"omg mercy mains the world isn't going to end stop whining"

No one in their right minds think the next nerf for Mercy will take her off Must pick status. And that’s the problem and why we are mad. We are mad that Blizzard continuously nerf Mercy without getting their desired outcome so they end up nerfing her again, and again, and again.


Is there a reason this isn’t in the thread about this very topic? Is it because you wanted more attention with this post? I miss the megathread that got rid of this issue.


Trash doesn’t make other trash look good. If you see two dumpsters and a new dumpster, you’re gonna pick the new dumpster? If they all are ugly, you just pick one or move and find another nice one. If Mercy becomes trash, Ana won’t be good. It will be Moira.

Maybe if Mercy main’s didn’t have such extreme reactions to any nerf, then the devs would have nerfed faster, in larger steps?


I understand where the frustration is coming from. Mercy mains overrun these forums… And it’s an inaccurate representation of what the general public thinks

Most people want mercy balanced.

Most people still think she will still be op after this balance.


Blaming Mercy mains instead of the devs. Have they ever been quick to nerf a hero in the correct way?

There’s a RichC post about this exact sentiment.


Bastion… Though arguable that it was “the right way”

If someone doesn’t want a fact to be true, does that make it any less true?

They were quick to nerf, yeah. Unfortunately, it wasn’t correct. Bastion players have been begging for a rework or something to make the poor thing viable outside of Junkertown.

Do me a favor and answer my edited question.

Have they ever been quick to nerf a hero in the correct way?

Note the correct keyword. If they feared the Mercy mains, who are the biggest ‘fanbase’ in the community (judging by the forums which is the vocal minority, by the way), they would have rolled out quick and efficient nerfs to heroes with smaller bases, right?

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The megathread has been locked and unlocked continuously for over a week now. Krows, I like you. but I’m a bit disappointed in what you’ve accused the OP of :confused:


Sorry bud, but I was referring to how OP was cluttering up the forum, instead of posting in the active thread that was about this actual issue:

This happens when players want their point to be heard, rather than carry an actual discussion. It is rather selfish, and it clutters up the forums with samey topics. I imagine a room full of people covering their ears and shouting their opinions over everyone else, rather than a civil discussion.

Also, the megathread was closed and opened a lot lately, but they’ve gone and removed it entirely now.

Have they really? That’s… oof.

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See mercy has been good for a long time and people haven’t had to pick up a new hero to polish up and understand their kit. Mercy mains have had it nice for a little over a year with how strong she has been. Let’s look at tank mains now. Hog got nerfed right out of competitive in one nerf, dva got a nerf that required a different style of play. Now let’s talk about meta, rein was useless in Dive as was Orisa and Zarya since they could get out maneuvered so easily that they were pointless to be in play when dice was strong. So if you’re a tank main it’s pretty much standard to have to know atleast 2 tanks for starters to be comfortable. And dps is pretty much the same it is so dependent on the meta and who is strong.
Everyone else has had to learn multiple hero’s and how to cope with their go to hero being nerfed and not useful anymore.
Mercy will be fine it’s tome for other healers to be competent and not just mercy. A hero who can res someone is already a must pick so mercy is not going anywhere I can guarantee you that. But don’t cry about everything when she gets so much more than most classes alone do.

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Except this nerf will not affect her viability. She is still the most mobile healer whose heals can pass through shields which is a staple. 60 HPS to 50 HPS will do NOTHING.

They need to make Rez only work on Ult or they need to remove it if they want to fix the disparity in the Support class. Rez is essentially a utility ability available every teamfight to undo a teammate’s bad decision. It will always be wanted.


It’s still there, but it’s closed for another 3 hours and it’s unpinned.

The OP may have not seen the thread, as the thread itself hasn’t gained much attention.

The title of the post is also demeaning and, ironically, quite toxic so I wouldn’t blame them for not wanting to reply inside of it.

Hope you’re well though Krows! :smile:


Well you are definitely not wrong there. This forum throws the word “toxic” around so much that… something something Brittany Spears joke, am I right?

<3 May we see each other on the same side next time!

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Res doesn’t need to be in the game. That’s what makes her a must pick in all honesty. It makes it a game of skill when you take out a priority target for being out of place or just out playing them as a team and have someone able to res them. Where’s the fun in that. If anything I would like a cool down on all players of one minute so that person can’t get another res 30 seconds later. That would put the ability in check.

Rez could be in the game if it was earned. On a cooldown, however? It’s given and it’s too powerful.

The devs have said repeatedly that it won’t be earned again so I’m of a mind to shed it and move on. If I could suggest, go check out Titanium’s thread. They word this situation a lot more eloquently than me and at the bottom of the thread they list things that we could replace rez with.

Also, I don’t understand your ability idea. Do you mean that Rez gains a cooldown of a minute?

Well, Hanzo is getting a bunch of nerfs right now, in rapid succession. And will probably need more.

Dva got a lot of nerfs and was fine until Brigitte came out.

No. What I meant was say I’m widow and get picked and mercy can res me. Now widow has a 1 minute cooldown on her own self for being able to res her again. So now mercy can’t babysit someone who is struggling and depending on mercy to res them.

I have been in so many games where mercy does this and if they put a minute cool down on the hero who received the res then she should be in more balance after that.

It’s a game of skill and teamwork. Not who can out res who.