2-2-2 should have been forced from the start

Doing it now is going to make a lot of people angry BUT ITS WHAT THE GAME NEEDS RIGHT NOW.

Accept that its coming and prepare accordingly.


“only one healer, only one tank not enough damage” they tried to make people run it by hinting at it.


maybe if the game didn’t advertise it self as a fun, creative game with hero switching. is 2-2-2 was forced from the start it would be an entirely different game.


The meta we have right now is the opposite of fun and creative and if forced 2-2-2 is the only way to fix it I would welcome it.


If we force role why not 1-4-1? there are more dps player then tank and support.


Because 1 tank 1 support is awful for the people playing tank/support most of the time.


Cut 'n paste from the other 6987567 2/2/2 threads:

…there are a lot of people in the OW community who never played WoW as DPS in a role queue (which is obvious for those who are constantly advocating for a 2/2/2…). All good for me, my mains are tanks and healers, my queue times will be almost instant.

P.S. Hero bans would solve all that ails us. Don’t want to face Rein? Ban. Hate Brig -ban. You wet the bed if you see Reaper in a match - hold on to your teddy bear and hit that “Ban” option…


Like Jeff said, it’s as evident and necessary as the introduction of the 1 hero limit.


2-2-2 is too restrictive. I would suggest that they just require at least 1 from each of the 3 categories. So you could run 4-1-1, 3-2-1 or 2-2-2.

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Here is what I want personally.

2 tanks
3 dps
2 support

But this would require another hero slot. But I think we can fit that in. test it out on the ptr or arcade mode and see where we got from there.

7 vs 7 could work. The maps can handle it and we obviously have enough heroes.


It happens anyways. If they made it one main heal and one main tank, 4 flex, you would still have people willing to swap to off tanks and off healers and the quality of games would still increase because you would guarantee one tank and one support, at least. They would be rewarded with lighting fast queues and everyone else would only have to wait slightly longer. It is the best compromise without running into a plethora of issues.

Also, you might as well delete the off supports and off tanks.


Honest if they implement 2-2-2 they need to make sure that everyone can fulfill the role they picked lol but we might be asking too much.

The only issue with 2-2-2 role comp / role based SR is too many DPS players and long queues.

I will say I like the idea of just requiring one of every hero type. It allows more creativity than 2:2:2 but doesn’t allow Goats.

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Stop taking so literally…Jeff likes the idea but he made it a point to emphasize that there’s a lot of problems with it and that any system they put in place is a loooooooooooon way off (or never)…if you really think it needs to happen NOW you are going to be sorely disappointed

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They experimented with a “411 mode” and came to the conclusion that it is a really bad gaming experience.

Also they would have to rework all Off-Tanks to Main Tanks (same goes for Off-Healers of course).

There will most likely be Seperate SR/MMR for all 3 Roles.


And it forces a meta. Limiting teams to 2-2-2 would already turn a game lacking in diversity quite monotonous in my opinion.

No Limits is the best game mode.

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This is a declarative statement, not an issue. More structure has the added bonus of making the game easier to balance.