10 months later, Torb turret destruct still useless

and yet Sym turrets have a 30 second cooldown together with no way of re-deploying except using the 10 second cooldown per turret.
Torb really had the better end of versaitility with his turret

Its a QoL ability. If they were to get rid of it, you wouldn’t get power in its place, you might get a different QoL change, but there is no way you can trade that for an actual boost in power.


Torbs turret should have a charge meter. If it survives long enough and charges up (let’s say 1500 dmg) it can get a some form of minor ultimate, like a one shot kill rocket.

Maybe even remote control where torb can detonate the turret if someone close or use the charge meter to repair it. Or have it fire health packs if placed on a heal pack spawn thing.

Sym needs a slight drop in turret c/d time, and a slight buff to speed in flight. Those two things wouldn’t do much at lower tiers but would help a bit higher up.


Overreacting D.Va Mains : " No Booster, Defensive Matrix, Missles are the most useless Abilitys in the Game "

U are so wrong OP The Ability is 1 of the most broken Ability in the Game do u know how many times a Torb was able to carry his team just because he was be able to destroy his own Turret ?
Im just thinking of the 1 Match where Torb…
Or the 1 Game at OWL where he …
Oh yes how i can forget the moment where our Torb was…

… OK you are right the ability is very useless


Even in the developer update after the rework it was said that turret selfdestruct exists in case turret can see an enemy for a split second once every 3 seconds. Then it would be permanently locked in place being 100% useless. It’s a hypothetical situation but still…

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The point of it is so that you can move it if it’s firing at someone

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it would still have a 10 second cooldown if you destroyed it while it was shooting

Have it basically work exactly the same as Orisa’s shield, but with different cooldown timers.

No pointless complications, just “after this is deployed, I have to wait X time before I’ll have another one”

And there’s an inherent built in 3 second cooldown from how even when you throw a turret directly down it’s 3 seconds before it can actually shoot, so no, you couldn’t just spam them down like Orisa shields, if you throw one down in the spot where it was destroyed then it’ll easily be destroyed while slowly building with low HP.

A fixed 12 second cooldown would be nice.

And once the cooldown is done you can throw down a second turret and if there’s an existing turret it’ll be destroyed.


Back when his rework was on PTR, I asked for the self-destruction to always trigger a 5s cooldown, so that if you are attentive to your turret status, you can break it before it gets destroyed for faster replacement.


The turret changes have buffs and nerfs compared to its previous iteration. So I place the turret changes as a horizontal change, that didn’t affected anything about Torb’s strength.

However, it did one good thing, which is making more people play Torb as intended instead of trying to play him as TF2 Engie and hoping the turret would deal the brunt of his DPS. For old Torb mains, his playstyle around the turret didn’t changed much after the changes. You still place the turret in the same places, and use them mostly in the same way.

Why we need to lock the turret while it’s firing, again?

I mean, if you create a new one, you stop generating ult charge and attracting enemy fire while the new one builds. Given how long it takes to deploy, I think that’s a fair trade.

also, to destroy it you need to press the interact button… you know… the same button you press


torb and symmetra’s syngery is as good as trying to set the ocean aflame, because whenever torb wants to teleport, his turret gets destroyed and is on a 10 seconds cooldown.


Pretty sure that teleporting override self-destruct when you are standing on the tele so that you only teleport, same with sombra.

Because, provided it’s not firing, you can just replace it without incurring the cooldown. If it is firing, then hitting the self-destruct incurs the full 10 second CD. For me, that’s almost always too stiff a penalty.

Personally, I think they need to rework his turret CD in general. Having it only start when the turret is destroyed just feels awful. It should start when the turret is placed. If that means it needs to be longer, then so be it.

every time that i teleported my turret got destroyed so idk

not gonna happen, the destroy turret is a QoL.
you can have that or something specifically similar to that, not an ability for a QoL, that’s not how it works.

If destroying turret gave Torb a self-boop, that’s finally give us the flying Torb in early concept art.

I approve. Give it a boop. Torb and enemies only.

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I honestly don’t understand why that, or even Sombra’s self-destruct on her translocator, are even features. Why would anyone ever use them apart from accidentally?

Sombra’s makes sense. If you see a Junkrat trap being deployed on the beacon, or several enemies camping around it, you obviously dont want to get trapped.

I think I’ve been killed more as Sombra because I accidentally pressed the self destruct than because someone found my translocator. I get what you’re saying, don’t get me wrong, but personally I hate the feature.

I can see the patch notes now.


  • fixed a bug where his turret could be redeployed without self destructing it

I could see that kind of stupidity being an actual thing they do. They should just get rid of self destruct and the whole can’t redeploy if it’s shooting at something. Then give it the old 8 second cool down from before the rework.