#1 Hanzo ( Wraxu) asking for hanzo nerfs

No, his biggest weakness was mobility.
Sure, storm arrow is strong, but it’s not that much better than scatter.
And the arrow change would have made him good at best.
The thing that broke him was the jump.


But you have to admit that Storm Arrow also greatly changed the dynamic by which he’s played.

Hanzo was a slow shield-burster and only a tank-killer with pinpoint precision. Now, he bursts down tanks and/or shields better than any other character.

True, but that doesn’t make him OP. It changed him enough for me as a 200 hours Hanzo player to not enjoy him anymore, but it didn’t make him OP. He would have still had his lack of mobility as a weakness.
But he doesn’t have a weakness anymore.

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number 1 hanzo?

pmsl, hope he doesn’t call himself a good gamer.

Blizzard is going to nerf Hanzo the exact same way they nerfed Mercy 2.0. Little by little, in tiny droplets, until he hits OWL. Once the pros show how stupidly OP he is, they will apply a massive nerf. Unlike Mercy, a massive nerf on Hanzo will make him F tier again.

Any Hanzo main with a brain will ask for a reasonable nerf right now, instead of the Mercy treatment.

This is what happens when you, blizzard, are incapable of handling issues.
Instead of listening to a fckload of dumass horny teens on reddit, ask for advice from the people THAT ACTUALLY PLAY THE HERO YOU WANT TO WORK ON.
Took you 4 seasons to address dive. The solution you provided created an even worse problem to deal with.

I, personally, don’t like the idea of reducing the number of arrows. It won’t actually solve anything since the actual problem here is sniper players drawing benefit from bodyshots when they should be trying to click on heads.

IMO, reduce the Storm arrow damage to 40 (stay with me), but increase SA’s crit multiplier to x3.5. So he gets 40 damage on a bodyshot, but if you headshot you get 140. Not enough to one-shot a tracer without help, and not enough to oneshot a 200hp squishy with anything less than an Orisa ult buff (assuming I’m doing my math right and the 50% bon-go [still can’t use that word? C’mon blizz! It’s an actual type of drum that her ult resembles] will get you an additional 70 damage on a headshot, and not another 20).

It would reduce rapid bodyshot spam from 420 to 240, which is still more than enough to kill a squishy or cinch a kill on a tank after you’ve plinked him a few times. And would reward actually skilled hanzos with some ridiculous kills from full to dead if they could score the crit-strings necessary (maximum potential damage would still be over 800, but we’re talking 5-6 crits in a row. If you can land those, you deserve the kill).

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I keep hearing constantly in matches…someone play Hanzo while he is still broken.

He can easily flank behind your Rein or Orissa without anyone hearing or seeing. Then use his new ability to kill Rein, DVA and one of the supports or DPS in just a couple of seconds with a combo of head shots and body shots.

Especially if he is being pocketed by Mercy giving him power boost. She can fly up to him on the roof and with Damage Boost he will wipe out half your team in an instant with his new ability. The damage is insane and very accurate. He also gets ULT charge very quickly. Roughly twice as fast as some other heroes and he breaks shields and destroys tanks easily.

Wraxu is well known for being one of the best Hanzs in the world and he was No. 1 prework by far and even on Overbuff

It’s fair because his E is better than her Q. It’s not my fault they made him stronger up close than at range.

Widowmaker players can do 300 damage in one hitscan shot, with a scope, and her gun is also an smg. Who needs abilities when your primary is that op?

Well, I sure hope you frogot the /s on that post…

Because you know, you gotta hit the head in the first place. Which requires a load of precise aim. I mean, sure, 300hp gone for good. If it wasnt for armor. And shield. But hey, cant complain about the “She does 300dmg with one shot” logic there fam

Yeah, hitting the head with hitscan is horribly hard. And a 200 hp hero with torb or even brig armor is still a low charge 2nd shot from death. Same for 250 hero. And who ever has shields? It ain’t like sym is popular. And if you mean barriers, well position yourself better or switch.

/s forgotten as well?

Because I really cant take you serious rn. It sure aint easy to hit the head always, I mean, I dont see a 100% crit acc on your account…

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Widowmaker does 120 damage fully charged :s without crit, hanzo does 125 without crit.

Hanzo has 2 mobility abilites one vertical and one horizontal on 3 seconds and the other one with no CD.

