✅ [2-2-2] DPS streamers gonna quit

First of all it’s there as in they are present, not their which indicates something that belongs to someone.

Secondly if you’re gonna mention me, at least quote more of what i said or contribute/argue more to/about my point that you ignored entirely.

If someone wants to see DPS so bad they can wait, the world’s not gonna end cause they gotta alt tab out and do something else, streaming is more about building a community and interacting with viewers, if they want to watch gameplay quick and now and lack the patience to wait there’s plenty of VODS out there and most of these streamers have content on youtube/streamVODS/etc.

Sounds rude but, translation = boo hoo DPS has to wait for stuff after 3 years of doing whatever they want. If they want to play another game in queue time that’s completely their choice, and many streamers do that for MOBAs, a streamer’s woes aren’t the problem of the rest of the 99% of the playerbase.

I mean I don’t care about the dps population I play tank and have seen a nice change in everything with 2-2-2 but the game is severely in favor of tanks/support in terms playability and that is not healthy at all especially for high tier players. Ya it has only been about a week with or being live but there are some games that have/are coming out that may pull the population for a long or indefinite amount of time. OWL is almost done for the season and that means even less balancing since last off season they basically gave the bird to the community until PRO play came back in season and the devs had something to work for since they don’t care about the balance of the game for the general population.

You mean plability as in QOL and population or balance ? because that’s an entirely different conversation, and i think the team is doing much better strides this/next year to correct their poor balancing decisions in 2018.

Many games were labeled as a “overwatch killer” or “fortnite killer” and they all sizzled out, remember when apex was 200K ? It’s proven time and time you can’t just wipe a game’s playerbase like that, it’s something that happens over time or an enormous shift in vision (like now) it’s a possibility for OW but a very unlikely one.

Look at LoL at the time of this comment it’s the highest viewed game at 166K (add TFT cause it’s literally the same game) and fortnite is behind at 120K…WoW classic is ahead at 200K but that’s cause it JUST came out. league has survived for 10 YEARS and is still on top – to me that’s just incredible, and blizzard/activision is in the big leagues (no pun) just like riot/tencent (whatever it’s called) and they will put in the work to make sure their game lives.

They pour millions into securing the longevity of their game and they have some very capable people in suits to ensure that things go smoothly.People are still playing starcraft 1/2 and we all know how long ago that was, people are playing WoW classic, etc. blizz is very much capable of ensuring long term success.

The queue times of DPS players indicate that there are many people trying to play DPS and a shortage of tanks, healers are in the middle ground tbh but more towards the left by tanks. There is definitely still interest in the game albeit not as much as before and OWL plans to expand what they’re already doing, time will tell, but i think blizzard is going to be doing just fine personally.

I mean it’s been awhile since blizz has stroked their ego with active accounts because they know their base is shriveling. I’m not saying any specific game is going to destroy the game and replace it but enough games that offer a better experience and change of pace that leads people to play other games and basically out this game on a back burner and no longer grind like they used too.

I’m curious to see what blizz is gonna do but it’s quite apparent after two years they are just stroking the top 1% during OWL.

Also wasn’t there supposed to be some big reveal around the time school started? Or was that some big BS move like their fictitious new social feature that they would talk up any time the player base rallies against the devs?

Well the reason they don’t show active accounts is cause they don’t wanna lose the playerbase’s faith/trust, or show how any population is waning if it is.

I don’t even know at this point either, cause i’m seeing ridiculous amounts of merch/OWL/etc. but people who are playing the game i seem to be seeing less of. I’m sure they’ll figure something out though, like i said.

The reveal you’re referring to was the OW switch reveal, but apparently there is one that is supposed to be announced by kaplan himself, but according to the forums the devs have been silent for a while.

I actually like posts from Josh Noh. Feels like if I took a different career path, I could have wound up in a similar job title :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will say this in their defense. It took them about 2 seasons to get the game over its jump after they took away no limits. But they have a lot of aggressive balance choices to make in accordance to make 2-2-2 a good version of the game. Mainly the balance of one shots and tanks to try and balance queue times.