2-2-2 has to be the worst experience ive ever had

Why? The que times have been instant fam. I literally never waited a single full minute as dps que.

No it is not a dev problem. The developers could balance faster, but it does not change the fact that the game as it is currently designed is IMPOSSIBLE to balance. There is simply way too many variables and factors in OW as is for it to ever be balanced. The game as currently designed is inherently flawed, it is a game design issue.

Who cares how much ‘choice’ you have in the game if it is an unbalanced mess? Let me guess, you liked the hero duplicates too? I mean hell player choice right? Being able to stack heroes was so great in the early stages of the game right? All that freedom amirite?

Secondly, I never claimed that 2-2-2 would fix all bad groups or solve all toxicity, but it will certainly help with those issues.

What skill level are you at where you do not have team comp issues? It happens more often than it does not, especially at diamond plus.

If she was so easy how come you never have any success playing her? Or is your fragile gamer guy ego broken when your strong big german gets beamed on his barrier?

Get real.

My wife is high diamond and barely ever has issues, and how would a plat know what happens at diamond+ lol

and you still didn’t answer my 6 stack question, don’t have a good one eh?

I’ve played her and found her extremely boring. I’d rather play dps like widow, genji or tracer and actually improve instead of spamming my turrets on the point and pretending that im “good”.

Tank is actually my least played role… I have over 1k hours on dps and around 800 hours on support(ana and zen specifically) And on none of those roles it is fun to play with or against sym, brig and other bs. But you know what? I dealt with it. I’ve healed through dive, i’ve dpsed though ana tank meta and i’ve tanked in the current cc bullcrap.

And now you’re trying to tell me to get real because you can’t play cancerous heroes as freely as you used to? Grow up and stop thinking that the whole world revolves around you.

The changes are for the better and if you can’t adapt, you’re free too leave. I can assure you no one will miss you here.

Its been like a day, give them a chance kid.

We already know they are gonna have to change heroes alot.

Its probably as big a task as making the damn game again.

Its not gonna be perfect out of the gate, but its a step in the right direction for the future of the game.

Is this a complaint about 2-2-2 or a complaint cause your sym got nerfed and will need rebalancing eventually and you just angry? 2-2-2 has been quick, and wonderful. Different for sure and will take obvious getting used too. It’s way to early to judge but so far I have enjoyed it.

even i hate 222 but making a post out of ur one bad experience playing an already terrible character isn’t 222s fault

Your 6 stack question? Give me a break the game is 2-2-2, how does it change regardless of group size?

You speak as if you address any of my points at all, because you simply respond in hyperbole and semantics.

Overwatch tracker: warwick-warrior

There you go…been diamond every single season I bothered to play this game.

Thats not my wife either there private profile lmao.

i couldnt care less if people miss me or not, i just want people to listen to the actual sym players to realize that this change wont help anyone, neither sym, neither her team.
and if anything, you are the one who thinks the world revolves around them, since just because you think shes “cancerous” she shouldnt be viable at all. so many shield tank players are crybabies like you, whining about goats, whining about dive,whining about bunker, whining about brig.
sym hasnt been good in ANY of those metas, goats being the less unfavorable one of the bunch.

and please, dont be hilarious. nobody has ever been free to play symmetra “freely” specially since she has been f tier and hated on since launch. you have 0 idea about symmetra too to say that these changes are good, id much rather listen to someone who actually plays her CONSTANTLY on that regard. you saying that is like me saying “cc is great for tanks, its actually a good change”

Let me guess. Only 2-3 PTR matches?

Yeah, but, that dude was going to be a problem whether 2-2-2 exists or not.

Yeah, because in the current state everyone does the opposite and actually encourage you to pick symmetra. Oh wait… Everything you said has 0 connection to 2-2-2 and you’re just grasping for straws for such a dumb connection lol.\

Picking symmetra in any situation will get you abuse by other players. No mater if there is a role queue or not.


many. i cant tell if it was the hour, or extremely bad luck. i did those in the morning, since i had today free. but my issues with 2-2-2 stay, especially in low ranks.
if an non expert player filled for a roll they cant properly fill, they’ll be feeding like i saw in my matches. and you wont be able to do anything about it.

oh, and sym with the tp changes is just horrible now. shes too similar to 1.0, which was easily her worst version. they needed to stay away from the static, passive and hyper team reliant playstyle, and made it worse. her cds are just too big now. its not just “3 seconds” its from “12 seconds or less” to “15 seconds or even more indefinite time”

Please, this is just another way of saying, “my team is holding me back and I deserver top 500.” And in some insane way this is 2-2-2’s fault.

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That’s no different then saying 2-2-2 is going to fix anything.

You’re still going to get as many poop games as you do previously, just without the flexibility to switch roles to try to cover something that is failing.

I’ve been reading your posts leading up to this, OP. You were adamantly biased against 2-2-2 from the outset, so I can’t say I’m surprised with your tone here. That said, nothing you’ve mentioned isn’t anything we haven’t seen before, and I’m willing to bet you’re looking for the negatives because you’re already primed to see them.

It’s a good mode, Classic is still available, and ultimately you’re but one person in a sea of many who are welcoming these changes.

The future of this game is looking bright already.

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For now, until it disappears like no limits. They’re so daft, they could have just made 2 qp queues, 1 with RQ, 1 without, simple, it doesn’t need to be in arcade.

Except that QP has a far greater legacy than No Limits and Total Mayhem, and the devs are willing to keep those in rotation for the sake of the playerbase.

And they did just make two QP queues. Just because it’s in Arcade doesn’t miraculously make it not QP. You’re still clicking the same exact number of times to get to Classic as you would have had to select the hypothetical queue you want. It sounds like your problem is with superficial labels rather than the mechanics of the game.

You are still active on this thread there Mr. Smack talker with the private profile?

What happened got shut down too hard?