2-2-2 Ended it all

RQ was not a failure, forced 222 is. There is a key difference and the new format being 5v5 proves it.
222 is just as close as OW2 format as Triple DPS, therefore we can conclude forcing 222 was not the way to go.

RQ could perfectly work in other venues, such as LFG and leave the Competitive and QP queues on Open, unless you go LFG.


Untrue, forced 222 solved many issues, such as the massive variance between poor/week comps and incredibly strong comps in OQ.

222 or 5v5 are just variants on RQ, which proves blizzard is happy with the mode. The main issue that 5v5 solves IMO is DPS queue times.


That was never an issue and no, thats false.
The variance of comps available is literally an ASSET of OW, otherwise people would play CSGO.

Here is the only “issue” forced 222 solved, and this is a FACT:
Well … at least we dont have 4-5 DPS on the team.

Thats it. Everything else, is just fluff. And spoiler alert: You can solve that with LFG.
Again - telling it like it is :man_shrugging:


You say that my weak comps point is false, yet you directly say its the only issue RQ solved?

LFG simply cannot solve anything outside of finding a team to play with.

Other things that RQ solved:

  • Tanks/healers do not need to be balanced for 1/4/1 AND 3/3 with locked 222.
  • 222 removed really bad quality solo healer/tank games.
  • QPC means people feel forced to pick tanks/healers when they didnt want to and didnt choose to beforehand.
  • 222 removed many of the old “i can tell we’re gonna lose before we even left spawn” games where 4 people all decided to throw because they couldnt all pick Genji.

I guess since its a history lesson, it would be time to point out hat brig was to counter DIVE. Dive was not just tracer and genji, in fact the dps could have been swapped out easier than the tanks. It needed winston and dva, there were no other good options at the time. And brig armor and stun heavily hurt both of those tanks.

The fact that it is in the game means that it must be supported. It requires servers to run on. The user interface must support it. End of season rewards must be distributed for it. Skill rating must be tracked. etc.

Forced role queue in its 2-2-2 form clearly does not match demand and is unsuitable as many of us pointed out since its very inception. Hence they are looking at 1-2-2.

Really? Where did they say this?

They recently polled the Koreans and the result was overwhelmingly in favour of open queue. This result was open to error but if the detailed Battle.net survey results matched this, it would be very unlikely as they tend to listen to their Korean player base.

You previously stated that it should be in the arcade, not a permanent mode.
That it should not grant competitive points as it diminishes the value of RQ Comp.
That it causes UI clutter.
That it causes confusion.
That people would complain about it.
That it should not exist.


I mean I won’t claim it ruined the game……but queue times are a BIG issue for the game


You know 2/2/2 wasn’t just about stopping GOATS. The devs made it very clear they thought that given time GOATS would fade with the changes they’d made to the other heroes. GOATS didn’t exist outside of Masters up and OWL, only really effecting >10% of the player base.

2/2/2 was just as much about stopping bad 5dps comps at lower levels.

One of the biggest problems with double shield was the fact that DPS were GOATS buffed and the Devs refused to nerf them. In fact not nerfing key DPS is what cause GOATS in the first place. Tracer and Genji being incredibly strong during Dive made support completely unfun and frustrating. People begged for tracer to be nerfed but the devs refused and released Brig as a direct answer to Tracer.
Then GOATs was created to beat double sniper (the most dominant meta that has ever existed in the game). Arguably the game was ruined because the devs refused to deal with broken DPS because DPS players would lose their mind.


And it all started with Brig. Don’t get me wrong I like Brig a lot, but deleting her actually would’ve been the best option; a necessary evil

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IDK if you have troubles reading mate but I mentioned Forced 222 , not RQ.
You should stop equating one to the other because those 2 things are absolutely NOT the same thing. Ok?
Also Forced 222 is literally a template from LFG so once again, you are wrong.

No it didnt but debunking point by point:

  • Didnt solve any balancing issues, also balancing was never a problem
  • Again, solved with LFG
  • Nobody can force anyone in this game except … when you use Role Queue. Ironic right? Literally this mode FORCES you to play ONE role only. Its literally the only way you can FORCE people to do or not do something.
  • Thats a “you” issue mate, many players dont have that and again, no it was not an issue to solve and yes, LFG does solve that “issue”.

