that bot is 15 meters away…how often were you trying to save teammates that were that far away with DM…im just curious how many people are even aware of how far that actually is (thats bigger than some objectives i think)…be honest…I know I wasn’t
There was literally a thread earlier today of people posting their 10-15m save clips.
i do. thats legit the purpose of dva. helping overextending teammate from your safety
It will definitely be harder to peel.
You can more easily cover multiple team mates with 15 meters.
of course…but im curious about the actual awareness of that distance…im not going to lie…i didnt think it was that long
its not like zarya or sym…where you can see the beam extend out and “touch” the target
Gotta link? Not trying to be patronizing, i genuinely want to see that thread.
Fell to the bottom pretty quickly, but there’s two clips there already and a third has said he’ll search tomorrow.
More evidence than the “A 33% reduction would be barely noticeable!” crowd’s managed to put forth.
Thanks a lot for this
It’ll be noticeable, but it won’t be crippling by any stretch of the imagination. Posting those clips is actually pointless. He plays with the range in mind already, but obviously he would adjust his play to account for less range. I mean, unless he just doesn’t want to and he’s going home and taking all his toys with him!
Judging by my screenshot I took in the ptr, that distance looks very similar to me.
I really don’t know if I’m going to notice the change. I think I notice my ping screwing up things I should have caught more.
what am i actually seeing there…cause visuals and whats actually happening arent always the same…i mean just for reference the current LIVE version of DM visually only shows 10m on the screen…even though it works at 15…
that screen shot is showing what range exactly…its hard to tell…though i like the visual…better representation
linking for you:
I think it’s that the graphic more accurately represents the actual area of effect now. People will adjust.
If ur at the 5m doesn’t that mean it’s 10 m there
count the lines…tahts 15
The robot is standing on the 20m mark.
As for how far away the first person graphics extend out, it looks about the same.
Notice how in first person it just reaches the stairs.
its hard to tell…the first one has numbers at least…which as i said dont represent what was actually happening (10 vs 15)…second doesnt have numbers…visually they do look similar though
hopefully the tweak the ptr one further
but again…going back to my original picture…i never thought it extended that far…so i was essentially using it as though it was your original picture…
Good dvas were able to maintain that 30 meter middle mark between their backline and front line. This severely nerfs her ability to split her Peel. Both main tanks and supports are going to suffer because of this nerf.
Well that makes it look shorter than the representations of the visual update make it seem.
Yes, if a teammate is hooked from that far I’d still chuck Matrix up for it.
The main thing I’m wondering is if the nerf will really affect people as much as they think it will because from first person the range is already very misleading. DM kind of needs a 3d ‘starfox-like’ reticle. Because the range DM extends out in first person is about the same I think D.Va players aren’t going to notice it so much and the other team will more easily be able to avoid it because for one they can see it a lot better, and two D.Va’s wont be blocking shots they’re probably not even aware they’re blocking.