10 months later, Torb turret destruct still useless

It’s useful but situational. For example, sometimes the turret’s in a bad spot but some enemy keeps on peeking and forcing the turret to target it. You can’t place a new turret until it’s out of combat, so you can use self-destruct in order to reposition.

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Come on, Torb is fine.
Sure that button might be useless but Torb doesn’t need anything else. He’s a pretty good dps if you can land those left click shots. He doesn’t rely on his turret to be alright.

Any change to torb would make him broken in lower rank anyway.

Left click is not consistent. they nerfed his shotgun and his turret dies quickly to people with a brain.

if they improved his turret so it could have an extra skill element it would help him. or bring back his old shotgun damage pre-rework.

Yeah its kind of useless…

Its only really useful for a case of “turret stalling” that the enemy pruposely stalls your turret by making it fire every now and then so you cant replace it,

but how often does that happen

Heck no.
Then the entire game you could just beef up someone, and at the very end, they would have over 1000 health.

Unless, of course, you mean for the duration of you not throwing another pack down, which would be fairly balanced, at least not outrageous.

That gave me images of a Torbjorn yeeting his turret into a crowd of enemies and taking them all out lol

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I’m not thinking it’d stack quite like that, I was thinking more like how it used to be. Or even replace 50 hp of the heroes regular health with armour instead of added.

Or like how it used to be and there be a limit for perminent armour with Brigs ult not able to make it more than the max or something

Considering that the turret main role is being a distraction, I think if they are wasting time doing that, the turret is doing a splendid job.

Yet I still keep forgetting and using self destruct. IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!

It’s literally only good if you mess up the turret’s placement on Junkenstein’s revenge. Often the turret can never be redeployed, because there are too many enemies.

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Can the Turret be re-deployed if its firing at someone ?

I mean, not destroy then wait 10 seconds and re-deploy.
I mean, WHILE its firing at someone, can you re-deploy it assuming that its been 10 seconds since you deployed it originally ?

Because if that is NOT the case, having the ability to destroy it is kinda critical - otherwise, you’d have to wait until it stops shooting (or be destroyed).

Can’t remember my torb play but is it not a reduced cooldown for bad placement where you might be trying to get it up on a ledge and miss so you are able to scuttle it and try again in 5s as apposed to the 10s it would normally take for it to get off cooldown?

The cooldown in general just sucks. No other hero has their cooldown in the hands of the enemy.

Beacon destroy is a lot better for multiple reasons. For instance, if you played beacon at a location near the first choke and you successfully captured point A, then you’re forced to beacon back to a far away place and run back to the team which adds to her already massive downtime. Another issue is that you can’t actually redeploy beacon when it’s active because the button is now bound to use the beacon whereas Torb can just press shift and the new turret is thrown.

The ability to destroy the beacon was by far the best thing that came from the infinite invisibility/beacon update for Sombra.

If it’s behind the enemy, just shooting at a rein shield, slowly getting destroyed, you destroy it. And it isn’t an ability. It’s just to help him place his turret. Same way sombra can destroy a translocater

I would really like to have armor back. Give a higher incentive to play Torbjorn not only for his turret and area denial, but to give his team armor namely for supports.

The armor was second only to his turret in terms of his identity. He has just not felt the same without armor packs. I love Brig, but I am a bit salty she stole his niche. At least they kept it in the family.

“Armor…Come get it!”

I would rather they give his lvl 3 turret back say after it does say 1000 damage as a reward for keeping it alive.

I wish they do something with his hammer also, before at least it had any use outside of memes…