11 months and 25 days!

Guess what everyone?! It is 11 months and 21 days.

maybe not in this thread, but there’s an entire history of people blaming Mercy mains for being the reason why she hasn’t been fixed sooner. (:

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I’d love to see some examples. Because I’ve only seen mercy mains blaming others, and then others blaming Blizzard.

sure, here’s one.

for clarification, we talked it out.
but there are people who think in this way.

(sorry for tossing you under the bus, falcon)

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That’s pretty wild. Blizzard has always taken baby steps with their nerfs

there’s actually a post by RichC calling out this behavior as well. It’s been observed, but most stalwart examples have either been deleted with the thread or lost to locking.

As I said, though, me and GreyFalcon talked for a while after this. We agreed on a couple of things-- which is rare, because I know that even on the old forums we were often on the other side of things.

No worries. Because honestly I still stand by that statement.

and I still disagree, LOL. It is what it is, though. Thanks for tolerating me :>

11 months and 22 days YASSSSSSS MY QUEEN

Are support changes being released today?

If not today, safe to assume we’re making it to a year yeah?

That’s considering the changes make impact to meta, which seems like most are saying they won’t.

The minus 10HPS does nothing to her. She’ll still have res and still be a must pick.

Pretty sure this is just spam at this point.

Not really. Just counting the days till she is not meta anymore which will probably be in about 6 months. I change the title everyday and add a new edit.

If the nerf does nothing then we’re unquestionably making it to a year so the point of this thread is moot.

The thread was mostly made out of annoyance. I, as a Mercy Main, am so tired of this hero being so utterly broken. I hoped the devs would have just locked res to Valk and made it instant. Nope…they are doing everything else.

Next nerf is damage boost or blaster. Quote me

So bumping it everyday to count days isn’t spam?