✅ [2-2-2] DPS streamers gonna quit

I have an idea to help with long DPS que times. Expanding the amount of players that you can have in the game. Particularly Adding an additional DPS slot. Making it 2-3-2. The way i see it the long que times are due to a large number of DPS players and fewer of other rolls. It may throw the game out of balance but i don’t really think the game is balanced anyway it’s just fun to play.

Really didn’t fix anything other than literally forcing pro teams to not play GOATS anymore. It’s just been replaced with barrier watch which people don’t seem to like anymore and viewership hasn’t increased at all, despite being play offs.

Well yeah, but the idea is that that’s probably less of a problem than losing a ton of highly proficient DPS to other games.

I see the value of streamers in the initial release of a game but I’ve always wondered what sort of impact it really has several years down the line. Just because they change games, does it really have a significant impact on what those watching them play long term.

Making significant adjustments to the games balance/direction/structure to serve a fraction of a fraction of players (ie highest ranked players ~> also streamers ~> only queue for a single role) seems more like a knee jerk reaction than a carefully thought out direction.

That doesn’t sound particularly good for the tank/support players… “Lets play a game where we do our own thing and get to be farmed for ult charge in the Damage v Damage battle that actually dictates who wins the game”.

Perhaps the MMR/SR algorithm can be tweaked so that older accounts aren’t held back by history so badly or perhaps the SR could be better awarded for Tank/Support play not centering around damage, but this just sounds like a more extreme version of the first option. A system where much more capable Damage players are put with less capable supports/tanks to satisfy solo queuers at the highest ranks. Is bad.

No idea how this would play out. Seems like it would blow out Damage only queues even more so. Furthermore, if it catches on, I dunno if it’s actually going work… If everyone is getting their time subtracted, then no one is if that makes sense.

Maybe you’ve addressed this elsewhere, but what is this exactly (perhaps an edit in the OP)? I’m guessing that you select all roles and you’re guaranteed an equal number of games on each or else it just rotates you through them? On the other hand, isn’t it just like 3’s problem whereby if everyone getting a guaranteed Damage role then noones getting ahead of the queue…? Again, like 3 it may end up that more games are played hence less time waited? Hard to predict.

This is probably the best of the ideas if only cos it’s not screwing with a whole host of other things… It may work but I wonder what sort of impact having a players only interested in Damage playing Tank/Support will have on the quality of the games? Furthermore, while the SR is initially all close together I wonder how effective this solution will be over time if these players are dropping ranks. Perhaps it ends up balancing with dedicated tank/support mains rising (though the numbers are very lopsided). Also if these players drop, suddenly there’s a host of quasi-dps smurfs playing Ana/Baptiste murdering everyone, but gaining no SR for wins due to lack of healing (wild speculations of course).

I don’t think this is particularly relevant. Not that I agree/disagree with any suggestions, but if the heroes with greatest impact are tanks and it’s making Damage less enjoyable to play, then won’t changing this dynamic reduce tank/support numbers? Unless you’re suggesting that making monkey the dominant tank again will substantially increase tank numbers? If so, increasing monkey means increasing participation of Tracer/Genji and other support killers that would pair with Doom. I would wager would decrease participation of supports and double down on a new bottle neck… Also, making balance decisions in the interest of streamers surely cannot end well =\

  1. Revert this change and tell anyone who doesn’t like to use LFG, which literally did the same thing and more.

Buff Dva so dive is a viable counter to double shield.

Give players options to do mini games or the training range while you wait for a game.

Dva has way too many counters. You have to fix that to make her viable again. She’s okay, ngl and say she’s in a bad spot, but she’s nowhere where she used to be

The current meta her and winston could dominate, but Dva is too trash right now

He’s literally said he’s quitting before. So. No.

Doubt it, the game already lost its biggest streamers in general, smaller streamers like IDDQD won´t really make that huge a difference and any high level player can really take over, what he left, unlike XQC or those that has a personality that people wanna watch.

He’s threatened to, but never actually has. So have I, so have a lot of us, we can only take so much and it takes threats to never play the game again to get stuff fixed. (And even then, some stuff never gets fixed)

A lot of people watch the top streamers, when they quit, so will some of their fands, and the friends of those fans might quit, so on, it can avalanche into a very bad situation.

What about… I know it sounds stupid…
We make every rank containing the same % ammount of players?

Like bronze-silver 25%
Gold - plat 25%
Dia - master 25%
Gm - top500 25%

Thats not how it works. You cant change ranks, you are just shifting people around, the dog would be the same but with a different tag.

I like the whole “I dont care about streamers” stance, like those dudes are playing a different game and the queue issue is not really really really really bad in Masters/GM.

The funny thing is that in Diamond its also getting to a bad point and I am afraid plat is going to follow soon.

If it’s all dps, nothing changes for me.
Who notices a few grains of sand missing from a beach.

And how would the dps que time be fixable when the issues is it being too many dps players?

Making more tanks and healers won’t solve it because these players aren’t interested in even trying other roles. (See any thread with a dps player complaining about the que times.)

The only other option is changing the game to 1/2/3. I’m sure who ever has the single role, is likely going to be the bottle neck when people stop queing for it.

Dps make their own problem by not trying other roles.

Maybe unsatisfied dps should try other games that are more in line with what they want from a game.

All Im going to say is the same could have been said for those that didnt like the game prior to 222. We saw how that worked out.

Who’s going to come in to replace them just to wait upwards of an hour in a queue?

This has nothing to do with burnout or an evolving playerbase. These people literally can’t play the game, and when their source of income depends on that, they’re going to leave.

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QP classic exists.

QP Classic isn’t Comp…

No why do you even have to post this, of course it isn’t
It’s better than COMP.