2.32% pickrate, 47.98% winrate

Zoot Suit Riot, Drunk Daddy, and Dr. Bones, more great music by them if you’re interested.

I get that they were trying to fix it tho, because with his it was super inconsistent sometimes it would tickle me sometimes I’d get one shot and full health, but they did it wrong obviously because now it only tickles.

Yes and no.

Roadhog was NEVER capable of a OHKO.

“How do you know”
Is a Roadhog One-Trick who played with 1.0

Roadhog was capable of completing a Low TTK -COMBO- but he was never able to One-Hit someone.

Roadhog can reliably pull off this combo on enemies who are about as thicc as a Reaper, McCree, Doomfist, or Zenyatta, alongside every Tank except Zarya.

For every other character in the game:
Roadhog’s RNG Spread is the issue.

Roadhog’s Spread contains these issues:

RNG-based, no fixed shotgun pattern like Doomfist.
Not compensated for with a high clip like Torbjorn, D.Va, or Reaper.
RNG Center-Pellet creation.
Spread is TWICE as big as the biggest crosshair settings in game at a range of less than 7meters.


However- Roadhog’s Hook breaking (randomly) bug, has since been fixed on the PTR. Reliably fixed too.

Whole Hog does between 4000 and 8000 damage within 8 seconds.
If you use it at a significant range in a Barrier-War, you win that Barrier-War.
If you hook someone and then immediately use Whole Hog (except for someone with invuln/deflect capabilities), it’s basically a death sentence.

Also, the knockback is significant enough (although I think it could get a SLIGHT increase) to prevent the enemy from messing with the objective.

I believe that Roadhog should be able to cancel Whole Hog with his Take-A-Breather with maybe a 5% or 10% increase to it’s knockback.

A good Roadhog IS a threat.
Not only can a skilled Roadhog completely ruin the enemy’s chance of survival, that ability was just bugfixed to be EVEN MORE reliable.

Hooking a Zen away from his team during grav.
Hooking a D.Va bomb away from your team.
Hooking a Tracer into her own pulse-bomb (which won’t kill you, but it’ll sure as hell kill her).
Hooking a Bastion or Mercy out of a Pirate-Ship comp with a simple flank.
Completely destroying Brigitte’s with ease in 1v1s.
Countering Widowmaker (and Hanzo debatable) by being able to survive multiple quick-succession burst damage with Take-A-Breather, allowing him to close the gap and then prevent escape with Chain Hook.

Roadhog’s utility is extremely strong if you know how to use it.
His damage may be extremely unreliable, but with the most recent bugfix, his utility is more than fine.

I intentionally “feed” ultimate charge when my Take-A-Breather available, to run out and get shot while using it at full health so that I generate a LOT of ult charge, while the enemy is distractedly shooting me and only gaining HALF of what they’d get from shooting my teammates.

Whole Hog + a pocket support can completely nullify a push with the sheer knockback and damage.

This is a bug that has been fixed as of roughly 2 1/2 hours ago. You’d know this if you cared about the state of the game and checked for your own hero updates like I do.
It’s on the PTR. I’ve encountered no additional bugs in that time.

He does if he picks the right target.
I.E. 170 HP or less, OR a thicc hitbox.

A good Roadhog watches for his counters’ ability usage, and then times his engagements properly so that that button either isn’t available-
or it FORCES them to use it.

Hooking a Tracer with the new fixes means she’ll most likely recall if she doesn’t want to instadie. A Tracer without a recall means she’s MUCH less likely to engage.

I’ll just pretend i didn’t read that.

I see that you’re in Platinum, too. All of this complex stuff about reading counters and stuff, why not go for Zarya or D.Va, win more and more easily? I don’t get your point. Roadhog is still terrible.

So, you’re in denial that the bug was fixed? Unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean…

Here’s the direct quote which I posted earlier:


I am in fact, in Platinum.
My career best was at 2.95(something) thousand, because I crashed during my final placement game. I have a firm belief that I’d have been placed at Diamond if that crash hadn’t happened, I haven’t played much Overwatch since that point.

I hope you don’t mean “You’re Platinum so your logic is invalid”.

Because I can’t win with D.Va or Zarya easily. I’ve spent roughly 50 (or more) hours on Roadhog for this account alone, disregarding my other two.

I can play Zarya decently, but I don’t know all of the little tips n’ tricks for her.
I’m a terrible D.Va, because I have a personal hatred for her and thus, never wanted to learn her.

Meanwhile, I succeed in doing my job for the majority of my games as Roadhog.
I rarely die, because I know what I’m doing.

I climb every time I play Competitive as BigPig, unless we get ROFL-stomped (we being the team, not just me).
This is a One-Trick account as-well, so swapping isn’t an option.

“Don’t 1trick 4head”
My choice. It’s a test to see how well I can perform with just one hero, hence why it’s an alternate account.

My point was that he isn’t terrible.
He’s niche.

There’s a difference.

Having said that, a “niche” pick can outperform a lot of other heroes when outside of their own niche if they know what they’re doing.

I.E. Fuey500 as an example.
Or the multiple GM+ Symmetras.

Roadhog’s weaknesses lie in his RNG-Spread, and lackluster (buggy) utility.
The buggy utility, is now just utility, as it’s major bugs have been fixed.

Therefore, Roadhog’s utility (arguably the strongest reason to pick him), is in-tact. Making him a viable option on certain maps/gamemodes.

honestly i will believe the bug is fixed when it stops happening, just because they said they fixed it doesnt mean they actually fixed it, that said hog is still horrible but if they fixed the bug thank you so much it makes hog in a better place at least

got anything better to say? something more original? no? too bad.

Thats how bliz balances. Instead of making everyone equal like many other devs strive for, bliz lets each hero have their time in the sun before nerfing the hell out of them only to bring them right back up. Soon hog will be meta again and rein will swap spots with orisa. The good will turn bad and vice versa

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Freshnuts has, He also told NoobHunter to put a lot of hog hook break highlights, I’ve talked to him personally and he agreed that something needs to be done about it, but he is a highlight channel, not news.

I was on Ptr earlier, it feels much better and I had no rando disconnects, I had 18 today on live.

Now instead of making you think you hit someone it shows what the server says happened or the opposite, so no confusion anymore (that is apparent to my testing)

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i am honestly really happy with this, thank you for the information

You guys know those unofficial stat websites only logs less than 1% of the player base, right? Not even 0.20% I bet.

It’s like asking a dozen of people on the street if they like pie. A decent amount of them ending up saying no and then it gets turned into “80% OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE DISLIKES PIE! MY GOD WHAT A FIND”

The tiny sample size doesn’t equal the entirety of the player base

Only Blizzard has access to actual statistics

I mean like i think thats a p bland way to look at things like tbh the tank cast is prolly the most balanced out of all the casts esp in GM- top four picks are basically all seeing hte same pickrate, that means they’re all on pretty even ground with each other- balanced relative to each other. now, there are definitely issues bc trying to untangle why Orisa and Roadhog have struggled and why Hammond is having a moment trying to break rank is interesting.

Compare that to the DPS categories on Overbuff where 2 ex-offense heroes have double the pickrate of the bottom half the cast overall, and in GM the top four ex offense heroes have 3 to 5 times more pickrate as the bottom four.

Then the ex-defense category where Widow has a 48% pickrate out of the whole defense category in GM (ie when they play a “defense” hero, 50% of the time they’re playing Widowmaker…36% of the time its Hanzo. Overall Widow and Hanzo both see 30% of the playerbases pickrate in defense and Junkrat sees another 30 ish percentage…versus the other 3 in that category on overbuff who literally see 8% 4% and 3%.

Overall, outside of the DPS we’re actually seeing the most diversity in cast and as Hammond settles in I’m sure we’ll see that grow some more. On the other hand. Hog and Orisa need slight buffs because overall the tank group is rather balanced. Moira also needs chnges bc in GM she gets 4% of the pickrate…

it is pretty interesting to look through these stats tho

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Assuming I don’t have a lot of Hog would be wrong. I like Hog, I just have one of those opinions (Crazy, right?) and it’s that while Hog isn’t great like I said, he’s okay.
There’s worse hero’s and realistically, I don’t think Hog needs work.

He does need some work.

pretty much now the hook is better he still does need work balance wise his winrate especially has always been terrible since the rework, is there a reason why? i feel its because he feeds so much but i dont think there is one correct answer but that is a big factor imo

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a thing that got thrown around alot was making it so while using take a breather he gave 50% less ult charge could that work?

i could be wrong but i thought that was already the case, could be wrong though

you might be thinking of him taking 50% less damage

No. Hog doesnt need survivability. It doesnt fit his kit at all, makes no sense, and only prolongs the inevitable.

