2-2-2 is here, time to bring back mass rez?

Infinite stealth was not there, Doomfist and Hammond neither

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Mass Rez Mercy is black and white balance wise. Valk Mercy is balanced


I will have to agree on disagree with you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: because the only way to balance the entire game and save OW is to bring back our beloved angel and stop abusing our Woman also know as Angela.

We the special community that know perfectly about balance already recreated Mass resurrection on the workshop so I is just matter of time when it gets implemented again, remember guys Mercy still have her beloved " Heroes never die!" on the Halloween event :kissing_closed_eyes::relaxed::hugs:

No personal feelings right? this is the best way to save OW and there is no other option.:kissing_closed_eyes::hugs::blush:

#FreeMercy #Massress2019 #Respectfemaleplayers #Angelguardiansunited.:star_struck:

A lover of fair,fun,balanced game.
NovaPLS :relaxed:


Then give that one hero who can resurrect a reverse “team wipe ultimate” that has the same caveats and counterplay opportunities as the the killing versions.

what is it with Mercy mains and turning every little thing into “BRING BACK MASS REZ???”

it’s been nearly two years since the change, take the hint.


To be fair, if 1 team is stacking up ults, the other team likely is too. Im fine with a global ult nerf as it increases the phase of teams not winning due to ult economy, but ult economy was and always will be a big part of this game. And tracking what ults the enemy team should have available for each fight. Plus saying they used all their ults to win a fight is a valid answer, as most maps are not won in 1 fight. If they use so many at once, the next few fights they will have a disadvantage.

Using all on 2nd point 2cp works, but again, if you have lots, the enemy likely does too, so its not like you are guaranteed to win if you use 4 ults, especially on a point like 2nd point 2cp since defense spawns so close.

Plus the last time she was reworked she was a must pick for 11 months. Ill hard pass on revisiting mass res. Mercy is in her best state ever in this game balance wise, not broken, not weak, she has been both of those before.

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I think you missed the point.

Multiple heroes have the ability to “team wipe” with an ultimate.
Having only one hero able to “reverse team wipe” is massive issue, if you can’t see what that issue is well…sigh


Since you feel the need to bring up a Ancient topic I feel it’s only fitting that I give you an ancient response Mass Rez - Why its gone and what it was

And for the record…continuously bring the topic up is not going to get the devs attention…especially when they’ve made their position clear SEVERAL times…broken ability…no longer here…never coming back…it’s unhealthy to hold on to something for this long…move on guys…nothing to see here


Can you describe why it’s such an issue, and why it can’t be fixed with the proper balance tuning to the “reverse team wipe” ult?

While i understand your points, i disagree, and have already provided my reason

They just nerfed ults across the bored because they are too strong…so let bring back a really strong ult…i dont think that is going to happen

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I like the idea of mass rez. Maybe let her current rez stack with cooldown and be able to rez more than one person at a time, up to 3.

Yeesh, some of y’all wanting mass rez back have no imagination.


i actually already made this thread

as a joke, mind you, but i was first



1 DPS ultimate never results in a full wipe, they get shut down fast or don’t have the damage needed.
That’s why combo’s are popular.

Resurrect needs no such help for it to have its MAX effectiveness.

Also you don’t even seem to realise how powerful a SINGLE res is let alone a full team res.


Oh wow, that was a lot of…well, i can say without blushing that the statement was a LOT of things…or maybe even given the, uhm, “format” and certain included verbiage intended sarcastically

Hard to say

No blue hearts tho


Watch people take this seriously.

The only thing we need with 2-2-2 is 5-5. More Mercy toes. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Not wanting mass Rez has nothing to do with forced 2/2/2. Mercy 1.0’s skill ceiling was too low. The current version offers much more dynamic and is better for the game. This issue has long-since been settled and needs to stop being brought up.

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