2 more brigitte nerfs

No it hasn’t Moira was dropped from GOATs a long time ago replaced by ana and than zen

wrong, goats is still a thing. supports are now ana, zen, and lucio

Goats is already dead

I dont know where you’ve been

watch a recent youtube video GM players are now contering goats easily with Rein/ Sym / Bastion

Literally no reason for Brig to exist or be picked now…

  • no mobility
  • no ranged attacking
  • no healing on demand
  • no killing potential
  • no utility (after armor nerf)

SHE HAS NOTHING but a semi-hard to land boop, a wet leaf shield, and single target heal on long cooldown. what a trashpile she’s become. Blizz should be ashamed. Just delete her and be done with it


Yep, she’s officially a throw pick now. Really no reason to nerf her ult when Armor in general is receiving a nerf. Hopefully they compensate the ult charge rate.


This does not happen in gm at all. This video is likely the one from Your Overwatch, and they we’re not correct. As someone that watches a lot of streams, goats is still the dominant meta in medium and high ranks.

Fareeha, fitzy and Jayne have all done it
Steevo and Kolorblind too

Yes, because they have done it on single occasions, it is of course the solution /s

Also, stevoo and Kolorblind are one tricks, that is is their only strategy.

I can tell you, as someone that watches fitzy, Jayne, and fareeha, that they have picked into goats many, many more times than they have picked that comp. This comp is not sustainable, and they know it, or else it would be run more

Every ult should have a punishment for using it. This was good because then her ult would require more skill to use (Gamesense)

What’s the punishment for using Valkyrie?

You’re basically in spectator mode while healing 60hps

we can only hope she gets worse

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i don’t think the rally changed that much, but the armor reducement is certainly gonna be something.
and i don’t think the reaper lifesteal is gonna help him that much, but eh, we’ll see i guess.

btw was kind of predicting the armor damage reducement change was gonna happen, allthough this reaper change has me intrigued :stuck_out_tongue:

Brig will be fine. Armor made half the cast unplayable. Against a dive comp the 100 armor was effectively 200hp cause of dmg mitigation. Not to mention Zen couldn’t be poked down for a dive, eliminating his one weakness

This doesn’t even make sense. Besides Dva, no other hero in goats had bigger problems with armor. In fact, armor is one of the main reasons goats is such an unkillable comp. With armor being weaker, and Dva’s matrix appearing less often, compositions with dps will be stronger against goats. I’ve seen some videos on how Tracer is destroying armor easily now. And there’s even the Reaper buff.

Damn, this is even a big buff to my boy Winston.

I can see goats still being strong. But i feel it is now way more easy to deal with it and it won’t be long until it’s dead.

Unless she’s getting consistent headshots this literally doesn’t affect her, she’s just as good at destroying armor as she was before

Would love this. Brigitte is the worst mistake ever to be added into the game, and the devs know it. That’s why she’s received the most nerfs of any other hero in the entire game, while also being one of the NEWEST heroes.

Brigitte was so busted at launch that team comps consisting of NO DPS were allowed to take shape and become successful strategies. It doesn’t matter if you think DPS heroes are weak and in need of buffs or not; if a team can be comprised entirely of tanks and supports and dominate the meta, then tanks and supports need to be toned down and brought in line with the DPS.

That MUST begin with Brigitte, seeing as she’s the one that gave rise to GOATS and turned DPS heroes (unless in the hands of extremely skilled players) into a joke for an entire competitive season. Next on the chopping block should be Reinhardt…but that’s a completely different conversation LOL.

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Also this will not kill brig. Her burst healing, aoe, and cc are still oppressive. Brig has a 55% win rate. This will not ruin it

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