2-2-2 will balance brig? yea, right check out Worst Sombras Video

Continuing the discussion from Rally has a misleading mechanic, it's actually very broken:

GM | Master+ is all Bunker Comp as dictated by the YT Gods (YourOverwatch, Overwatch Central, British Gaming, BTC)…

But worstsombra showing how brig is good against bunker in ToP 500

BTW, I AM in the anti 2/2/2 role lock camp

Any thoughts on optional 2-2-2, with possibly a 2Healer Maximum?

✅ [RoleQ] MatchMakered vs UnlockedQ

Hi, resident Brig main here.

Rally isn’t any stronger than it was yesterday. It’s like the Symm mains complaining about having lower Damage than Zarya when they didn’t in the first place.

It’s still mediocre for a Support ult.

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This might be toxic of me but I love how tilted Brig makes people. Myself included. :kissing_heart: