2 more brigitte nerfs

Brigs ult is effectively the worst Support ult in the game now-worse than Valkyrie. It won’t save anyone or counter any ults. Having indefinite armor is what made it high impact. Without its just a small movement speed buff, which isn’t worth much with all the DPS buffs see: McRightClick, Bastion and now Reaper, and nerfs to armor in general. Combined with all the prior nerfs it effectively dumpsters the character into Doomfist land.

Pre-buffing the team was the only tactical use it had. There’s literally no thinking to it now. Just pop it when you have it.

Im saying this armor change only affects her if she’s getting headshots she’s dealing halve damage same as before on body shots to armor

The Rally decay has been suggested to death but not the armor damage reduction nerf.

It could have been a slower decay or slower armor build up rate. But this seem feasible.
She can still work, under some niches like Plat D.va now.

Laughable. Totally butchered. I can’t think of a single reason to ever pick Brig anymore. Stun? McCree does it (and can still do it over barriers), and can actually turn it into a kill which is the main reason to do it in the first place. AoE healing? Lucio does it and actually provides other utility. Providing armor? What good will that do you now? Plus Lucio’s ult is now pretty much a straight upgrade in every way.

I hope this was worth everyone’s precious Tracer not being nerfed. :man_shrugging:

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They started by nerfing the wrong things. They needed to do stuff like make her be unable to bash through shields first, instead they just hammer CDs and other bandaids.

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guess they will take away her shield next…

Why do people have to be so bias. No hero deserves to be a troll pick.

now officially successfully deleted, thx blizz!

Shes legit a dead character. Remember mercy?

free frag for snipers

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I’m good with that arrangement.

[Laughs in Deja Vu]

Only bad Brigitte who used her ult before the big battle so for me it’s not a nerf.

I agree with the nerf on her ult

she still has an insane high win rate and this should have happened a lot sooner.

Actually it affects dva, tracer, soldier, torb, reaper, doomfist, hog, genji…anybody with a single projectile that does more than 6 damage

I agree Brig is gonna be quite bad until they push some stuff, but brig’s existence has literally ruined the entire DPS slot. Nobody cares about how she about how she affects tracer, rather how unfun she makes the game

2 damage per pellet 4 with headshot both still halved

6 damage per shot 12 with headshot only affects her if getting consistent headshots

I said it affects soldier

Yes it does.

originally I didn’t see that it was reduced to 6 from 9 so yes it affects him

6 body shot 12 headshot only affects consistent headshots

6 body shot 12 headshot only affects consistent headshots

it doesn’t affect his ttk at all tho, at a certain damage point armor stops mattering in terms of ttk it still takes genji 2-3 seconds to destroy armor depending on whether they have 100 (2 seconds) or 200 armor (3 seconds) and Genji is that point where armor stops affecting ttk

I think they’re good, but I’d love to see some of the previous nerfs rolled back then.

For example with the change to armor, I think her shield should go back to 650 or 600 at least.

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What i think? simple…
#DeleteReaper Boohoo :sob: posts incoming in…………………. real soon :wink: watch it…

But on topic… as a tracer main from day one…. Was this needed? Nope… not at all… Learned to play against/around her, she kills me,i kill her, like any other hero… Never had issues with Brig…

The armor change is in fact rather scary.

Tanks are already being chewed up by characters such as Tracer or Reaper, really badly. It’s the tank-support which keeps them at bay, not the tanks themselves.

The armor change makes their weapons just tear through the tanks, immediately.