11 months and 25 days!

Bastion has gone a year and a half in the opposite direction, wait your turn Mercy mains.

Let’s not pretend it was just Mercy mains though.

I distinctly remember many other people, including a number of streamers, actually celebrating the rework for the exact same reason, it would kill her off and drop all the boosted Mercy mains to bronze where they belong.

Of course, they didn’t exactly get the last laugh once it actually hit live.


I mean, we weren’t wrong, Sir Edgelord. The rework DID kill and destroy Mercy, in the sense that she’s no longer fun to play. We want a balanced hero, NOT a stupidly OP, boring, and soulless must-pick.


By pure definition of what a “meta” actually is… there is only one at a time.

So if Mercy is part of a current meta, then she is part of the current meta.

Sure, there’s other strats you can try, but using Mercy is the Most Effective Tactic Avaliable at the moment. Can’t really have 2 “Most Effective”'s at once.

cough Bastion’s year and a half cough

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cough Bastion hasn’t been meta for longer than 2 days, and hasn’t received constant changes over the past year to try and fix his problem so bringing him up has literally nothing to do with the topic at hand cough

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My point was that it was going to last.
I’m not saying to focus on Bastion, I know it won’t happen.
I’m saying that

Is a fact. And probably more than a year. Far more.

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Seriously get something more important to do with your life, instead of counting how many days mercy is usefull or no omfg…

nah this wasnt a mistake. Season 3 mercy was in a bad spot and yeah, needed that HPS boost. even if you look at early in season 4- ana was still preferred in every rank gold and up. Every single rank aside from Bronze and Silver would use ana. Her HPS were so low it was better to use a zen+lucio combo than mercy, which was actually seen a lot!

Not precisely. They buffed her healing because she wasn’t able to get anywhere near Lucio’s healing, while being the only main healer in the game. It also felt bad having only 50 HPS, so to make it better and to help her contest Lucio’s healing, they buffed it.

So how long has Zen been meta?

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Zen is basically balanced tho. He’s dominant because mercy peels for him so well his glaring weaknesses are less prominent

Okay but if we are complaining that mercy has been meta for too long, we must apply the same logic to every character

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How else am i supposed to meme 8 man ffa when i win? Dont under estimate her regeneration power in a FFA format :slight_smile:

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Mercy was meta for too long because she’s unbalanced. Zen has been meta for so long because mercy is unbalanced (She peels better than lucio ever could, Lucio has been nerfed brutally over the past year through indirect changes, double damage modifiers are really good)

Watching old Mercy montages makes me nostalgic… and in many videos, the rez got countered with enemy ults that they saved.

But mass rez was unbeatable and had no counters… and it was more unbeatable than gravdragon… :frowning_face:


Pickrate and meta are not exclusively related.

People like/love playing her (and always will).
She’s accessible (and probably always will be).
She has been meta for a good long time now, I’ll give you that, but pickrate does not denote meta in this case, so your reasonings are off.

oh shet my bad, we’ll make an exception for you so you can meme your way to victory in FFA :joy: <33

She brings up some good points.
Now the junk and reaper arguments are debatable, but her overall argument still stands.
why won’t mercy get mass res back with a cast time?
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Probably because of the “dying Mercy” argument.

People, however, forget that damage resistance is a thing, and maybe, just maybe, Mercy should not survive going in 1v6, anyway.