2-2-2 DPS queue times - fix the demand not the supply

This isn’t actually a problem. If they throw they will get banned, if they play poorly they will eventually get placed at a rank where they can make a difference.

All you are suggesting are changes that would make the game even worse for dps players.

Here is a solution that would be fair: 4-1-1 role lock

Eventually your tank play would reach a point where you are an average tank player. Even if that’s in Bronze.

No doubt.
However that’s what a tradeoff is.

Trading something unacceptable, for something that’s merely disagreeable, is an upgrade.

Great, now we are at rewarding people to throw to get to a low rank, where they can get easy wins to get dps

Trade off is what you call it?
Time to rever role queue.

They tried 4-1-1, but not cool for solo tank or solo support player.

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I figure the Tank/Healer play wouldn’t need to be a win, just not throwing.

It’s basically just an alternative to staring at a queue timer.

And if the system gets “gamed” too much, just make it be time, that reduces the relative time on your queue.

Dont get me wrong.
I’m not against more tanks and supports.

I don’t like the idea of 2-3years without a single dps addition.

I hope you can understand me. If not, i think its actually sad. :sweat_smile:


Skipping ahead in the queue is still not a nice thing.

It’s not really skipping ahead, so much as spending your queue time elsewhere.

Even if that elsewhere is playing a Plat Tank.

I had a long typed out diatribe about how they might be doing this intentionally to the DPS. DPS was always the issue prior to Role Q. the forums weren’t flooded with QQ posts about people saying they were tired of random Qing comp into 5 healers, but there was at least 1 post a day about someone flaming the group of DPS that refused to swap rolls to make a “viable” team.

I don’t think there needs to be a fix to the DPS Q times. you want to play DPS every single match, well this is the price to pay to play the most coveted role in the game at this time.

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Tanking in plat sounds like a nightnare scenario. Yikes

Well, you would be absolutely wrong, you cant just chase away people from the game

The solution would still be to make supports/tanks as impactful as DPS in one way shape or form.

Theres more DPS to choose from, so balancing out the other classes isnt too far off

They are already more impactful than dps.
Dps is the weakest class in the game.


Yeah! It’s like… Nobody gave any kind of warning about those queue times when it was announced that 2-2-2 was coming * rolls eyes *

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Here, take this emote.

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This i think is the primary reason there is a shortfall of Tank/support, but primarily tanks there just isnt proper feedback telling you if your doing a good job or not

Just had a game today where nobody would shoot the Reaper. He just walked into the back of the team, I would call him out and nobody would do anything about him. Guy just strolled in, killed one or two people and then left over and over and over. If he got into any trouble, shadow form awaaaay. The only real counter to him is coordinated team play and that feels a little stupid, even in a team oriented game because of the huge difference it makes in commitment of resources and how difficult it sometimes is to actually coordinate people.

This is a VERY good note. Wish Blizzard could somehow see this. IMO Make a thread I think and just use this paragraph as your intro post, adjusted to make a decent opening post of course.

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I rather have blizzard just allowed us to go into custom games while waiting.

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That could work, but it wouldn’t improve the supply of Tanks/Healers.

But it could work, since this is more of a “make queuing more comfortable”.

Since the queue times wouldn’t go down from just this change.