2-2-2 is here, time to bring back mass rez?

Not to worry though. You got your new arcade mode that you so desired.

Remember, “there are lots of people who play arcade”.

I think the latest ratio of like to dislike on the PTR notes, from the information we as users can gather, was about 15 to 1 (approximation not actual math).

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I personally do not find that to be reasonable, and i know of no issues with my ability to communicate

You used the term reasonable as if it were a fact :smiley: Reasonably, if one actually witnessed your passed arguments, one could reasonable conclude that you were straw-manning by trying to state what MY argument was ^.^ it’s okay if you don’t understand it, friend, just don’t state things as facts when they are your own opinion. I know you’re really not into that.


Oh pish posh surely you remember all of your silly flat earth references and anti-mercy term throwing :slight_smile: stop derailing ^.^ if you’re going to continue this off topic discussion then I guess I won’t take any part in it further, as I know you tend to do that as well :3


There are many unanswered questions around qp classic, and as such, one cannot at this time reasonably assert imo that it is equivalent to current qp

Greetings. I have stated my statement as such, which is very reasonable. I personally feel that this factual.


GOATS, triple tank + Ana/Zen, dive, or whatever meta you want to refer to isn’t the issue with mass rez. The issue with mass rez is the type of gameplay it encourages and rewards is only fun for the player who’s on Mercy.

It’s not fun for the opposing team that if they don’t kill Mercy they may as well have not gotten any kills. It’s not fun for Mercy’s teammates to play a 5v6 while she salivates over her imminent PotG in a corner somewhere.

So no, I hope they never bring back mass rez no matter what the meta is. Single rez is just fine as it is.

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I even apologized for calling them out on it. I don’t understand why they are trying to continue their little failed argument!

Anyway, Back on topic,

How would you feel about that OP? Single res being Mercy’s ult? At least in terms of it NOT being Valk?

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Clarification: i have not stated any opinions as if they were facts in this thread

I have already stated that my statement labeled as a strawman was not a strawman nor was there any reasonable way to deem it as such. I hane nothing further to add to that particular item at this time

Statements indicating that i (megadodo) do not like rez are however stating a non-truth as a fact

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Lmao calm down kid. I apologized to you and you’re still at it. You straw man ALL THE TIME and even if you say you don’t FACTUALLY you do. Stop with the semantics.


A huge part of why I want an AoE rez on Mercy’s ult is because the game desperately needs a counter to the ult spam problem, so a single rez on ult is a no-go for me.

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Okay. That’s completely reasonable.


Blizzard’s action of implementing 2/2/2 spoke volumes about this. They seem to feel Competitive and Quick Play needed more consistency. You now have the choice to play either of those modes, or play Arcade.

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Greetings. Mass Rez is amazing and should be added back to the game. I feel that it would be a very balanced addition.


Hail NO, that is all. Mass Res needs to stay dead…

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Mass Res needs to be rezzed :grinning:



  1. The use of flat earther references has never been silly. A very specific point was being made in each such reference

  2. The anti term too was not silly and has a specific meaning

  3. I am not derailing. Rather, I am responding to specific statements that have been made in this thread

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So what if it weren’t Mercy? Perhaps a new hero, or a different ability apart from res?

Like what if Baptist’s ability that heals his nearby allies and himself were his ult, and when he used it, that made everybody nearby invincible for a moment? I’m just throwing things out there of course. I just know that when Mercy is the subject, certain people get their feelings hurt when they remember the past.

Greetings. I too, am responding to statements in this thread.


They’ve all been silly ^.^ this is a fact because I say so! :smiley: