11 months and 25 days!

I do.


Zen’s been meta for a year and 8 months lol

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I just wish they would finally admit their mistake and start all over again. We dont want nor need this failure of a rework anymore. Blizzard collected feedback from us and claimed to read it now they should act up on that. The devs should also fulfill their promise of an engaging and fun rework.

Well they did destroy Mercy with it in many peoples opinion. Plus they made her target for toxicity and hate since she was so brokenly OPAF. Overall nobody had fun with this rework since it broke the game for so many people. And the worst thing is that Mercy is still an issue for the game and community but Blizzard does nothing to fix it.

Only because it’s “fun” mechanic for the team to receive it and the mercy player to do it. But in reality when the team expends half the ultimates to kill the team and five people come back to life, players express feelings of frustration at the ensuring chaos most of the time.

It’s not like there is a ton of healers to pick from anyway.

And then they try and make fun of this by spelling Moira as OPAF, while, unlike Mercy, the Irish woman turned out to be quite balanced.


I liked it because you used to have seriously EPIC battles for the 2nd point that would go back and forth for minutes on end. The massive highs and deep dark lows… it was real drama and something truly special.

Win or lose it was absolutely thrilling to play.

That’s fair, I can totally agree with that. But I think I would prefer that during the no-limits era when you could counter with a second resurrection. But I just don’t think its going to work in limited competitive environment. Aside the frustration and the unintended play style, I just find little point in playing any other support character (maybe map differences?). Bringing a potential five players back to life, I rather have that than Moira or Ana anytime and my second support is usually going to be Zenyatta and Lucio if its control map, which usually was the case back then.

Longer than Mercy. More than a year.

No, but the STRONG MAJORITY were saying it killed Mercy.

And he isn’t acting like you’re the devil, he just made a point.

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Nobody was criminalizing Mercy mains :man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4:

Maybe you forgot, but when Dive was first a thing the healers in the meta were Zen and Lucio. This means that Zen has been meta longer than Mercy has.

This raises a few questions

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I didn’t forget. Back then, Lucio was quite effective in peeling for Zen. Indirect nerfs cut that usefulness around the same time that mercy became a better peeler than lucio ever could have been.

Another thing people don’t think about is the fact that we had a meta where both main healers weren’t in it because they were both complete trash.

You just need to face the reality that Mercy is the easiest healer to pick up and play so unless Blizzard make her require very high mechanical skill to play with the healing output not being worth it unless you’re really good, her pick rate will always be high even if she’s trash.

That’s also why Zen was meta before mercy, I suppose. But that doesn’t make Zen… Not essentially balanced

Exactly. The only thing I don’t like about Zen is the purple aura I get aroun my screen when I am discorded. Wish I could turn it down a little.

pickrate =/= balance

You can try to nitpick this post, but it doesn’t change the fact that she has been meta for this long nor the fact that her pickrate in the pro scene is horrendous.

When I talk about pickrate, I am referring to the pro’s pickrate. She is a must pick.

Its also ironic how the people who wanted Mercy nerfed said this is what was needed and they were so happy. Same thing when every Mercy main complained about subsequent nerfs and the Mercy haters reveled saying it was needed and laughing in their faces.

Essentially, both sides were equally as ironic as one side was devastated in what they thought would end Mercy and the other side was ecstatic thinking that Mercy was going to be over with. The irony is double-sided.

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