20-30% of players are cheating

Never said it wasn’t possible, never said it was suspicious on it’s own. I only think it’s weird if you’re ticking off all the boxes at once.

If there’s one thing i’ve learned over the years, all the way back to 2004 when i started playing World of Warcraft, is that Blizzard will never be upfront and honest with their player base. Never going to happen. They even stopped releasing active player counts for WoW back in 2009, and that’s because created accounts look best on paper, as that number can only go one way, aka up, while it’s the opposite with active player counts.

The chances are, if 10-15% are cheating in the t500 lobbies, far more are cheating in the lower ranks, as there are far more players there. That’s the best way of looking at it.

That’s cope. Aim alone gets you to Diamond. It’s impossible to have cheats and be below that

Bro getting Jay3 once in your lobby in M4 does not make you “playing with streamers all the time”. You know in my world Masters = Masters and GM = GM. I don’t know what’s going on in your version of reality.
h ttps://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/career/df4bbf9eb174b3aceafb64bdd500a209%7C76d7a83db6b175126b0011ca94e89e93/
Look I’m also GM!!!1!! Except no, I’m Masters this season buddy.

I’ve gotten Metro alone at least 5 times. Questron 3. Fareeha almost every time I play qp. Jay3 and Oualid once. Kephri several times.

Yeah no, I’ve been facing streamers with regularity since S9.

Lmfao so in other words I’m much better than you on every role and consistently facing much better players. Idk why you’d ever be dumb enough to link a lower ranked profile in an argument with ME. That’s just peak stupidity.

Keep blaming cheaters for losses. I’m sure that’ll help you cope.

You unironically have a massive superiority complex, which is really kinda sad given the state of affairs.

Here I’m gonna do the thing where you add a bunch of qualifiers to your rank to inflate it and make it sound nicer

  • I don’t have comms on
  • I don’t play in party
  • I don’t even play seriously but that’s good enough to dunk on the contenders players in my region usually
  • I am net -10 games on DPS this season. That means I’m actually (grand)master 3 by your funny standards

Imagine thinking a difference of literally 1 (one!) rank is real! Oh boy you definitely are NOT someone who really values the cosmetic number attached to your name. That’s definitely not why you have a total of 3 (three!) hours of DPS played this season. You’re definitely not afraid of losing your rank which you are really proud of!

Cheating is not that bad, stop coping!
By the way I have played 3 hours on my main role this season, and 20 hours spent posting on the forums. You should listen to me though.

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Lmfao. Keep crying. Gotta love losers coping about losses. Keep blaming those cheaters :skull:

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Go and play the game champ, stop posting on the forums. Next time I see you claim to be GM again you better have more than 4 hours played on your “main” role

All I’m seeing is more coping from a much worse player :man_shrugging:t5:

I’m sure you’re toooooootally facing cheaters in 30% of your games. Uh-huh…

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Just gross bro. Everything about your position and argument. Ew

Can’t wait to come back to this post in like 2 days so I can be Masters 3 and you can be the “much worse player” because you’re too afraid to play the game and lose rating :rofl:

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Lmfao if you had watched that stream, you’d know that current M4 is smurfing territory for me. Keep embarrassing yourself tho!

What are you talking about? They don’t even ban blatant spinbots in any kind of timely fashion. There’s NO excuse.

Untrue. I have documented evidence back when I was gold in OW1 of a Hanzo blatantly cheating in gold.

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Just saying, I never played OW1. I’m talking about OW2 ranks, so it might’ve been different then.

And even if it wasn’t, that Hanzo would’ve been climbing very quickly to at least Diamond. In OW2 ranks (The proper ranks, not T500 in M1 after S9 ranks, that is) Diamond is where you’d get off cheats because all you need is aim.

Hate to break it to you, but that Cree isn’t cheating.

dont think that was walls or hacks. that mccree knew the sombra hacked the health pack in that corridor by sound. he had an idea she might be there and she came back and used virus so was out of stealth right when the mcree checked the area again. after that it was easy to tell where the sombra went. dont think hacks at all

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Oh the irony of you, of all people making this statement…

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It’s not an excuse. You can’t get rid of all cheaters. Again what do you want. They can’t even get rid of sexual allegations and that’s in their own office. But you think they can find a way to get rid of all of the cheaters?

No way to get rid of all the cheaters, but they’re clearly not doing any reasonable amount of removing them right now either.

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In agreement with you there, transparency is not their strong suit.

Like I said, I can believe its a huge issue. Everyone and their hamster has seen an increase in cheating lately.