20-30% of players are cheating

Globally certified! lol.

It doesn’t even matter what my credentials are child. You are arguing against basic numbers, and you are going to lose. 2+2=4, whether I have a math degree or not.

SAS certifications are global, yes. Lots of certifications are global. Degrees are global, for instance, or everyone would be working in the country they graduated.

In other words, it can be safely assumed you have no certifications, do not understand the field of statistics at all, and are just very loudly, confidently wrong. Which does not surprise me.

Nobody says “I am globally certified” which is why it made me laugh. You definitely are not “globally certifided” in communication skills. You should get a degree in that as well.

And what exactly am I wrong about. I am super excited to hear what you think you are even saying right now.

You can’t even spell properly, but here you are arguing on behalf of your own capabilities on an online forum as an “educated adult”. Doesn’t seem like you are have any sort of actual graduate-level education to me, I would love to be proven wrong though.

The person I’m responding to obviously has no idea how stats work, based off his extremely basic and rudimentary questions on the matter. You taking an issue with me criticising him means you obviously have no idea either. What are you saying? Are you even saying anything?

I’m pretty sure I clearly stated that there is no possible way for them to know that 30% of players cheat. I know YOU cheat, but…

Why do they obviously not know that? What makes you think that?

Get a room maybe?

Also the cheats probably phone home, the cheat authors probably know which accounts are using them.

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Wow, yes. typos mean I don’t know how to spell. You really are dumb aren’t you, lol.

How can I prove this to you, because I care oh so much! Come over you can look at the degrees I have hanging on my wall. Please! I’ll buy you a ticket lol, because I know you can’t afford one

Says who? The only person who is attributing the source of whatever these statistics may be to said cheat developers, is this guy. Nobody else. You are arguing with ghosts you conjured up in your head.

I’m gonna phrase this in a really simple way so I hope it’s not too complicated for you to understand - do you think a doctor can’t tell that you’re not also a doctor when you’re visiting him? Do you think the way you speak, the things you say don’t give away the fact that you’re not literally also a trained professional in the same field?

Spoiler alert it’s the same here champ. You look clueless, you sound clueless; I can safely assume you’re clueless. You have the writing ability of someone still in highschool.

This is a thread in an online forum, this is the internet equivalent of a room.

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That is literally what they say on multiple cheating websites. You think he was just making that up? rofl

I think someone that THINKS he’s a doctor can, lol.

That doesn’t change where I am in life though, lol.

You kids on these forums think if you say something, that makes it true, or something, lol. You telling me that I’m in higshchool does not change the fact that I’m not buddy.

If you want to know the truth, I am fairly sure you are 'globally certified" in janitorial duties. And that’s okay. I don’t look down on people like that.

Umm no.

You, uh, you’re really thick in the skull. He could be making it up. He didn’t quote anyone, and he didn’t source anything. Not that it matters, because nobody is arguing with a figure he somehow retrieved from a cheating website. People are arguing with numbers they can see for themselves, like the top 500 leaderboards every season.

Yes, that’s the point. It’s a rhetorical question, “lol”.

You have the ABILITY of someone in highschool. I didn’t say YOU ARE IN HIGHSCHOOL. This is ridiculous.

A real and mature comment from an “educated adult” who definitely doesn’t look down on janitors. That’s not okay, by the way. I look down on people like you. This has been a splendid waste of time.

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I know you say that lol. If you want to know, I do have a masters in computer science. Which, I guess does make me socially awkward a bit too. But, not a highschool student, lol.

Oh, how pleasant, lol.

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You would have been more convincing if you had just said a degree. There is maybe a 1% chance at maximum someone who can barely put together a coherent, grammatically sound sentence has ever completed thesis level writing.

Stop lying on the internet.

Again, you kids on these forums, lol.

You saying something does not change facts my friend.

You are a funny guy though

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Hacks aren’t the only way to get banned. That means nothing.

“I pulled stats out of my ass and I’m mad people question it”

Hacks are the only way you get taken off the leaderboard. We have known this since OW1.

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You saying you have a masters and then proceeding to write like you have barely passed English doesn’t add up either, buddy. Maybe try writing a proper sentence before getting uppity that people don’t think you sound very smart? :grin: