11 months and 25 days!

Only day 1, she didnt have invulnerability, could not move while casting Resurrect, and the time it took to be active again once resurrected was 3 seconds over the now 2.25 seconds.

Before invulnerability, even though Resurrect was instant, it took too long for everyone to come back and you would likely just die using it.

As much as a revert would work it still be unfun i gave ideas but apparently I suck and I don’t know anything if it was up to me i’d remove rez as a whole

Removing res would break her lore while also hat would be like removing ninja stuff from Genji, Wraith from Reaper, Orbs from Zenyatta, Freeze effect from Mei, and Hack from Sombra.

It is her only identiting trait and therefore won’t be removed because of it.

If she could rez people in her “Lore” as you people say then when has she ever used the insane power in the lore, comic, short and the devs have said it. if she does have this power then why was Gerald who was very important to overwatch never revived by her :thinking:

She resurrected Genji. Although not in comics or shorts it has been confirmed that she herself has nanobytes that keep herself alive and youthful (why she can self heal) and she can give them to other people which is how she saved Genji.

Also an interaction between her and Ana suggests she can magically give Ana her old eye back.

Now I have no idea why she didn’t save Gerald, but this could be leading to something in the lore later on.

I definitely agree.
I played mercy for around 100 hours before her rework, and not once have I gotten a five man res.

The original wave of shrieks was saying we were removing her power and that she’d be weak and never picked lol

This “successful” rework is what set this game into the downward spiral that its in today. Sure some things are looking up but it seems many heroes are being given this “we know what we’re talking about and you just play that hero wrong” condescending tone from the devs.

You’re playing Mercy wrong… rework.
You’re playing Symm wrong… rework
Thats not how you play Hanzo … rework
This is a better way to play Sombra … rework
Dont worry Torb was never meant to be played like that… rework

I see a trend that is horrible for everyone and it started with Mercy despite Symm being the very first rework that the devs introduced into the game. I remember when she was first changed I thought back then…“Is this their solution to adjusting heroes? Will they rework others instead of actually tweaking numbers?”

And here we are many failed reworks later, with some OP or UP but none of them were successful. I have no faith in Torb’s changes either. At this point I stick around in hopes they fix this but I’ve moved on to Paladins.

Maybe things will get better with Hammond in CP now. Good luck everyone. :smile:


Please Mods, stop censoring the playerbase by locking posts in a thread that isn’t even touched by the Devs.

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Lol no Bastion was the most overpowered character in the game because he couldn’t die.

Mercy didn’t resurrect Genji; she brought him back from the brink of death. Resurrect isn’t a canon ability; the devs already said some abilities aren’t canon

Doesn’t matter. It’s inextricably linked to her.

I mean, she wasn’t all that weak previous to her rework.

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So was scatter to hanzo; it was even in the dragons cinematic

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Not quite. Blizzard has gone to great lengths defending Mercy’s Rez. Something they didn’t do for Hanzo. Not to mention, Mercy’s got Rez as part of her merchandise, while Hanzo simply has his bow.


Mabye if Blizzard saw the actual problem…sadly they seem like they have the next 10 nerfs ready

People also thought thought sym would be meta after her rework and look at her now. We won’t really know anything until it hits comp.

That’s not what meta is. you’re thinking of team comp.

Plus yeah, mercy is the dominant meta. Lol