20-30% of players are cheating

I’m not uppity about it lol. I am confused why you can’t possibly fathom that someone has a better “global degree” than you though. Do you need me to upload a pic, rofl.

Hey, GM here…no. Playing in GM lobbies on Support now too so double the experience in them. You’re wrong. Cheaters are still rare for us.

Your account doesn’t disappear if you’re banned for comms abuse, if you inspect someone’s profile after a game is ended for cheating they lose endorsement level/profile etc. Doesn’t happen for comms abuse. Don’t ask me for a source on this information, get to top 500 and try for yourself. Or you can ask a streamer. If they ever get a game terminated again for cheating, that is. Might be hard given the state of the anticheat.

It’s a video game forum. People don’t need to have perfect English. Just stop.

Go right ahead champ.


I’m just gonna keep asking for proof. I don’t let people pull “facts” out of thin air like that.

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Are you blind? F***ing try it yourself? Hello? How am I supposed to source this information you can only gather when the anticheat decides to ban someone (never)?

Are you stupid? You made the claim. Back it up. The burden of proof isn’t on me here.

For someone that wants to talk about education, you’re not very educated, are you?


This guy is not the brightest. Be warned, lol.

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Seriously :joy:

“We’ve known this since OW1, but finding a source is just too hard…”

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This is the second post on mine you’ve had a hateboner for. You seem to think I want to argue about the existence of the cheating problem.

For clarification, in case wall o’ text is making your eyes cross: There IS a cheating problem. But we can’t take statistics on the scope of the issue from unknown sources.

I’d say that questioning the origin of statistics is general good practice. ‘Feeling’ has nothing to do with questioning the validity of evidence.

Now, if you know exactly where that stat came from and can post a credible source, I think we’d all like to see it. Because it would certainly bring to light the scope of the cheating problem (which absolutely no one is refuting.)

I just don’t get what people want. Getting rid of all cheaters is impossible. For everytime they find a way to detect them the people making cheats come if with new ways to cheat. Their is no world where cheaters can be permanently stopped.

My source is myself, homeboy. I tried it. I did it. It works? What do you want me to do? Record me discovering this information that is well known amongst streamers/OWL pros? You not knowing this says more about you than me, btw.

h ttps://www.overbuff.com/players/Peace-12521?platform=console
Console only, no rank, no PC, last played 6 months ago. :grimacing:

Lol and the top 500 leaderboards are not evidence, apparently. Are you dense on purpose or what?

Then it shouldn’t be hard to find an actual source :man_shrugging:t5:

This is an alt account, idiot. Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself over and over?

What am I supposed to do? Trawl through twitch vods? How about you just be a good boy and ask Blizzard support yourself? That’ll answer your question, just won’t be the answer you want.

And why are you posting on the forums on an alt? Why don’t you share your main then? Wouldn’t be that you have no main to share, right?

Sure, if it’ll prove your point

So you just don’t have any proof. Got it.

Because my main is banned until September

I’m sure you can find it if you look back. Not really hard to identify me by the way I type.

Ah so we’ve seen the same streams on the issue. Good starting point.

The t500 leaderboard gaps show that there is an extensive cheating problem… in t500.

t500 is an incredibly small sample size of the overwatch playerbase, and so even if 20%-30% of all t500 players were cheating, that does not mean that percentage could then be applied to the entire playerbase.

If someone has concrete numbers from a credible source we’d all love to see them though, because I agree with you that it would drive more informed discussion on the issue than guesswork. Especially seeing as cheating is an obvious problem right now.

Not even, because we don’t know what they were actually banned for. I play with T500s all the time. I still see cheaters very rarely.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The type of person to post on the forums, on alternate accounts, to question if there really are cheaters in this game, people. Literally could NOT make this up if I wanted to.

I don’t need to look anywhere to know that you are a CONSOLE PLAYER. I repeat, you are a CONSOLE PLAYER, talking about the state of cheating on PC.
Something is seriously wrong with your head.