2-2-2 is here, time to bring back mass rez?

Clarification: i have made no failed arguments in this thread

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Yeah the whole torch carrying for mass rez… its kind of sad, like a once pretty girl who keeps wearing clothes below her age… time to let it go and embrace the current you.


Yes you have ^.^ you tried to say it would be unreasonable to consider your argument a strawman, even though it is INCREDIBLY reasonable ^.^ also, you felt so conscious about your statement that you went back and changed it because even YOU YOURSELF knew it could be interpreted that way. Silly :slight_smile:


Oh, go easy on the kid :kissing:

He’s gone through all that trouble of clarifying things for us, and that must have taken a lot of effort! Look at all the clarifications he makes, it must have taken him forever!



  1. I am quite calm. I dont apprecuate the claim that i am not calm

  2. I am not a kid, and i finf this to be a personal attack. I ask that personal attacks cease

  3. I do not strawman. I see this as a personal attack as well.

  4. I have not claimed opinions to be facts…thing like stating a person doesnt like rez when in fat they do

  5. The issues i am discussing have nothing to do with semantics, and my statements are clear and well written

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Okay only because you said so! This is your thread of course ^.^

Could you get back to me on the questions I asked you? Not trying to be rude, I’d just like to hear your opinions.

ps: I also am a fan of mass res. I just recognize that my opinion is very unpopular. Lol

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That statement doesnt actually address the point i made in my statement

I feel like this thread was bait to lure out a troll lol

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Dude, it’s not a matter imagination. Is it a mass rez mechanic? Congratulations, you are reverting back to a system that uses mass rez. No.

Edit: also, the Mercy mains here DID say Valkyrie was technically a revert because that pushed their agenda like they wanted. So let’s not suddenly act like that doesn’t make sense now that it fits the agenda again lol

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Yes you claimed the flat earth argument wasn’t in fact silly XD that’s your very own opinion! Therefore you stated an opinion as a fact :slight_smile: I don’t really appreciate that, so please cease. Any opinions you have need to state “in my opinion” and then you can continue ^.^ that would be some real clarification.


The statement attributed to me above is quoted in such a way as to change its meaning to the opposite of what i stated

as such, I ask that it be removed immediately

You clearly do not know the differences between opinion and fact :smiley:

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You must be getting angry :frowning: this is my opinion and not a fact

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The statements above as shown appear to me to be an attempt at crediting statements to me that are the opposite of what i have stated.

I ask that these be removed immediately

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You should take your own advice


Opposites are quite the topic, aren’t they? It’s amazing how statements can be structured to say one thing, but the subtext suggests the exact opposite.


Mass Ress is a counter to literally entire team fights.

Imagine if your team spends 3 ultimates and loses two teammates just to secure a victory, just to have it snuffed out by Mass Res. That’s frustrating to play against, and sets the precedent of picking Mercy or losing the game.

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I ask that this be removed immediately as another example of what i described earlier

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Sounds like you don’t like the idea of a mass rez that doesn’t have any limitations or counterplay.

Good. I don’t either.

I still want the mechanic so that ult spam isn’t an “I win” button.


It isn’t ult spam just because a bunch of ultimates are used. Sometimes you simply need more of them. That shouldn’t be punished with one support flying in and undoing an entire team fight.