2 more brigitte nerfs

Tracer still does the same damage.

Sorry to be a little toxic but


They nerfed something that should not be in the game to begin with: infinite ultimates. The one that existed before that got removed (Shield Gen). 30 seconds is more than enough.

Don’t you pretend the armor nerf is targeted towards Brig, it’s not, the target is GOATS as a comp (though removing Brig from the game would be way more effective).

Every single time 3+ tanks comps existed, sooner or later something got nerfed to stop them, the cycle is just repeating itself after the release of an awfully designed hero (Brig). She created problems that persist to this day, while not solving anything.

Your right it isn’t directed towards brig but it still nerfs her and as such this patch has given her 2 nerfs

DPSWatch really. Crying genjis and tracers whining about “muh skill”.


All of that could’ve been avoided if her kit was not the worst designed in the entire game. Her entire kit is based around snowball usage of resources (specially her ult) and that’s not good.


Brig did not cause goats to happen.
Goats happened due to a combination of tanks doing to much damage and all the better healing in the game coming from aoe sources (a.k.a the death of mercy) Ana and lucio received buffs and it just promotes the tanky teams clumped together playstyle.

Honestly asking for more Brig nerfs at this point is nothing but childish complaining. She was problematic a while ago, yes but she was never the creator of goats.
The goats problem is not on her and quite frankly she sees so little play in the game as a whole that it’s clear she isn’t as oppressive as all the crying children makes her out to be.


Well, the balance team seems to like having characters who are binary like that, everyone gets their turn in the sun or whathaveyou. I get the feeling most people aren’t fond of that though, as it requires all but relearning the game every time they make swingy balance changes like this.

This doesn’t make sense because in goats brig wasn’t even used as a support, but as a dps. She had to play aggressive so she could heal. And of course, there was armor which made dive useless against otherwise easy heroes to dive like Ana or Zen and made the tanks even more tankier. Brig IS a central part of goats.

A goats comp without a brig just means you lost a great part of the offense power (already reduced because of the shield bash nerf), and a great part of the defense power (because of armor and aoe healing). Goats without Brig just means dive Ana and Zen and gg you win. Lucio can peel, but he isn’t as effective as he could be with brig (who can also peel) and armor. Dva can also peel, but with her matrix being nerfed, her peeling isn’t consistent anymore. Zayra’s bubble can easily be baited… I just can’t see how Ana, Zen and Lucio are better than a Brig (even with the nerfs), Lucio, Zen/Ana/Moira.

Dva will be the new dps with the lowered armor usefulness. Her pellets will hurt it quite a bit more. Don’t you worry goats is anything but gone.

D.Va literally is completely unaffected in terms of damage with the armor change since even with headshots she deals half damage since each pellet does 2 damage 4 on headshot

Armor was too strong imo because it basically rendered a large portion of the cast useless. I think this was a nice change for armor but I don’t know how good this is. Rally having a max duration is good since now Brigs can’t use it pre-fights to just have armor on everyone at the start of a fight. Now Brigs need to think about how to use their ults even if it’s just minimally. These changes are fine with me.

I’d rather them redesign brig than have to nerf her so much and keep her broken kit, her fundamental design is so flawed and I want that changed.

Putting a duration on Rally seems fair. Especially after the removal of Torb and Symm’s tools to stack hp. Complete removal of infinite hp stacking from the game seems wise.

But, I really wish they would’ve made this Rally change before the last batch of Brig nerfs and seen how that played out. I still think barriers interrupting Shield Bash was a dumb change. (Unless they plan to apply the same logic to Rein, Doomfist and Genji, which has yet to happen.) Without any compensatory buffs, I think she’s going to struggle now.

I’m pretty apprehensive about the global tank (armor) nerf. Players already shy away from the role. I don’t see this helping.

I worded that poorly. She’ll be more useful as a dps since armor is worse. I don’t mean she’ll do more damage to the armor itself but since armor will die faster now she can more easily be effective in her dps.

I feel like the armor duration should of been the very first nerf to her.

You can run GOATs without D.Va. You can’t without Brig. If Brig isn’t viable, then there’s nothing to stop the enemy just going Dive and farming, as was the case when Dive took over from Trip Tank Deathball in the first place

Brig existed after GOATS conception, so yea itll still be a thing.

In fact, I bet you she might even be still run in it, as basically a martyr for the comp :frowning:

She doesn’t need to be getting consistent headshots to get a good damage out of armor now simply because of her weapon’s spread. This can easily make her do more damage overall.