2-2-2 should have been forced from the start

It’s funny, because the very thing that is destroying this game since dec. 2015. is the thing you egomaniacs find to be fun. But, ok, keep conflating preference with objectivity.

Even though I can play Main Tanks as well as Off-Tanks:
Yes I have.

It is a lot of fun to eat 1-2 enemy Ults every single team fight :stuck_out_tongue:

Also they are taking several month to implement this system properly.
Maybe there will be something to prevent Off-Tanks or One-Trick of the same hero to be matched on the same team?

TRUTH. Its always been the case that if you cut a healer or a tank, you are looking to lose.

It’s not going to be the solution to the problems of overwatch community. You will end up with people doing duo queues. widow + hanzo or hammond + hog and they wont be the DPS or tank you NEED atm and people will still ragequit and throw matches. Also it will LIMIT your team options to adjust to what the enemy team has. Maybe you have a teammate the can solo heal or tank enough to hold down the role by themselves and the other person would be better to help dps but won’t be able to switch roles. 2-2-2 is not the end all be all solution any more then 3-3 or 4-1-1 is.

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lol thats brave. Very brave indeed.

i mean you could of at least said that instead laughing like a creep.

I am sorry, but what else is there to do? I mean, that stands out on its own. You can’t tell me that OW is or was ever in a good place. You were conflating fun with something that is one of those contradictory designs. Some of those designs have to go. It doesn’t have to be hero picking liberty, but something has to.
At least try to have an honest exchange, this whole thread you are steering into a certain direction. I like free switching, but I am approaching this with a cool head. It’s very frustrating to do that and be met with someone who is basically doing the “me likey this” thing, trying to dismiss the opposing argumentation by bait and switch (“oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you DON’T WANT TO HAVE FUN IN A VIDEO GAME”).

while i don’t agree with you, you could of least said that instead of AHHHAHAHAHAH, because that doesn’t communicate anything other than creepyness.

how is this a cool head exactly?

That post of me laughing is me giving up basically, because of the absurdity and contradiction of what you wrote. I am not laughing at you as a person, but at what I quoted. I really think the context of my laughing response is clear, it would be more honest to tell me go away than to twist it into “this person doesn’t want games to be fun”. Come on, man, if you are going to call me out on cynical hahaha-ing, then don’t do these things.

Tell me honestly, do you disagree with me in that regard? Honestly, so no PR here. No “overwatch is xyz” and stuff like that. Do you think OW isn’t more frustrating than other games and do you think it doesn’t stem from the very systems you are defending here?
People IN GENERAL have miserable experience with the game due to 5dps compositions - that’s just one example out of dozens. The game is unregulated, but not in a good way. Not in a “yay, we are free to experiment and win through originality” kind of way.

Me being cool-headed refers to me not including my personal preferences when analyzing what’s good for the game. That was the point of that.

You guys don’t have to fight. Save that for the Mercy that won’t heal or the Auto-lock Widow who obviously cannot shoot.

i’m not sure what that says about you when the first post you write on a forum is you giving up .
i don’t think enforcing 2-2-2 is going to make the game better. i think it would make it more frustrating for people who want to play a certain role but can’t because of 2-2-2, because they’res a big different between choosing not to switch and being forced not to switch. and also

while fun and creativity is subjective, you can’t deny that the game was made for hero switching, and enforcing 2-2-2 would make hero switching a moot point. you would only be able to switch between heros of the same role meaning that if you really needed a hitscan hero like soldier 76 and your a tank you would need to tell someone who’s already playing dps to switch.

I am not against hero switching per se. But that’s one of the contradictory design elements that can’t exist together. If we are to fix the game, some of these elements have to go. If not that one, some other ones. But, harder and more complex overhauls are needed for others.

I did a recap of the game’s direction and what happened since cbt, here:

I think I explained there why these things can’t function together, certainly not all of them. I like the ability to swap and switch and that’s how we all played in the fall 2015. But, that became impossible. I went through the timeline and decisions in that thread.
If you have the time and will, read it and you can give me your 2c.
Also, I think it would be nice to have it bumped, even if people condemn it, because I think many people are advocating this and that without thinking it through or thinking why they want it or out of their personal preferences.

You don’t have to agree, but I believe it will give you a better insight into what I am talking about.

i have nothing against stuff like role queue for 2/2/2 but i don’t think it should be treated as the main deal. hero switching is an important part of overwatch’s identity and i don’t think removing it and forcing the game into 2/2/2 is a good idea. if they want make a game mode where there’s no hero switching an its 2/2/2 idc but at least leave quickplay mode. maybe make a ranked practice mode for people practicing competitive.

But, if something doesn’t function, that’s kinda more important than the identity - which is kinda moot point, all this talk about identity.
Read my OP, all my argumentation is there and see if you still disagree. With me. If you are, fair enough.

what if you hate every hero but lucio

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the problem isn’t with hero switching itself. i’ve seen alot of people both for and against hero switching say that they rarely see people switch heroes in competitive. and thats not a problem with the system but with the players. and taking away hero switching isn’t gonna fix the players.

Really? Why? I really don’t see the need to force people into using something that already exists and it’s optional.

I said variety of reasons because this thread isn’t about LFG so a post about it is off topic but here we go:

It does not solve the fundamental problem of getting people on your team who do not know how to play the role they signed up for.

  • People joining groups based off the fact that there is an open tank slot and they’ve played tank once or twice before. Role based SR fixes this problem.
  • You have private profiles so you can’t see if people are actually able to play the roles they want. You ask them to open the profile they refuse and upon being kicked rejoin the group x99 until the rest of your group tires of this and leaves

The amount of effort and time required to get a group only to have it breakup at the first sign of trouble. How wouldn’t it have been much better for everyone involved if the matchmaker simply grabbed the necessary roles and put them together?

I’ve used it and had mixed results, it’s not awful by any means but it’s not what’s being asked for when people talk about role queue and equally as importantly role based SR.

The players did not want no limits on heroes at first either and everyone was going on about how it would be the end of overwatch. It was fine, balance changes which improve the quality of the game rarely result in doom and gloom.

No, the game doesn’t need this. We shouldn’t force people into playing roles they hate. The amount of throwers will probably double if they include forced 2-2-2, I can already see the people in voice chat saying “give me dps or I throw”. 4 DPS, 1 support, and 1 tank who are comfortable and good with their characters is much better than 2 dps who are comfortable, 1 tank who is comfortable, and 1 support who is comfortable with 1 tank and 1 support not knowing what they’re doing.

People do not switch because they do not want to. This is a game, not a job if someone wants to play Pharah they don’t want to play Rectangle Man.

The idea that the average person is going to care more about their SR going up (or what their teammates want) in a video game than doing what they want is to completely ignore human nature.

You cannot fix human nature, this is why we have laws to steer human behavior. Which is the same reason the game needs systems to put together proper teams instead of 4-5 DPS on the same team wasting everyone’s time.

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