2-2-2 Ended it all

Note that 2-2-2 became meta even before any restrictions towards it because of balance patching. 2 tanks, 2 DPS, 2 supports were the meta comps without even RQ coming in the way and if anything, RQ’s release came at a bad time because Sigma 1.0 was the best iteration of any hero in the history of OW which together with the RQ meant that you couldn’t really abuse him by playing something like a 3-1-2 where you replace one DPS with Sigma or 4-1-1 where you do quad dive with Ana/Sigma backline. Getting limited there meant that you were 100% going to play Orisa/Sigma or lose especially when Orisa was the main tank at the time

But besides that, my god was 2-2-2 RQ so good for the game. It absolutely saved it from early death and revitalized the game on almost all levels. Nobody liked the 4+ DPS comps that were very common in QP or when they’d get 4 support mains in competitive without GOATS meta offering them 3 spots. And RQ brilliantly fixed these biggest fundamental flaws in the game that was supposed to have structure, but due to random variance could lack it almost entirely. Especially in QP after 2-2-2 games became more about the more skillful players winning games and less about the dice roll on whether your opponents play an actual comp and will you have an actual comp to compete with it

But RQ in 5v5? Now that might just be a catastrophe especially when you consider hero balancing aspects of the devs and how they’ve historically been really bad whenever a big/considerable changes regarding this (Mercy 2.0 rework, Sigma 1.0, Brig 1.0, S3 D.va, Echo 1.0) or when they can’t chisel nerfs/buffs around a hero (vanilla Cree, vanilla Widow and the 1.0’s) so it might be that MTD comes back stronger tha never, which would be extremely harmful to the game, or just highlight the necessity of the DPS/Supp drastically. That’s what I’m sus of


literally, take mass rez for example. they straight out removed it without tweaking it.

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So true. The “we need a healer” bug is still in the game!

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Overwatch held very strong positions, till 2019 autumn when Role Queue was released.
By 2020 autumn, it lost half of its auditory in PC cafes, very nice job.

Nowadays its less popular than a FIFA game. Perfect, exactly what devs ever wanted. More players kick damn virtual ball lol


Who :rofl:



My queen has that power :raised_hands::weary:

Mace to the face


The answer is matchmaking. It is not fixed, it is not addressed and it places great skill differences against eachother.
2-2-2 only exposes the incompetently build matchmaker. People were place in the same SR range as what they had before RQ, and as a result, nothing is correct.

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Tell me you play dps without telling me you play dps.


If I remember correctly, he plays support. :slightly_smiling_face:

I really like the actual Torb. :heart:
But sometimes I miss running around the battlefield between teamfights collecting scrap and laying a trail of armor crumbs from spawn to point. :cry: :sweat_smile:


(not attacking you, just giving the audience a history lessen)

And what caused Brig?
Tracer and Genji
Which have been an ongoing problem in the past and no way to get them in check. Devs refused to balance nerf Tracer, better to say balance the game at all.
There philosophy back then was: Persevering the state of the game as long as possible

The state of the game deteriorated teamplay and it turned more and more in to a deathmatch, so peeling which was already quite rare, become basically non existent
The community wished for a paladin like hero, I was one of them, wishing for a healer who can peel for themselves.

Jeff said “be careful what you wish for” and we all know how it ended.

In the end it’s not caused by Brig, but by mismanagement
And yes even Brig had a gamebreaking bug: Rally armor stacked and with it the armor effect. How it went through QA, we don’t know, the community found it out 6 months into GOATs


Content drought is what is hurting this game right now but come OW2 the numbers will go up again. Probably not to the numbers/exitement that Overwatch got when it was a new game but it will still come back into relevance. The game has been moving into a more away from “What I can do for/with my team” to a more of “What I can do too the enemy team” type of game. Really I think they want people to have more solo impact moving away from a teamwork reliant game (which sadly is the reason a lot of tanks/supports picked overwatch up). The higher quantity of players that have gone elsewhere want solo carry potential and less reliance on team play. So even if the game changes to that it will still have a large user base just a different user base.

This statement is untrue.

RQ was a success, it increased the average quality of games and removed thousands of weak/poor team comps that frustrated players.

QPC was initially removed and relegated to arcade, thus we can conclude that it was a failure. RQ however is continuing on in to OW2 with changes to overcome the weaknesses of 222.


Ever since the meta that didnt exist? I dont get this i mean GOAT’s was never really a thing

Also when they decided that “Tanks” should also be dps rather than lower their dps and buff their defenses and make them actual Tanks.

“Brawler” tanks was and still is a bad idea.

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The statement quoted is one clearly marked as an opinion and as such it is unclear how can declare it as untrue.

The developers later added competitive open queue alongside competitive role queue as a permanent mode therefore the above conclusion is not valid.

We can however conclude that forced role queue was a failure.

Allowing players to choose their preferred mode is successful.

Why do you want to remove competitive open queue as an option?

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Irrelevant, they deemed it a failure and re-added it unsupported.

RQ was not a failure and is intended to remain the primary game mode in OW2. The devs did however mention that they may well remove OQ.

I do not want to remove competitive open queue.


RQ was not a failure, forced 222 is. There is a key difference and the new format being 5v5 proves it.
222 is just as close as OW2 format as Triple DPS, therefore we can conclude forcing 222 was not the way to go.

RQ could perfectly work in other venues, such as LFG and leave the Competitive and QP queues on Open, unless you go LFG.


Untrue, forced 222 solved many issues, such as the massive variance between poor/week comps and incredibly strong comps in OQ.

222 or 5v5 are just variants on RQ, which proves blizzard is happy with the mode. The main issue that 5v5 solves IMO is DPS queue times.


That was never an issue and no, thats false.
The variance of comps available is literally an ASSET of OW, otherwise people would play CSGO.

Here is the only “issue” forced 222 solved, and this is a FACT:
Well … at least we dont have 4-5 DPS on the team.

Thats it. Everything else, is just fluff. And spoiler alert: You can solve that with LFG.
Again - telling it like it is :man_shrugging: