2-2-2 is here, time to bring back mass rez?

Not needed…and per the devs, not wanted


Not all mercy mains feel this way

Some are pro Mercys current state, myself included

Others are anti her current stste

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With apologies, i think that is a terrible idea

Then brainstorm with me! If dps “teamkill” ults have limitations that balance out their power, then so can a “reverse teamkill” ult.

I’m not asking for mass rez as it was. I’m asking for the raw mechanic, with whatever checks and balances it needs.

I’m well aware of how powerful a single rez can be. It’s why I hate Valkyrie’s original “multiple single rezzes” design so much, it’s why I don’t support any version of rez that gives the user multiple charges.

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Mass rez in any form should never imo return to the game


I don’t care if it’s mass res, I don’t care if it’s Valk. I just want Mercy’s ult to be more of a “one and done” button like the other supports. I get that Valk is more skillful but it doesn’t really fit in with Mercy’s playstyle. Ana can just throw nano and forget about it, same with zen and Lucio ult.

I think it’d be cool if single res was Mercy’s ult. It could just be the pulse bomb of support Ults. Res is powerful enough on its own. One and done.

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I personally find that Valkyrie is a great fit for Mercy in many, many ways…her kit, her design, the wings thing, etc etc etc

I most definitely would not want it replaced with any form of rez

That’s cool for you dude but I just personally think that type of ult should be on a more skillful support. I get that you don’t like res and all but you have to admit the ability is one of the most powerful ability’s in the game. It’s a fitting ult and it’s not mass res. It makes a lot of sense for a one star hero to have a one star ult, wether you want to admit it or not.


/uj a gentleman of taste.

I’ll never be over the loss of mass rez.
But more so than that, I miss her healing output.

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Clarification: i like rez

Clarification: I hate res

really nice arguing skills you’ve adopted, Dodo. I thought you were more well spoken than this, tbh.


Nice strawman though!!! It’s nice to know that you’ve never lost the fallacy tactic ^.^


I don’t disagree with you, kind of.

Mercy should have never lost mass rez to begin with. Mass rez never should have granted Mercy invuln status either.

The issue today is this. Everyone, or most of, the people who would agree with you are the GIANT support community that left the game after Mercy’s rework.

Again, your idea isn’t bad, but everyone that would like it is already playing other games.

The alligator tears won this time. As well as the latest win which is PTR Bridgette. However, we got 2/2/2 which is the best thing Overwatch has done in the existence of the game.


The statement i replied to stated in part (gist, not a quote) that i do not like rez.

This statement was made as if it were a fact

I do in fact like rez, and ergo i supplied the clarification

I made no statement about any other individual liking or not liking rez, and as such i do not know why you provided a clarification in that regard

It seemed as though that were how you were summing up my argument, which would I’m fact be a straw man. If that is not the case, then I’m sorry that I thought you were strawmanning.


Clarification: There was nothing in my statement that is or could be reasonably construed as a strawman.

Again, with the way you construct your sentences and arguments, it could very reasonable be assumed that you were speaking of my argument and not your own personal thoughts. That is very reasonable, considering your arguing style.


I personally feel 222 is one of the worst things ever added to this game

As i stated, there was no strawman or anything that could reasonable be deemed a strawman in my statement described as such