2-2-2 DPS queue times - fix the demand not the supply

Regardless of how you personally feel about 2-2-2, I think you got to admit that the DPS queue times needs to be addressed, at least in the long term.

It is at heart a supply and demand problem. A little trickier than the simple widget theory that we all(?) learned in Econ 101, but that’s the core of it.

My cards on the table, I don’t think Blizzard will be able to fix the supply side (low numbers of tanks and supports wanting to play QP / Comp), but hey if you got supply side solutions let’s hear them!

On the demand side, I think that we need to give DPS players something better to do than sit around in queues. I’ve heard some suggestions for this that are worthy of thought and discussion, but for right now I want to hit the button and create the topic.


Why not do both?

Make it so that queuing for Tank/Healer gets in a previous round makes you guaranteed to get DPS the next game in a much faster queue.
(Raising the supply of average skill Tanks/Healers)

However also make it harder to climb and maintain SR in Diamond/Masters/GM as a DPS.
(Lowering the amount of DPS at high ranks, and pushing them towards those Tanks/Healers in middle ranks)

Or vice versa, make it easier to climb and maintain SR in Diamond/Masters/GM as Tank/Healer.
(Increasing the amount of Tanks/Healers at high ranks)


Blizzard is fully capable of addressing the supply side, and they have many ways they can do so


Global DPS nerfs,
Snipers nerfed harder
7 players per team 2 tanks 2 supports 3 DPS
Healing slightly increased
Tanks slighly stronger


Yeah… No. That would just make the people who WOULD tolerate the queue times quit.


i like this
mostly bc 7 players

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I’m struggling to imagine a schema like this that isn’t abuseable. But I like the idea overall.

The senior matchmaking dev (I forget his name) recently said that your best bet would be to queue as a duo with a DPS + Tank/Support.

How about we reduce CC, revert the global armor nerf, revert some of the Dva nerfs, revert the Lucio speed nerf, address Reaper and Mei so it doesn’t take 5 team mates to save a tank’s butt, release more tanks, more supports with wildly varied, diverging, attractive designs, from badass to cute furries so they attract different people, and don’t release a single DPS for the next 2 years?


The fix is a priority queue system that has a #1 and #2 role.
If you get your #1 role, the next queue is still 1+2. If you get your #2 role, your next role queue can either be #1 only or a player is free to go with another 1+2 queue.
So lets say a player wants DPS or Tank, DPS as their #1 pick, it works out like this.

queue DPS+Tank
get Tank
queue DPS only
get DPS
back to 2 role queue with DPS+Tank
get DPS
free to queue for DPS+Tank again

they would not even need to run that system 24/7. Only when queue times hit a certain wait threshold. This is assuming that Blizzard already had something of this nature set up ready to go code wise. I don’t want to be one of those players who acts like hurrr durr just code it in, ya got the weekend to do it.

Honestly, they should just remove role Q for GM rank.

I haven’t watched a lot of streams but while doing so I don’t remember thinking even once “their comp is pretty crap, this is a guaranteed defeat”. So role Q sounds like a weird fix to a problem which didn’t even exist at this rank.

I bet the devs won’t do that, though. So I don’t know.

Perhaps they could give 1 OWL token to any dps main (most playtime overall on a dps) who queues as tank or support but only if the game is won.

It probably wouldn’t change much, though.

Let’s not have cute furries. Other than that, agreed.

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Since they can’t make the role more apealing.

And with the direction the game goes, we need dps heries too.

I mean in theory we don’t need anything all roles have atleast 2 viable heroes.


We have 16, it’s an embarrassment of riches.

The queue time for a new DPS hero would be ludicrous. I doubt I would even be able to try them for like a month and tons of posers would be on my role. No. More tanks and supports.

How? Dangling coins and lootboxes won’t do it. Dumbing down the tanks and supports will kill the spirit of the game.

How would you recommend increasing the supply of tanks and supports?

Well, they could do 222 Apex Legends style hero picking.

I.e. Randomized sequential draft pick

I bet a revert would do it!

DPS players should make friends with tank and support players. Group up and guess what? Your q time drops, problem solved.


I bet a revert would instantly cause a big chunk of the tank and healer mains to quit - Not exactly fixing the “demand” issue.

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The dev in charge of matchmaking said as much. Does this really work?