You need to understand what Hog and his kit are truly supposed to do. Hog is a very slow, very immobile, very large hitbox ‘dps tank’ that does no damage outside of melee range up to about 10 meters (8 meters now with the falloff nerf). That’s very close distance. He has no way to close the distance to do any damage at all except for one skill, his hook, which is a skillshot that lands only 50% of the time for even the best players, and it is on an 8 second cooldown. To understand this further, we need to look at the rest of the cast and see how many escapes, stuns, and burst damage-preventing skills they all have, all of which are on shorter cooldown than Hog’s hook. Hog also has always had a bit of survivability with a self heal, whether he can move during it or not is another matter, but Hog always could self heal about half his health once every 6 seconds. The issue with that I that hog is so large, so easy to hit, so immobile, so slow, that self healing is a negative for him in many situations, as it is just free damage/ult charge for the enemy team. They essentially get half their ultimate built up by shooting at him, and so this is the ult charge fact comes from.

Okay, so we know hog is this slow, melee-range damage dealer with one skill to get into range. We know it’s on a very long cooldown. We know almost every hero in the game has an escape ability, shields, stuns, boops, fortifies, etc that prevent damage from the hook, or escape from it. Well, let’s say Hog manages to use his hook at the exact right time in-between enemy cooldowns, he actually lands the hook, he isn’t stunned or blocked or bursted down by any of the 5 other enemy players, and the hook doesn’t break. Great, right? Hog can do some actual damage for once! Well, maybe. His gun spread is RNG, meaning a headshot up close on smaller hitbox heroes (squishies, who are the heroes hog is supposed to be able to kill) will do anywhere from 160 damage to as low as 16 damage, depending on the dice roll of where the pellets hit. Small hitboxe heroes escape all the time, and when they do, Hog can do no damage to anyone for another 8 seconds.

Does this hero sound fun to you? Imagine being entirely useless all game except for once every 8 seconds, that single hook is a dice roll as to whether you’ll land it, won’t be blocked, or won’t randomly break, and the damage you do to that hooked hero is entirely random. What else can Hog even do? What’s his role? If you think it’s to hook enemies for the team to finish, then that’s good in theory, but it never, ever happens. His hook has been around since launch, and nobody has ever learned to focus anything he hooks. They simply get away each and every time. What else can hog do? Well, he used to be able to shoot shields and help break them, but now his falloff was nerfed, so that’s no longer true.

So what is Hog’s role in this game? What is he supposed to do well as a hero? His one and only saving grace is his hook combo. He used to do enough damage when it actually landed, that he would kill squishies, and people feared getting close to Roadhog until they baited out his hook. Blizzard then nerfed his damage, which make Hog 100% useless. Then they gave him another ammo round, which is entirely pointless, as he does no damage outside of 10 meters anyway, so it is a round that doesnt get used. Then blizzard gave him the ability to move during his self heal, which is nice I guess, but it doesn’t matter, as hog cannot do any damage to fight off attackers. Then they gave him damage reduction during his self heal, which doesnt matter, as hog cannot do any damage to fight off attackers. Both abilities actually just prolong the inevitable and feed even more ult charge to the enemy team. He dies regardless, and if he doesn’t, he has no reason to be alive, since he does no damage outside of 10 meters.

So what exactly makes you think more damage reduction, or less ult feeding during his self heal will do anything at all to improve him? It is another ‘prolong the inevitable’ change that does nothing to improve his viability or role in the game. His only role was as a tanky dps that could get a single pick during teamfights, and thus help the odds of his teammates winning. Roadhog no longer can do that due to the damage nerf, his hook cooldown lasts longer than every enemy escape/stun/cc ability in the game, his hook breaks for random reasons regardless, and he doesn’t do enough damage to make the hookshot combo even have a point to it. He can’t kill anyone, so why would anyone play him? He is a net negative to his team, his win rates are atrocious, and his pick rate is one of the lowest in the game in all tiers. Even bronze players recognize how bad he is.

The only meaningful buff Roadhog could receive is a damage buff. He needs dps raised, even with the sacrifice of survivability. Original Hog 1.0 would be considered weak in the current game, but at least he’d have a role he might be able to fulfill against certain comps in certain scenerarios. Right now, Hog can’t even do that. He has no reason to exist. Either the entire character needs a massive rework to remove the hook, low damage range, and everything about him that made him unique, or he needs his old damage back. Those are the only viable option. Power creep ensures that.