#1 Hanzo ( Wraxu) asking for hanzo nerfs

I don’t know how anyone can be defending Hanzo in this current state

I barely even touched Hanzo prior to this season and now he’s my main jumping from like a 30% winrate to ~70% winrate in 1 patch, and I can guarantee I did not get any better at playing Hanzo.

His storm arrow obliterates anything at close range, doesn’t even have damage fall-off, and at long range you’ve got 0 chance against him unless you’re Widow but everyone sucks at Widow.

He’s amazing at flanking, DPSing, picking, harassing, you name it. He has almost no weaknesses. His strongest counter (Genji imo) is unplayable because of Brigette.

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The problem that I have with him is that he is a sniper that is better at close range than Reaper, wich is absurd. He makes Mcree obsolete for the same reason too.

What I would love is that Storm Arrows (being magical arrows and stuff) had a minimum range where they are not effective, like his Dragonstrike ult. So if you get close to him you can actually have and advantage.

Hanzo can still shot you with normal arrows or leap away to get pass the minimum range. To me it’ll make him feel like a sniper, and open a lot more gameplay situations to counter him, something that he really needs.

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Replace Hanzo with Ana and see what happens.

“We want every hero to have obvious weaknesses, that’s why we basicly remove all of Hanzos weaknesses and leave Ana the same but give her 4 more shots.”


The only flaw hanzo had is connecting shots consistently and now the projectile speed is faster. If you are able to connect 125 shots consistently, you have 0 problems.

Storm arrow deals too much damage per CD, its only 8 sec. Even connecting to a barrier or a tank , without headshots its 420. Either the CD goes to 10-12 or the damage goes down or the number of arrows.

If you reduce damage too much, doesnt feel like a “super power” skill so i dont think its the way to go. Reducing the number of arrows leaves you more vulnerable to stuns while you have the buff active. Increasing the CD would perform the same effect without those drawbacks.

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Not really. When the rework came out, I also found that 4 arrows at the the previous damage was just about the right amount. The 2 extra arrows, at least to me, was a clutch for hanzo that could not aim with Hanzo. Older Hanzo mains always prefer the one-shot burst damage over the current spam hanzo. Hanzo main enjoy the satisfaction of 1-shot kill like Widowmaker, whether it is aiming the head or the ground. Right now, storm arrow feels horrible in the way that you’re force to use it as a spam skill rather than having the option to use it conservatively.

I can understand Wraxu wanting the old projectile speed back. Sure it was difficult, but it was no more difficult than Genji shuriken and Zanyetta orb. It was just a different style of shooting. But lets face it, the main reason why he wants the old speed, is to make it less accessible so that people would stop instant-locking his hero.

Samito is better than him. But yeah hes still right.

I don’t play Hanzo, so I can’t exactly comment one way or another…

But I have to say, it is really surprising just how much much these changes altered his playstyle.

A month ago, if you’d told me “hey they’re gonna swap out scatter for a more consistent skill based move, and give him a minor 2nd jump” I would’ve been all for it and thought “yeah that sounds fair”.

It’s surprising how far over the mark these two changes pushed him. No pun intended, but it really is a balancing act.

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Let’s hope it doesn’t take months like the Mercy. If the #1 is asking, you know it’s wrong.

Take note kids. He’s not asking for a projectile speed nerf. Because that would make hanzo garbage again.

I could get behind that nerf. Seems pretty fair for bow boi.

You forget that his draw and projectile speed have been increased too. Thats what imo makes him such a good spammer now and his arrows are allot more EZ to hit.

Ah yeah I definitely did miss that… damn okay that explains a lot.

Why can not one hero keep tracer in check? She can literally blink away from every mechanic in the game, even shield bash…too many other heroes have to suffer just because blizzard wont touch tracer (beyond her ult nerf which was nice)…so why can’t one hero punish her with a quick headshot?

I actually had a hanzo account that I was doing very good on and got excellent with aiming the projectiles…Was having fun, getting all the golds and potg…then the buff came and its thrown off my aim enough that I cant play him anymore /cry. I wish it were a slower projectile again.

I got really into old hanzo, got pretty good had lots of fun and got his gold gun. Heard he was getting reworked and got super excited that it might be my chance to main him without toxicity. The slight projectile speed buff and the spamzo has made him unplayable for me I am complete dogcrap. Im sure if i played him enough Id get used to the new projectile speed but its just super frustrating, and I cant even practice cause he is insta-locked every match.

The only thing Im still good at is very quickly lining up a widow (or anyone with distance for that matter) and popping out from a corner and lobbing that projectile right into her head for the impressive, deep one shot snipe. Feels great to do that, getting kills with storm arrow feels spammy and no skill and more often than not when I play my hanzo account id say 70% of my kills are normal arrows and I often forget I even have storm arrow.

Because tracer is actually hanzo’s counter, not sure if you are aware of this or no, but imagine if you can 1 shot your counter

If new Hanzo is obviously so good to Blizzard that they outright refused to add him into their precious E-sport, it should be painfully obvious to everyone that he’s in a completely dominant position right now.

Blizzard has a long history of intentionally peaking and valley-ing different elements of their games just by making relatively slight adjustments.

it’s almost like he was fine before and people making anti-scatter threads jumped the gun instead of getting good.

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Would argue that Libero has been better for like forever but that’s beside the point, Wraxu isn’t wrong.