Post your defence matrix plays where 15m range saved teammate

I’ll start

We don’t want teammate saving matrix gone. We want to be able to tank and peel. Because we’re tank players, not oversized hitbox dps players.

Changing the visuals would’ve been plenty to make it “not oppressive”, because it would provide it with visual opening even blind people could then see and capitalize on.


If they want to make her more of a DPS, they can try buffing her damage output. I would be down with that if they have something against her tanking. She is like the only off tank that does that.

I will have to check to see if i uploaded the clip but once on (cant remember the name but its the map where the second archives was held) we were on defense. The payload was on the bridge and our team was holding around the first turn as most games goes. The ana was in the back by the small health pack in the little room. Doomfist dove her and i flew in with my matrix out. I just barely made it in time to eat the hand bullet things and actually killed the doomfist via burst damage.

10m in that scenario would have landed me a dead ana

They did try that, when they originally reworked her, and that went swimmingly according to apparently no one.
Rockets got nerfed before they even went live, and again some months afterwards.

If D.Va is a tank, people complain shes broken, If D.Va is more dps orientated like the other off tanks, people complain.
There is no winning.

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Let’s post another one where my longer ranged dm is advantageous for saving teammates.

Inb4 “but this is the reason why matrix is being nerfed” and yet every other peel ability has 15 to 30 meter range still.

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I’ll see if I have any saved tomorrow morning :stuck_out_tongue:

If by tanking you mean blocking/absorbing damage, roadhog and hamster both do less than dva.

You still can, you just need to be positioned closer.

I notice a “surprising” lack of “It’d be unnoticeable if they didn’t mention it you guys” arguments in this thread.

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There’s a thread about it already tbh

I’d rather not be positioned in Reaper’s optimal range to matrix him because otherwise he’s wreacking havoc on my team, but he also needs to be enveloped inside matrix to have a chance at shooting him down as a tank player, otherwise he will just steamroll all the tanks you got and keeps leeching. Otherwise I could keep my distance and matrix there.

I’ll honestly not just position closer because the closer I am to enemies that deal massive damage to my critbox, the worse off I am when it runs out 2 seconds later. Dva’s optimal range at 10 meters is fairly short and unless you’re going for the kill, you want to keep your distance to save that mech.

But maybe this is the intention because Dva is the only thing that doesn’t let Reaper just steamroll all the tanks, from the tank role. I see it why it is now.

So you’re saying you want to be able to defend your team, but you don’t actually want to be near the enemies.
Most defensive abilities are balanced around their short range and/or are for heroes with low mobility, D.Va has neither of those.


A competent Hog with his hook available isn’t a free kill for Reaper.

Dva is so fragile she’d rather not be anywhere near any enemies that can destroy her, so you will only be diving them when you see opportunity in killing them.

A competent reaper will also bait that hook. Competent reaper is nowhere near free kill for tanks while losing that one cooldown for roadhog means he’s free health and ulti battery for Reaper. Reapers shotguns will murder Orisa 1vs1 and she will need to do lots of shield dancing to have a chance.

I’m not saying other tanks can’t fight back, but it’s significantly harder to deny reaper and avoid becoming his feeder without mobility and matrix.

To be fair, it’s also free ult charge for Hog. Both their ults are pretty bad either way.

Fortify halves Reapers damage and healing. Before you say bait out fortify, remember than you never need to use it while your barrier is up. Considering Reaper is not good against barriers, Orisa will be having a high barrier uptime.
The team comps Orisa enables are generally the ones that render Reaper completely pointless.