Hanzo has widow’s Ult as a baseline ability on 12 seconds

Hanzo doesn’t have to slow down as widow to hit arrow or scope in and out.

Hanzo has a brust ability with max damage output of 960 damage on 8 seconds cool down to help in close range, widow doesn’t

Hanzo can jump while aiming, Widowmaker can’t.

Aiming with widow is like 25 times harder than aiming with hanzo.

Hanzo’s ult synergies with many other ults well and a viable ult in general, and charges really fast. Widow’s ult is arguably usleless for her.


Widow also has a 2.5x crit multiplier. Are you really disputing a 5 damage difference in body shot versus a 50 damage difference on headshot? Really?

Widow’s allows her to temporarily fly when used with shift-jump, and can travel much further distances than hanzo’s lunge, and is horizontal-vertical. It is a far superior escape skill than lunge and wallclimb combined.

Widow’s ult is teamwide, mapwide, and has an indicator for when it ends

Hanzo does have to slow down to both charge and aim. It also helps with projectile tracking if you stop moving for a moment.

Hanzo’s burst ability is actually 840 damage assuming you hit all headshots, 420 without. Let’s be realistic, you’re only hitting about 2-3 of those on a good day unless aiming at a tank. It also has an audio, and very bright visual effect. Widow has a bloody smg at close range.

Hanzo can jump while aiming, whew you got me there. Well widowmaker can FLY while aiming.

Aiming with hitscan is 25x harder than aiming with hanzo? Excuse me? Nononono lmao nono EXCUSE ME? LMAO.

Widow’s ult synergizes with literally every ult in the game, as it gives you the whereabouts of the entire team, making it easy to line up teamkill ults, be aware of enemy ults, etc. If you say it’s useless… I honestly have no more words for you. I can’t argue with impeccable logic like that. Here’s your /s

Oh and also, hanzo can do 840 damage with SA in 2 seconds? Well widow can do 800 in 2 seconds…with her primary. A hitscan primary.

Because when Widowmaker does it, it’s skill. Projectile hero? Not skill. /s

Headshots are headshots. They all take skill.

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Well, unaimed, is it? Or at least, she flies like a passenger, not actually steering where she goes. Its not flying, its hauling.

Thank god Hanzos dragonstrike doesnt go through walls and ends after 25m, right? I can remember a few POTGs which started with me shooting my ult to the point and then just running to the point as my strike killed three.

Pfeeeeew, I was already worried about me bein Rein or Roadhog… Thought I would die against him as the damage is 120 lower.

See above. Its hauling. And a flying widow is on a predictable path, easy to hit, easy to spot, easy to kill. With widow or hanzo.

Well, yes. The arrows arent as thin as they look like. Their hitbox is huge. Compared to the model, the hitbox is around 2 to 4 times bigger if you ask me. I played a lot of Hanzo, he is infact my most played hero and I know what im talking about since I played the 50something hours in almost one go. Everygame, Hanzo instapick. From first to second star, Hanzo only.

Yeah no, thats not gonna happen anytime soon. You can see flankers, true that, and the advantage over the enemy widow is huuuuuge. But anywhere else, no, not gonna happen. Doesnt do damage, doesnt do healing, doesnt give you armor, its useless against the broad of the enemy team.

You see where Im going? People called me a Hanzomain, and I embrace it, I love it! I love Hanzo, but right now, he is too much for too little. His ult charges so fast, its more like an ability on a longer cooldown. Feels kinda like baby-dva trying to get her MEKA back. He is crazily overpowered as of now.

Dont deny the facts just because you are finally able to carry games so easily, just because you actually are useful with him now. I was playing on me buddies account lately as I slept over at her place (Just adding this piece of information since I dont want me account banned for boosting or some sh*t). She is low silver. LOW SILVER! When I was low gold, people would tell me “Get off Hanzo, hes useless”. That was back then when he had his “OP scatter arrow”. As I was playing the game, nobody asked me to get off of him, one asked me if he could play some hanzo. Low silver knows that he is OP. LOW SILVER! But it takes #1 Hanzo worldwide for some people to open their eyes to facts. But even then, some decide to keep them closed

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Hanzos projectiles are the size of a house compared to the model size. They are so much easier to line up and hit. You dont have to hit the head exactly, just the general area of the head, as long as both hitboxes collide, its a headshot.