You are not winning this argument mate, reality backs me up and you are just trying to equate RQ to Forced 222 because you know you cant keep up otherwise.

The fact that 222 is going to be obsolete in OW2 exposes even more how flawed it is.


A singular set role queue formation is archaic.

In Overwatch 2 there should be multiple role queues and they should be able to face off against each other along with open queue in a unified match pool.

The most popular role queue formation would appear at the top of the list alongside winrate. It could be the default formation when you click the button.

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I dont see the point in discussing things with someone who has no intention of listening. Being pedantic about use of words, expressing fake offense at every available opportunity and repeating yourself non-stop shows you’re very much not interested in having an open discussion. As such, dont see why i should waste my time on you.

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222 is a subset of RQ, and therefore can be compared to 5v5 RQ.

  • Definitely did solve balancing issues, the tank shield nerfs wouldnt have been plausable without 222.
  • LFG solves nothing, but please expand on why you think LFG would fix the game for solo queue players?
  • I didnt say people were physically forced, i said people “felt” forced, which is true.
  • Its not just a me issue, its been expressed by many players.

Unfortunately, 222 RQ being the main game mode now and 5v5 RQ continuing on into OW2 means reality backs me up.

Given the continuation of RQ into OW2, it shows RQ was a good decision.


5v5 RQ won’t work either.

It may potentially cause even more problems.

A singular set formation does not work.

1-2-2 also does not match demand as there are many more damage than support players.

Support will likely become the new bottleneck.


Wait really… lol so he knew the outcome and still released this hero?

That’s really scary…

NGL, scared of OW2 new heroes considering we’ve had 3 busted heroes release Brig, Sigma and Bap. Bap though wasn’t even that bad until they buffed him a bunch a couple months later now he’s just there all the time lol.

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I think 2-2-2 was healthy in the sense that you get a guaranteed game of people picking tanks, dps, and supports. However, the issues come from the pre-GOATS powercreep buffs that the devs essentially forgot to address until one year later (last August) when they finally scaled down the damage in the game.

The new additions and the reworks the devs did was the downfall imo. Moth Mercy was a mistake. Overpowered monstrosity with an ultimate on cooldown. When they finally fixed that, they added Brigitte, who destroyed the game, created GOATS, etc. The Hanzo rework was pretty bad for tank players and Hanzo mains themselves because the devs keep catering to storm arrows which makes the rest of his kit mediocre. They should’ve just kept scatter arrow but change it so it splits in half, then splits the new arrow in half, etc. That way, you can’t just deal 450 damage right off the bat but you can potentially deal up to 450 damage.

The torb rework was actually good because they removed a lot of the power from the turret and gave it to the player. The Sym rework I actually think had a lot of potential… but they screwed it up. Sigma’s release was terrible because he had all of the utility of an off-tank but had a main tank barrier. That’s why despite the 300 nerfs, he’s still a very powerful pick.

All in all, the issues of Overwatch comes from how bloated the new heroes are (minus a few) and how Blizzard reworks their heroes. They also for some reason hate reverting changes and make the situation worse lol.


100% False, since RQ can also be used (as proven) With Triple DPS.
There also can be RQ without people restricting themselves to the role (watch OW2 beta, its first come first serve)
RQ can exist outside 222, 222 can exist without RQ (proven with LFG) so your association is wrong, therefore all the statements after that fall appart.

You are done here :wave:


2/2/2 RQ isn’t a subset of RQ, because 1/3/2 RQ is also a subset of RQ?
You are making no sense here :thinking:

That’s not Role Q, but Role Lock and is never going to work in Overwatch for a whole bunch of obvious reasons.

Kinda cringe.
Also you debunked nothing.

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Yes and no
The majority of the pressure came from the average player who never encountered dive, but dive heroes.
Brig did what she was supposed to do, a bit too good

Yes and I had to laugh when I hear the quote :smiley:

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I would have said, some wishes come true, but not this one :joy: if i was him and new the outcome… lol

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