13 nerfs aint "in a good spot"

Devs have, they’ve said that they want rez to work, and that they’ve moved on from mass rez. They’ve confirmed that they pay a lot of attention to Mercy’s ba look balance and want to keep her strong.

Most heroes don’t get this kind of lip service.

Yeah, by burning a cooldown.

people are actually complaining right now 50hps in fight isn’t enough sustain to keep people alive, and you think 12 hps is? It’s not always an option for moira to use her orb. it’s not always an option for lucio to burn his cooldown, and most importantly Lucio is highly map dependent where as mercy works everywhere. With no good wallride maps that 12hps means nothing.

I’ll agree to disagree with you cause I see where you’re coming from, At least you’re not actually trying to downplay mercy’s strengths like most people

And yet, people got away with it even in top 500, which is why even seagull called it out. You don’t always get a clean 5v6. You have an advantage, not a guranteed win. If you’re on defense, you more than likely would burn an ult to make sure you don’t give up a tick.

Like, this is well documented.

There are plenty of things in this game that are unfun. That doesn’t mean they weren’t earned. Punishing res even when she’s being protected is possible. Punishing the enemy for using resources just to guarantee res is successful is possible.

Nope. We’ve seen nothing but stale meta’s as of late because of how power crept supports have gotten. Nothing died in triple support unless it was ult comboed. Nothing died in grav+dragon for the same reason. Nothing died in sniper meta unless it was one shot.

The funny part is every other main healer has their strengths and weakness, things their good in and things their bad in, comps their good against and comps their bad against. Except Mercy.

She can fit into any team comp and do relatively well. That is broken. Ana’s healing output was more than fine before mercy’s rework. So was Lucio and Zen’s. Healing has been power crept.

Great fix would be to make an instant solo-res as an ultimate, reduce the ult cost greatly, then put something fancy on E to compensate for the face that Res can’t do one of those Hardhome resurrections anymore since 2.0.

That way, the amount of resurrections can be performance based instead of on a flat cool-down that punishes good players.

Blizzard will never. They will continue to gut her completely, just to balance out her E until she is complete garbage which will please the very vocal minority.

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You really should step out of the echo chamber.

If you really want to. It clearly didn’t leave enough of an impression on me to stick.

Are you going to read the rework proposal of not?

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Main healers weren’t powerful. Teams had 3 healers of course there will be so much healing. Mercy was meta during dive at s6 7 and 8 and no one really was mad at her hps. So if other main healers can do the same, nothing would break the game

Well yeah, let’s agree to disagree then. Also I already explained I view trading a cooldown for increased survivability a potential that’s available to them rather than something they “have to” do.

I also don’t think 12HPS is usually enough (though it is enough to prevent a 3-shot kill from Ana in Deathmatch), but I’m saying it can be argued a guaranteed 12HPS (with the potential for 35HPS for 3s) is better than a conditional 20HPS if no damage was taken within 1s.

Healing that only triggers when not in combat for a short time offers very limited self-sustain in combat.

doesn’t matter if it was 13 nerfs ago or 4, as long as they make it so other supports are viable, which this nerf did exactly. So hallelujah.

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Making characters viable by making another unviable… I think I’ll pass.

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Would any rework truely make every mercy main happy? Lets say the do revert mercy back, I 100% guarantee you this forum would still be filled with Mercy posts saying “Revert was bad” or “Valk mercy was more flexible” ect.

This forum is just a soap box for people to complain about their favorite hero because it’s not exactly how they want it to be. And for some reason most people’s favorite hero is Mercy.

I mean, You asked for it.

Your entire write up about valk in this.

You can also quit the smart act. I already told you I agree with it. You’re actually getting defensive and just arguing to argue yet again.

Hello? Mercy is what made dive the only viable team comp for 4 seasons. Her rework single-handedly took away dive’s weakness of lack of healing when she replaced Lucio

but she’s not viable, as supported by her data.

Who? Ana? Have you been paying attention, lately? She’s seen a massive rise in pick- and win rate, where Moira was the one expected to fill the gap that Mercy was going to leave behind.

oh my bad i meant to say, she’s viable supported by her data. My bad but thank you for agreeing with me by saying she’s more viable than moira.

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I wouldn’t necessarily say

though I have to say I’m quite surprised by the sudden adoption of Ana. I mean, if you look at the numbers, the change to her ultimate doesn’t seem all that much.

I guess people picked Moira over Ana because of the lack of reward for Ana’s higher skill input, whereas Moira had an easier time keeping up with Mercy. With the Ana buff, they’ve got more to play for, so they switched back to her.