2-2-2 is here, time to bring back mass rez?

InB4 “Mass rez has been gone for two years give it a rest let it go give it up move on it’s never coming back”

Put down the broken record, please. If you have an argument to present on why adding mass rez back would hurt more than it helps, I’m all ears.

Bring more than a bluff to a battle of wits.

The devs did another global ult charge nerf to try and deter ult stacking. I’ve played the PTR, and it’s already clear that it hasn’t worked.

“Ult stacking”, also known as “ult spam” is when you use 3 or more ults to guarantee control of the objective by overpowering any amount of shielding or healing your enemies could bring to bear - Even if they used defensive ults, like sound barrier or trance.

Like GOATS, ult stacking a cheesy tactic that exploits the natural game mechanics to create something that bypasses all normal counterplay routes.

You can say “but if they use all their ults, they won’t have any for the next push”

You don’t need any ults for the next push if you’ve already won. A teamwipe garuntees the other team the objective, and since this is an objective-based game that means that it can guarantee them the match.

The only time that ult stacking wasn’t an “I win” button was when Mercy and Symmetra had ults that could counter teamwipes. Mercy with her mass rez, and Symmetra with her teleporter.

Yes, there were a few player behavior problems with multirez, and it’s viabiltiy waned as you climbed the ranks. But I will stress that these are issues that are fixable with the right balance changes.

Consider the following proposal:

Mass rez becomes Mercy’s ult again. But there’s few critical changes to how it’s used that gives it better counterplay, makes it less frustrating to play against, and adds some extra functionality for helping the living as well as the dead.

There’d be a LoS restriction, and if Mercy were to die before her allies are finished reviving (which takes 2.75 seconds) then her ult is cancelled and partly-revived players are immediately sent to their spawn. “Just kill the Mercy” becomes legit counterplay, hooray!

For the sake of her living allies, any teammates caught in Rez’s range would receive a hefty heal-over-time for 3 seconds (roughly the same amount of time it takes for a dead player to revive)… and maybe an extra status buff, to differentiate it from Zen’s trance.

Ult charge nerfs aren’t working. We need a strong deterrent to ult stacking. If no one has any better ideas, bringing back mass rez into Mercy’s kit is our best option. Now that the threat of GOATS (where the only way to kill anything was ult stacking), is gone, mass rez can come back without the risk of it supercharging tank-heavy comps.

Mass rez could be annoying to play against, but what ult isn’t? Like Sombra’s hack, it’s a nessecary evil for the health of the game.


ship sailed…almost 2 years ago…no


Most likely not. They’ve already said they’re not doing a revert.



Mass Rez is never the answer. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIVES.


Yeesh, some of y’all have no imagination.

Calling a Mercy rework that uses an AoE rez mechanic a “revert” is like calling the 2017 Valkryie rework a “revert” just because they had a version of Valk in beta.

Does anyone have any better reasons to not do this other than hangups over older iterations of mass rez?


Sombra scouting Mercy, team wipe, Mercy hacked, big cry
We have a lot more mobility in the game, more cc etc., Mercy won’t have an easy time to get mass Rez off.


Mass rez returning gets a hard will smith no from me


Then what would YOU do to deter ult stacking?


why do mercy mains think mass rez is the one and only solution to ult spam?
Why cant they move on after 2+ years?

Also they just increased ult cost across the board


Because it’s historically the only thing that ever deterred it?

Because the rework sucked. Lower skill ceiling, lower player agency, and a lack of playmaking opportunities make the play experience significantly worse than Mercy before her rework.

That hasn’t stopped players from stacking 3 or more ults to overkill take the point. It’s just added a few seconds between barrages.


Multiple res no matter what form it takes should never be added back.


we had sombra back then and we had mobility too.

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If dps ults can kill 5 players in one go, why can’t a support ult do the same in reverse?


The Mercy rework was imo one of the best this game has ever seen because it removed mass rez from the game


Its not even remotely the same situation.


Dodo, the Mercy rework was a failure until they finally managed to balance it. It turned Mercy from annoying to annoying, OP and a must pick.


Hi 2016

2019 still doesn’t want Mass Resurrection back. Please don’t ask us again.


There has already been an overall ult nerf making it harder to stack ults, not that ult stacking was ever really a problem. Sure it would win a team one teamfight but unless it’s the last fight of the round it also means they lost the next teamfight unless your team also wasted all of their ults.


Resurrection is literally the opposite of killing. Two sides of the same coin.


With some differences.
ANY hero can kill, multiple have “team wipe ultimates” if timed correctly and the enemy is stupid, or you combine them together.

Only one hero can Resurrect.

Also I wouldn’t agree that its two sides of the same coin.