2-2-2 has to be the worst experience ive ever had

Toxicity is off the roof. Compositions are incredibly limited now. And hybrid characters like sombra, symmetra, mei and brig are utter garbage too.
Got someone raging, screaming and smashing their table after 1 single minute of symmetra. People straight out said they are not willing to use teleporter, because its a bad ability.

He kept raging, throwing slurs, and etc even after i switched quickly, and he kept running towards the enemy team as hog/winston and kept dying, while raging on his other teammates.

Why on earth are they going with these changes?! You all even say symmetras main issue is her team, making her a team bot will make things even worse!
The future of this game looks terrible already.


It’s just PTR , people are not playing serious there… wait until it goes to the live servers


I dont think it’ll be any different.
And Symmetra definetely cannot fill the dps role, even less now with the massive tp nerfs that ruined her slight mobility.

Tank mains in general are SUPER toxic there too.


“Don’t worry it’s just alpha, they can fix it”

“Don’t worry its just beta, it’ll change”

“Don’t worry, it just released, there’s still time”

“Oops, too late”


Care to explain ow this whole situation has any connection to 2/2/2 role - lock itself??



I’m sorry to hear about your experience. Role que unfortunately doesn’t fix people’s attitude.


Salty DPS players playing bad tank and healers to escape 10+ minute queue times?


I heard the opposite on the PTR.
Limited creativity is one thing we have to sacrifice for the greater good.
That one was clear from the very start. And Blizzard decided to do it anyway.
And I think, it was the right decision.


To be fair, that’s an issue with Sym being trash, not 2/2/2’s fault.

Sym, despite what her defenders claim, is NOT an “every situation” hero. She is useful in specific instances. She’s a utility DPS, not a consistent damage dealer.


As if people play seriously on live


I experienced toxicity on ptr as well, though i imagine it was pretty largely because it was because it was exclusively competitive modes. Everyone prattling about SR and not willing to let me experiment with the brig changes. Just 10 minutes straight of people squeeling at me about not healing them when they break line of sight and never regain it. Whined at our ana too.

toxicity is even higher now. people get upset because they are limited to fill one single role. so basically if one of the people who filled as tank is bad, you cant fill as tank yourself. if one of the healers is bad, you cant flex as healer. if one of the dps is underperforming, you are doomed.

Ive had the worst matches in my entire comp history today in this ptr.

And like I said… Symmetra is absolutely dead. Bastion benefits more, since he can be in bunker. But this newer Symmetra absolutely cannot fill a dps slot now at all. She will just die , over and over, and if not, she wont be doing any damage.


Fair enough, but still better than the classic 4/5/6 DPS that used to ruin whole games before rhey even started.

At least you can mute/report the toxic players and go on… Just saying…


That didnt fix the fact they can just throw and feed, and say stuff like “lol you chose sym the first seconds so im going to throw”.
2-2-2 wont fix anything.

And Syms utility has been reduced to a garbage taxi from spawn, thats all. And thats if the enemy lets your tp exists like its nothing. Your excuse of her being utility dps isnt valid, because her utility isnt worth it to occupy a dps slot.


Brigitte will be definite garbage with her changes but Sombra and Mei I can personally say will be fine and dandy. Symmetra isn’t changing much for the ladder experience with this system in place so it honestly isn’t any better or worse for her being picked.

I want to know where all you people are getting this “constant 4/5/6 dps” my wife still plays DAILY and only experiences this once in a blue moon. I play sporadically and never really experience it either.

Besides, you can easily win with 4 dps, what brings the team down is the toxic players who instead of PLAYING sit there and yell at the the DPS.


People say this now, but I respectfully disagree. I won’t defend 5 DPS comps, but losing creativity and more importantly, strategy and counterpicking is a huge loss.

I stopped playing SC2 3 years ago, but I did watch the WCS Finals at the end of the year. It was the most boring thing ever. The 2 players basically had 2 builds which they adapted based on the map/situation. Skillful, yes, entertaining, no. There was no variety and it just screamed of stale gameplay.

2/2/2 as the end-all is an extreme solution. I would have much preferred role limits instead of having one, singular comp to be the last way we play overwatch. But, sadly, this is what the majority of people seem to want. Be careful what you ask for.


I had the complete opposite experience, everyone was nice and trying their best except literally one person that said nothing and left the game.

So I guess 2-2-2 is fine.

Nice try to hide another Sym rant btw.


Its worse, trust me. Teleporter down time is incredibly big now. Since the cooldown starts after is destroyed, and is even longer at that, her kit is MUCH more slowed down. She cannot do reliable damage dude. Her turrets were nerfed. SHe has no range. She has no good damage. Tp bombs are dead too now.

Symmetra in general got a big nerf, one that she didnt deserve. They made her even worse to play as, and with.


Not to be “that guy,” but that last part just sounds like a normal Comp game. Main reason I don’t like doing Comp outside of placements is because people want to rage at everyone else but themselves.

Didn’t think 2/2/2 was going to change that at all, because no matter what, people will be toxic as hell. Could also be a raging anti-2/2/2 person just trying to prove a point. Who knows, but sorry it happened to ya.