2-2-2 Ended it all

Afaik he said that some time after the Brig release.

The chicken and egg problem
I would say the pressure from the average player was their first and sparked the whole idea

Triple DPS is also part of RQ. You queue for a role. If that means 222, 123, 122 or 766, they’re all subsets of RQ and are comparable. The feature is RQ and the variables within that feature are the numbers of each role.

Of course 222 can exist outside RQ, but that’s not what we’re talking about, is it?

First come first served also forces people into roles they may not have wanted to play, so i can see why that was abandoned.

Please, i’m confused - why do you think LFG actually solves things?


Whilst the word death may be an exaggeration it was for the year that it was forced upon us a truly abhorrent change for many of us although others stood by or even championed it as being the only option.

  • Long queue time which still remains even with the priority passes even if improved

  • Poorer match quality.

  • Large amount of development time then needs to be committed to solving the long queue times issue which could have been committed to genuine innovations

  • Drastically less variety in team compositions and heroes played

  • Matchmaking may have been loosened for lower queue times

  • Players just in roles for the coin or lootbox bribes/coins/flex passes means that they do not care about the outcome

  • Homogenisation of the hero roster to fit within their role. Brigitte is one example having lost many of the properties that made her a unique hero in order to align her to her support role.

  • Restrictive gameplay. Being stuck in one role and base formation

  • Lack of freedom and flexibility and versatility. For example you may have a map that you prefer to play a certain role.

  • Games feel scripted as they are all in the same core format

  • The challenge to form the best composition out of many many possibilities was reduced

  • Lower skill ceiling due to less options

  • People feel entitled to not try on certain roles because they view it as an off role and as such do not care about performing well as it will not affect their main SR

  • Grandfathered skill ratings


Not yet
Overwatch 2 is not out yet

yep every hero added after Ana was problematic.

Unless you do not understand what a “subset” is, yes mate.
Let me blow your mind right here:
If Z can exist on their own, without being part of X, then its not a subset of X

Again, 222 and RQ are NOT the same thing. You are only equating them (like literally talking about it like I mention RQ, when I say 222) because otherwise you are simply and plainly wrong.

Did you actually read that part that it is on the OW2 beta?
What do you mean “abandoned”? Do you have insights on the Developer’s decisions right now or you are just guessing? Because “just guessing” means nothing here, you know that right?

Again, do you actually know that 222 is literally a template from LFG ?
So everytime you are “advocating” so hard for 222 you are actually proving my point:
90% or more of the things forced 222 brought are INDEED solved by using the LFG.

But like we all know, players are lazy and they want something in 1 button, hence the current situation.

Triple DPS never existed with RQ outside an experiment.
Do you need a history lesson mate?

Well since it is on OW2 and OW2 is made by the Developers of OW, yeah unless they say so that is also a type of Role Queue.

Pretty much debunked everything and there was no rebuttal in any of your “sentences”, just wordy versions of “nah, you are wrong”, which means nothing.
Also people using the word “cringe” unironically are, ironically, the ones causing the rest to “cringe”.

Just FYI mate :wink:

Again, FACTS are not changing. Things Forced 222 solved:

  • Well … at least we dont have 4-5 DPS.

Things Forced 222 made worse:

  • Matchmaker is more uneven than ever
  • It destroyed the way True Flex players play the game (making a lot of them quit)
  • Queues are longer literally for everyone except tanks.

Yeah “good” change indeed :rofl:

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Yep, like implementing Role Queue.


Role Queue ushered in the Double Shield meta, which certainly killed my friends list but I can’t speak for the whole game. The prevailing opinion amongst my friends is that the game is an aggravating waste of time and they can’t believe I still play it.

At this point I only play MH, CTF, and Hero Gauntlet. If it wasn’t for my last remaining OW (RL) friend I likely would not play at all.

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Except this game still has millions of active players, if 222 was removed then goats probably wouldn’t be meta echo is balanced if anything underpowered atm, goats was the devs refusing to nerf tracer

Speech: 100 :relieved: :relieved:

I am a support main who almost never plays dps

and 222 infesting the game was imo as I said THE worst change ever made to the game

I almost never play dps

I am a support main

the devs have already made it clear that game usage data shows that 5+ dps teams were (and still are) a rarity

Personally, I see it as healthier for the game to allow players to select and swap to whatever available character they wish to whenever they choose to do so…just as the game was marketed to be

For me, the only good thing about the Torb rework was the slight increase in his head size. All else was imo exceedingly bad.

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not at all

given that it is (as specifically noted in my statement) my opinion, it is entirely true

The above is on the other hand stated as if it was fact, when it too is an opinion - an opinion many of us (myself included) do not agree with

I do not feel role queue was a success, given the large number of severe problems it added to the game and the immense amount of time/money/resources that Blizzard has put into trying to ameliorate or undo it

The average quality of games is imo considerably worse in 222 than it is in role-less queue matches

the removal of non-222 team compositions was imo not a good thing…quite the opposite in fact Not only did it kill the game for flexers, but I have beaten too many 222 teams with non-222 teams to ever believe that 222 is an inherently “better” arrangement.

except it isn’t, in my opinion and in the opinion of many many many players who prefer role-less queue over the excessive waits, stale metas, and many other severe problems that 222 inflicted upon this game

If role-less queue mode were unsupported, it would not exist as an option in the game

not at all

222 added many severe problems to the game without solving anything I’d consider a problem

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As a Support main, I welcomed the change. But now I see I was wrong. The game was better back then. I’d rather solo heal as mercy than play this mess.


Sombra ( until infinite stealth / tl ) , Moira and Wrecking Ball were very good designed in my opinion

They have ( had ) clear and exploitable weaknesses, they also didnt create any metas

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Moira was (and is) decent, fair enough.

Weird because this game is easily the least buggy, most well-made online game I’ve ever played. Also, all it takes is a quick look through the forums to see that Blizz NEEDS to ignore the fans if they want the game to be good.

Here are some popular ideas that would all make the game worse:

  1. Make the game free
  2. Add a battle pass
  3. Make the game less team-dependent
  4. Make it so I can play whatever hero I want
  5. Make “skill” (aiming) more important

Basically, the community wants this game to be Call of Duty but with colorful heroes they like. Thank goodness for the devs honestly. They’re why the game is still good.

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I don’t see how that has any relevance at all.

They are not switching from Role Q to Role Lock :joy:

Then you should stop trying to change them maybe?

Many people consider Role Q to be a huge improvement for a whole bunch of reasons (which I am not going to list a 10th time for you).
That is a fact and doesn’t change just because you ignore those reasons or personally dislike Role Q.

You are free to disagree with those people, but your disagreement alone doesn’t make their improved gaming experience invalid.

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Some folks do indeed believe that 222 is superior to role-less queue, but this is an opinion rather than a fact

the only fact here is that these folks do believe that despite the many severe problems 222 inflicted upon the game

This is just not true.

Scatter could one shot an Orisa. How is one shotting and orisa from a floor shot better than having to land multiple shots in a reactable time frame allowing you to block or dodge some.

They aren’t homogenising all the heroes.
Symmetra is still as unique as ever.
I consider infinite stealth and translocator a buff and I enjoy Sombra more because of it.
I picked up Brigitte not only post rework but post 200 HP nerf and I love her playstyle to bits.
D.Va is still the same hero but with one more ability.
Torb is still unique as ever.
Even Hanzo, nobody has abilties like Hanzo and scatter was just awful to begin with.
Mercy is still unique, nobody else resurrects or has an ult like valk.

I don’t know what you mean by homogenise when all these heroes are still unique and fun af.