120 FPS vs 300 FPS

Is there any real difference performance wise between these two frames per second? I see a lot of streamers play with good rigs that give them high frames per second. I bought my current computer in 2013 and it gives me 120 frames when playing OW.


To the human eye, not really. The human eye technically can only detect about 30 frames a second. That being said, you will recognize more fluent gameplay the more FPS you can get and have a better chance to spot movement when it counts.


Yes. A drop in lets say 30 FPS during a big fightā€¦ 120-30 is more noticeable than 300-30 Frames.


So it would be easier to land shots the higher it is? I ask because I have plans to get a better computer in the future and Iā€™m not sure how long I should hang on to my current one.


Its complicated, this video from NVidia explains it best as they demonstrate the NVidia Reflex feature (which is an option available in Overwatch for those with NVidia Graphic Cards).


Do not allow people WASH your brain.

60hz-> to 120hz/144hz is the ā€œOnly worth improvement to doā€ that will help SOME your accuracy and mechanicals but you will still need practice at least 4, 6 or even 8 hours at day to become good.

Playing a 240hz/360hz will give to you dimishing results. I explain. The difference is MININUM 144hz vs 240/360hz. I bought a 240hz monitor and was the worse stupidy i could do.

An athlete who trains 6 hours a day, but takes care of his diet, his social life, exercises his body, sleeps well and can do other things during the day will ā€œperformā€ better vs an athlete who plays 9 hours a day but does ā€œabsolutely nothing more than play his gameā€ his social life sucks, his diet is trash-food, he doesnā€™t exercise, he doesnā€™t sleep well etc. Those 3 hours are not going to do you any good.

With a 144hz, isp, 27 inches, 1440p monitor. You have to be ā€œcompetitiveā€. You do not need a 240hz / 360hz since at most you will kill 1% more with the 360hz and 0.5% more with the 240hz

invest your MONEY wisely.


Thatā€™s why I ask because I donā€™t know much about the subject. I donā€™t know whether or not 120 is any different from playing with 300 because I never had a computer in the past that could reach that high in a first person shooter before.


look one PS5, SERIES-X or SERIES-S running at 120hz on a 1 ms, 144hz / 165hz, 1440p and 27-inch gaming monitor. Itā€™s enough.

Many Try-Hards will come to say Nah put the game at 400 FPS and a 360HZ monitor but after 144hz / 165hz I repeat it is like 1% more of ā€œKill-Rateā€ and you will know if it is worth spending money on that 1% more.

The monitor if I recommend 27 inches ā€œMINIMUMā€ Do not buy 25/24 since those are very small and you will have problems to see. 1440P, 144HZ, HDR and 1 MS is perfect for Competitive gaming and for AAA tittles.

I pass you a curious fact in CoD-WARzone, Apex, fornite. Players in SERIES-S, PS5 and SERIES-X at 120hz are destroying KB / MOUSE players with ā€œcontroller-aim-assistā€ on their 360HZ / 400 FPS monitors.

The DR direspect, shroud, ninja among others are asking NERFS to the aim-assist of the gamepad.

Overwatch ā€œBefore-CROSSPLAYā€ you could use KB / MOUSE device on the console + aim-assist both things at the same time, that was INCREDIBLY broken "but blizzard removed the aim-assist in OW when I implemented crossplay.

So do not over-stress yourself a lot and just go for a 144hz/165hz monitor, save money and use that extra money for a good gaming mouse/kb etc


You just contradicted yourself. If the human eye couldnā€™t detect more than 30fps, then nobody would notice more fluid gameplay from higher fps.


I think my current monitor is a 60hz. Itā€™s old. And now that you mention it it raises another question, 60hz vs 144hz/165hz. Sorry Iā€™m not technically savvy.

60hz vs 144hz/165hz, yeah there is a big difference and you will notice instantly the massive jump on your performance.

My zarya on the main account was like 2750 SR forever at 60HZ when i jump to 144HZ monitor i went to master on like 4 months and i saw a brutal massive on boost on K/D ratio

Then when i jumped 144hz ā†’ to 240hz my performance was ā€œSameā€ on 1 year trying i was stucked on the same K/D ratio and same SR. I was thinking on a sillly way ā€œah im gona feel another big jump like 60hz ā†’ 144hz but that was falseā€ actually if you ask somebody tell me which is the monitor 144hz and the 240hz he will not be able to tell you the difference


120 is good and the bare minimum I would play overwatch with. I play at 144hz and havenā€™t personally played on higher refresh rates, but from what I understand the higher you go the more you get diminishing returns. 60hz to 120hz is a huge difference. Itā€™s not gonna be as big of a difference from 120 to 240, but you will probably notice it. 240 to 360 will be even smaller difference. Imo 240hz + is for people really trying to squeeze out every little bit of a competitive edge, but youā€™ll only know if itā€™s worth it to you if you try it.

I personally prefer to have a good balance for competitive games and single player immersive games so I use a 4k 38" ultrawide 144hz nano ips.

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Thank you for the advice. It seems the issue is my screen and not my frames.

I give you one last thought

If you are going to go from 60HZ ā†’ 144hz or 240hz if the difference of the monitor is 50-75 USD then if you buy the 240hz monitor. 27 inches I repeat.

But you must bear in mind that in order to use the 240hz monitor correctly you must maintain 238 FPS stable in your games. Running apex, CoD warzone, Gears at 238 FPS is almost impossible even everything in LOW Unless you have 8/16 or 12/24 core CPU and 3600mhz + ram memory.

If you are going to do the EXPENDITURE and it will be your first 60HZ monitor at a higher refresh rate you go for the 240hz and the 360hz is silly because you would have to maintain 358 FPS stable and believe me not even a ryzen 9 and it will have troubles throw you those frames.

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Yes there is. More frames means smoother moving objects, more up to date information, and lower input lag. Your performance will innately be better. Whether you want to spend $ on it or whether itā€™s worth the $ you spend is a separate question entirely though.

I play on 240hz and I upgraded from 144hz.
I play fps games for maybe 8 hours a day and I notice the difference between 144-240hz.
Is it a massive difference? No itā€™s not in comparison to 60 to 144.
I wouldnā€™t recommend going from 144hz to 240hz unless you were really into that extra advantage and you have money to spare. However, if youā€™re on 60hz, Iā€™d say get a 240hz if itā€™s not much extra.


Since you replied to the thread any news on minimum requirements for OW2?

The only minimum requirement I am aware of is that I expect at minimum it will be releasedā€¦ someday.

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ā€œthe human eye can not detect more than 30 frames but you will be detecting if you have more than 30 framesā€ thats a little sus


Except the human eye does not have vsync with your monitor so you will see tearing as your eye processes different parts of the image over time. With higher FPS this becomes less obvious. The eye is an analogue device which is constantly feeding the ā€œvideoā€ to your brain. It is your brain that can process around 30 fps, but it is not pure frames like a monitor.

So you will see a lot more tearing and a general lack of smoothness the lower the frames even at 60Hz and above. Somewhere in the 75-120 range people see it as smooth depending on how their brain processes it. Some people can see the different above 120Hz and some (claim) to see the difference in smoothness beyond 144Hz.

Also remember OP that there is a different between the rate your display can show frames and the rate you can set the game to render them. For example, you can have. 144Hz monitor but render at 300Fps in game. This will still show 144 fps but will help with input lag (I guess - Iā€™m not an expert on input lag). Plenty of streamers who have an fps counter showing 300fps (which is the default max fps in-game) are running on lower, 144Hz or so, monitors when you look at their system spec.

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