20-30% of players are cheating

played 12 games had an average of 2 cheaters per game. like in this game RXAXDV: time 4:55-5:04 mecree aim on sombra just look it is 100% cheat.


Way too small a sample size even assuming you have a perfect eye for when someone is cheating.

Thereā€™s no doubt a serious cheating problem, some streamers are talking about it and saying its way more prevalent recently - but exaggerating it to this extent aint gonna help the issue.


In my last 10 I saw 1 (did see another in game before that). Iā€™m suspicious of the idea that you are seeing so many unless every good play you assume is a cheater.

Wouldnā€™t surprise me. I would say about 10% of my games have someone flamboyantly cheating - usually a soldier76 in default everything, not even trying to hide it. I ran into 3 of that ilk on Wednesday, but allegedly Wednesday is when the free trial cheat keys are a thing, so that may be distorting things a bit.

Then you have to consider people with enough sense to dial it back a bit. I donā€™t remotely believe every match contains cheaters, but they have become commonplace, so I have no difficulty believing something in the 15%-20% range

Sort of feels like things are coming to some sort of head where the cheat makers and people who arenā€™t even trying to hide what they are doing are basically daring Blizzard to do something about it, and to date, it seems like Blizzard isnā€™t really doing a great deal.

At this point, I suspect the best we can hope for is that those cheats come with a malware loader and enough of these dopes get burned badly enough to become leery of buying sketchy software from sketchy people.


Needs to stop, i fought an aimbotting soldier and a wallhacks widow.


I would say out of 30 games about 8-12 had a cheater in them. Blatant cheaters about 8 games for sure.


so anyone better than you is cheating basically?


Definitely higher than usual but I donā€™t know if Iā€™d go that far. Maybe if youā€™re top 500 it could be kinda close to thatā€¦ 'cause theyā€™re spinbotting and not even getting banned. Itā€™s embarrassing.

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Yeah the cheating is even more prevalent this season. Didnā€™t they say they were going to at least start with the banning of xims? So many wall hacks. Had a mercy on the enemy team literally jump down on me in stealth as sombra and wave. And yes I wasnā€™t detected in any way. But that is a small example of so so so many instances. We all see it. We all know it.


Thatā€™s far from an overexaggeration.

While it might not be exactly 30%+, even streamers are saying itā€™s close to 15-25% in the top ranks alone, which means there are more in lower ranks.

I went 4 games in a row against cheater duos and three stacks of them, not too long ago as well. That was in silver, and in Europe, mind you. Itā€™s an issue that Blizzard is turning a blind eye to, and it sucks for all us legit players out there.

Even had cheaters during scrims with one in particular that everyone noticed, which was a hard-locking Lucio doing 180 flicks and getting instant headshots on all projectiles :rofl:

You donā€™t need to have perfect eye-sights, you just need to know what a human aim look like, run the replay in slow motion and look for anomalies in their aim patterns, such as multiple corrections in the span of 2 seconds, overadjusting then back to tracking, all in a split second. Tracking enemies through walls, using keybinds for their cheat such as the good old crouch button aimbot keybind or melee keybind to activate/deactivate their cheats.

Lots of things to look out for but itā€™s not really hard.

Trying to tell us that itā€™s not as bad as we make it out to be is far worse, as youā€™re then passively defending the cheaters while at the same time not having a clue of what to look for yourself.

It depends on what time zone youā€™re in and at what times youā€™re playing.

In some time zones, during peak hours, itā€™s far more prevalent than outside of peak hours, where some time zones have an extreme amount of cheaters while other time zones have fewer cheaters.

It does, but Blizzard is turning a blind eye to the issues.

I had a Mauga and Hanzo duo cheating in one of my games not too long ago. The mauga didnā€™t start with cheating, they flipped the switch after dying 3 times in a row as we were about to win by holding them in their spawn. All of a sudden, he would start slaying and so too would their hanzo. Not missing a single shot, either of them.

Watched the kill cams but the worst one was the Mauga. His aim would lock on to my team members, sometimes flicking between multiple players on my team within 0.3-5 seconds, while the hanzo always had perfect predicted shots, and was easy to call out when they used storm arrow, as that looked so bad with the lock on. Entire team + one on their team reported them, obviously, while the mercy who pocketed them told us to off ourselves lolā€¦ Most likely grouped with them.

Meh, i canā€™t wait for Rivals and Mechabreak to releaseā€¦ Both games will be a breath of fresh air in the competitive shooter game scene.


I watch replay of every game that is why I see many cheaters. what i notice was alot of cheaters has aimbot when they use abilitys all from reins fire strike to old magnitc nade also when mecree use his role it aims to nearest target no matter where they are. also i see players have some kind of aim assist where they clearly wants to shoot a guy but the aim assist helps them shoot another player looks very wierd. it is hard to spot the cheaters from the non cheaters.


Ya cheating is kinda rampant atm, I dont wanna be too tinfoily but I worry it might be an inside job/ someone fired giving infrastructure data to cheat developers or just ex employees making side money, but who knows. It could honestly just be the fact the game is old and the cost to changing core code is too expensive to worry about a game thats currently coastingā€¦

End of the day im happy I learned how to play sombra cause it is the best way to coax the really bad cheaters into misplays with walls and such.


20%-30% of players are cheatingā€¦ according to the people SELLING the cheats.

Iā€™m not saying ā€˜cheating isnā€™t a problemā€™, but should we really take the word of the scumbags selling the cheats?

And where are they getting these statistics from anyway? Even if they had numbers, numbers can be twisted. It could be ā€˜20%-30%ā€™ of a sample size of ten people.

Hell, they could have pulled the stat from between their cheeks for all we know (theyā€™re in the business of selling cheat software, so theyā€™re already not very trustworthy.)


ā€¦according to you?
Top 500 DPS leaderboards Asia, season 10, 150 players banned. Pretty big sample size if you ask me. Keep in mind this is only the ones that get caught.

The only thing worse than people who make bad statistics are people like you who call into question every statistic because they donā€™t ā€œfeelā€ right to you.


There is no doubt that they did, lol. Even though they know how many people buy/download their cheats, they donā€™t know how many people play. But the sad thing is, these idiots listen to them.


No, the only worse thing is people who DONā€™T question them, rofl.


What exactly do you understand about stats again? Any professional experience? Qualifications? Academic certificates?

Yes son, lol. Iā€™m an educated adult. And you? Well, I donā€™t need to ask that, lol.


Educated adult? In what buddy? I am a globally certified business analyst. I work in industry research. How about you?

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Iā€™d guess it is probably more like 5% of players, but the problem is that all gravitate towards the higher ranks so if you are master or GM you could easily see 20%-30% of those players cheating.

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