan I might look at the kill cam but I dont even care at this point. This might sound crazy but like usually cheaters are horrible anyways so just out skill them.

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Ive already counted an obscene amount of fallacies in this argument and its only getting better haha

Buddy has been on PC for 5 seasons and is top 500. Who’s this unknown gaming prodigy with ridiculous mastery of both controller and MnK? Why have we never heard of this guy before? Why is his main account BANNED? Why does his ALTERNATE FORUM ACCOUNT have 2000 posts? Why does he defend the state of cheating in this game?

Questions that appear to not have an answer. Yet, I feel like the answer may lie in the questions already.

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Never hit T500 myself, but I don’t need to. Rank reset means I face streamers consistently…

Not on the game, love. Try to keep up.

So you’re calling me a cheater :skull:

Lmfao y’all are funny

So who are you? You never answered the question.

Truth is, there’s a lot of people who do these inside jobs to make more money on the side, because cheat developers make a ton of money selling their cheats, and pay good money for these code leaks. It’s hard if not impossible to catch these dishonest employees selling these codes, as well.

Yeah, best thing to do if you suspect someone on the enemy team is cheating is picking Sombra. They tend to slip up hard when we do. That’s how i’ve managed to catch most of the cheaters in my lobbies as well, with their perfect tracking from behind walls, then pre-fire on me while i’m in stealth as i come around corners. Quite hilarious :joy:

I meant in terms of us discussing the problem together. I must admit I’ve not been through your post history so I’m not entiely au-fait with your previous posts on the matter.

From what I have seen I believe you, really I do. But in order for anyone to make claims in terms of numbers requires credible sources that none of us have (to my knowledge.)

We can’t say 20%-30% cheat when the real number could be much lower OR higher than that. It does not paint an accurate portrayal of the scope of the problem.

I really wish Blizz would let us know what’s going on with the issue, because it is becoming a problem, and we’re all at each others throats looking for answers that we just don’t have.

Im still actively dying this argument is so funny. Like you guys have got to be kidding.

QrowxClover. GM since S3 on console, switched to PC and hit it again.

If you really think I’m cheating, you could watch my gameplay and see for yourself…

You and me both. Apologies for any offense caused. You’re very much right in this regard.


Don’t worry about it, no offence taken. So many people jump down your throat instead of actually talking it out around here. It’s easy to start off on the defensive.

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Aww they resolved. thats actually awesome I feel like everyone’s always so arrogant online. W conversation.


Bro you are a masters tracer onetrick we have been over this. You are not an authority and you are not playing with t500 all the time. You have gotta stop lying on the internet.

I love a happy ending.

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you know there are some people that adapt really quickly to a video game and reach high rank very quickly right? like not everyone is bad at video games.

and 5 seasons is a lot lol. Like if you waste 6-8 hours everyday you can reach master/gm in that time but who am i kidding i am in the same forums with “mah cheaters in every game” and “teammates bad drag me down” retar guys.


Is GM since the reset, love.

This game happened in Masters 4. Try again.

I can’t imagine blaming my lack of skill on cheaters tbh. Y’all are just pathetic

that’s pretty wild. I don’t know if one instance is going to do it for me but watch it and see if they look at people through walls and stuff.