✅ [2-2-2] DPS streamers gonna quit

  1. It already takes twice as long to rank up if you queue up as damage because queues often last as long as matches. Suggesting to reward even less SR is like adding salt to the wound.

  2. I don’t think you know how queues work.

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I’ve been working on Role queue concepts for over a year, so I think I’ve thought plenty on how queues work.

For instance, if there are less DPS players in high ranks, then the queue times get better.

And for those that derank, the closer they get to 2500SR (I.e. Peak average SR for the Comp player population), the faster their queues get.

I thought 222 is aimed at fixing OWL, did it not? I don’t really give a shXt about OWL, but if we sacrificed this much and they didn’t even fix their precious OWL then what’s this hassle for?..

Hey, nice, great news OP.

Well to address his little rant here i both negative and supportive ways.

  1. Yes it is hard to find a game at that rank and it can be hard to endure and stream around.

  2. It isn´t impossible though, league has had this problem for so long and they have no problem garnering viewers while getting long queues, they just have to up hold a personality and entertain their viewers meanwhile, i dont doubt the fact, that IDDQD, prob doesn´t get a lot of viewers coming in for his personality or steam, but only his rank. So that is really his problem.

  3. There is a problem and it needs fixing, it won´t help to only match equal dps, since as stated by many pros and coaches tanks is, what games revolve around and in general any too big of a difference in rank between two players in the same role can have bad effects, So they should make sure both players in a role is equal to the other role.

  4. He is level 60 in Classic BTW, this dude has been playing classic for prob close to the 200-250 hour mark, he isn´t even attempting to stream OW and that is for certain, when that is your playrate in classic since release 2-3 weeks earlier. So in hindsight, he really is complaining about something, he doesn´t really seem to be that interested in doing anyway (Streaming overwatch content), when his problems are legitimate though.

  5. In the end, nothing can really be done though, he is within the top less than 100 players in the world mostly and finding games there is gonna be insanely hard no matter, what that is how it is. So maybe he should focus on other ways (Scrims etc) to stream and or blizzard could think about letting 3rd parties introduce some ways of getting matched in other ways and play through that, similar to CSGO faceit etc.

I’m sorry, but if he’s quitting solely because of the queue time, then he needs to be queuing for all of the roles. If his streamer base is watching exclusively because he plays DPS, then they’re not a loyal base. Role queue got enforced because of the meta and because we had way too many people in DPS which created 4-1-1. 2-2-2 encourages flexing, it encourages balance. I’m not saying that all of the heroes are balanced because they definitely are not but I think this is a step in the right direction.

If you want a truly balanced game then unfortunately what you’re asking for is Competitive and Competitive Classic, just as they did with Quick Play. Then fix all the heroes that are currently not balanced – not that Blizzard is incredibly good at it to begin with.

I’m going to get flamed for even suggesting half of what I have here, so take this information as you will.

Literally posted 3 ideas up top to fix it, and 1 idea to make it a lot more bearable.

Well “Fix it”, many of your ideas doesnt really just fix the problem it introduces others, mainly balancing problems, time problems or grind problems. So yeah it is a fix for your presented issue (Though not really know how much it would help), when it def will hurt the other aspects mentioned.

I’d like to think that the downsides are a lot less than the downsides of huge queue times.

No, they just need to fix their ranking system because it’s complete garbage
Your changes would affect all ranks in ways you cannot see whereas simply bumping the tables and making adjustments to SR gains would fix the entire problem.

Well you sure do, we have quite a bit of evidence (other games), that long queue times doesn´t always pose a problem for the players interest in the game, meanwhile unbalanced games never really go far, so in terms of balancing vs queue times, i do indeed think it is a problem.

Would it really be “unbalanced”, if both teams had equally good DPS?

No but, what if the other roles werent equally balanced anymore, that would pose and equally bad problem and now we just have an issue with how many players can play x/y/z, when countering is needed/mandatory in cases. Outside of this, it would still have to pool the same demographic of players, it wouldn´t actually make queues faster overall, just maybe slightly better at the top, at the cost of now having way more “Retarded games”, as in completely different skill level games as well.

For your function to work it needs to peel out enough DPS players that the ratio of DPS to Tanks/Supports significantly shifts at the top.

Players having 30-60 minute queue times means that the ratio of DPS to Tanks/Supports is likely in excess of 2 to 1 in the range that the matchmaker will pull in. So, you’ll likely want to be dumping at least 1/3rd of the people at the top down lower and preventing players from climbing unless they are super good.

Your SR method will make it so the win % to climb is higher.

This will create a zone where players need to win an increased portion of their matches to escape or remain above and many will need to fail for it to work. Players will never escape said zone unless they significantly improve and they will rise and fall over and over.

As a result, you will have a glut of DPS players in one spot.

These players will take longer to find a match and when they do find a match it may be uneven as players that would normally have had a higher SR will be grouped in with players that only merit the SR they have.

You are literally ruining matches for a larger portion of the game to give a small portion of the game a faster queue time.

That’s not magic.

Your solution also is going to take some time to work. Players falling will require for them to queue for matches and lose.

Finally, the problem will likely fix itself.

If the current top 1% tanks and supports don’t play then lower level players will gradually climb and replace them.

If the top 1% for damage includes more than 1% of the DPS population once they get enough matches in they will fall if they aren’t the top 1%.

Well, that’s where the deranking comes into play.

Less DPS = faster queues
Closer SR to 2500 = faster queues

Your proposal fixes nothing, except litterally just making the queue times worse for the majority and slightly better for the outliers, how is that really a good fix ?

And all in all it wont help the streamers in question, since they are far beyond the realms we are talking, they queue times will always be high.


It costs seconds for the majority, to save tens of minutes for the most skilled players.

Which isn’t perfect, but a lot better than just acting like nothing can be done.

The thing is I think Role Que isn’t necessarily bad for the game because at the start, it did improve quality of the games which was amazing. The problem we are running into is that we have this double shield meta that requires no skill and the only way to win is if you have a good ult economy. The game requires no skill anymore and its sad to see the game dying. Having Rein/Zarya or Dva/Winston like it was back in the early stages of overwatch was the most fun required skill to climb. Just wish the devs would realize that the current meta is significantly killing the game.

I aint saying there is no problem, there is. I wan´t it fixed as well, 4.3k DPS player here. But that doesnt mean that your ideas really do fix it, when it certainly does seem like it will hurt some other areas i would rather not have ruined, now that it finally seems to be coming to a rather good state.

Oh this article is clickbait, he said “Why it’s killing the game, for me”.

No, he hasn’t, breaks =/= quitting. He’s only taken breaks for new games (Apex, wow classic, etc.)

I think it’s perfectly valid to feel like you can’t stream the game to your audience (in his case, hitscan dps viewers) when your queue times are no less than half an hour long.