#1 Hanzo ( Wraxu) asking for hanzo nerfs

Should probably go get good at Genji then. I see Wraxu dying to flankers all the time.

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How do you explain he being a top DPS pick in OWL right now, since they are using a patch before his rework? Ie, they are using pre-buff Hanzo, and he is performing great.

Just like what the community is talking about Symmetra, Hanzo ā€œuselessnessā€ was blown out of proportions because of overreaction.

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I donā€™t even play genji, Iā€™m hanzo main. but Iā€™m pretty happy that you have nothing to say but ā€œ git gudā€ so I will take that as my argument is better than yours :wink:

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I mean your arguments are based on anecdotal evidence and opinion just as mine, so not much to argue with.

Like you literally said Hanzo works like Widowmaker or Genji, iā€™ve no idea how i can take that ridiculousness seriously.

Also called Hanzo a sniper which he clearly isnā€™t anymore.

If he is good pre patch only one thing comes to mind and its brigitte helping him.

I donā€™t watch OWL though so i canā€™t really give an opinion.

Iā€™m speaking with facts, is there any other hero in overwatch or a hero in any other game in the world that has brust damage of 125 damage, 250 damage critical damage that takes easy aim combined with vertical abd horizontal mobility and even more brust on 8 seconds + area detection? What a faluire design.

Donā€™t get mad but hanzo is easier than 90% of the DPS roster and some how the best by miles

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Lmao now Hanzo is easy, do you really want me to take this seriously?

Hanzo is not the hardest hero in the game, that much is true, but an easy DPS? lol

I mean he is easier than genji, tracer, soldier, mccree, sombra, widow and doomfist all of those heroes take more mechanical skill and higher risk, and have downsides unlike hanzo so yes he is not hard at all once you get used to his bow


I just like how he went from being yelled at for being inconsistent to easy to play

How the tables have turned

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Name one of downside for hanzo, Iā€™m waiting, besides he canā€™t heal and he doesnā€™t have a barrier lol and he is easy but his damage output is beyond incredible

I just think it needs a cooldown increase.

ā€œHe went from the most unplayed characterā€

Oh, I didnā€™t think he was talking about


He can be 1 hit by other hanzos is a downside

Frank. Iā€™m naming his downside Frank.


Thatā€™s not even true, his primary fire animation screws up his headā€™s hitbox so he is probably the hardest hero in the game to headshot. This is btw a well known bug, you can find it on youtube and you can check wraxuā€™s twitter he mentioned it. Thatā€™s why all widows go for bodyshots on hanzo rather than headshot because of this bug

Which sucks. I used to love Hanzo vs McCree duels because both characters were on an even playing field. At long distance and while scatter was still up, Hanzo had the advantage but once he missed the 50/50 and Cree closed the gap McCree had the upper hand.
Edit: Cree main, but I used to toy with Hanzo every now and then. Now, I just donā€™t want to touch himā€¦

i play a lot hanzo, i was super hyped by his rework, and i appreciated it but it feels so cheap lol, you spam like a junkrat, get Lucky picks, dragonstrike EVERYTIME available, i came back to train my hitscans, more fun to play

And thatā€™s why (my boyfriend here arguing with me :P) he needs his old arrow speed back.
He will be more in line again with other DPS not outclassing them by a far margin.
He will not be a Spamzo like he is now, itā€™ll raise his skill ceiling again. He is too easy to pick up now and too easy to do good with. I for example couldnā€™t hit anything with old Hanzo, now even I manage to snipe Pharahs out of the sky with him. Constantly on fire when I play him in QP. Just spam and get kills. Itā€™s seriously bustedā€¦

Why even bother playing McCree, Reaper, Pharah, Junk etc. when Hanzo does all their jobs better? Heā€™s even outputting more dmg to shields than Junkrat currentlyā€¦ so there is that.

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You are shocked he isnā€™t actually biased and trying to blindly defend his hero?

Good things itā€™s you who does see the big picture. Too bad you seem inept at explaining it. Then again you also claimed you canā€™t travel 10m with the lunge tooā€¦

The only counterplay to Storm arrows is to stay in spawn. You can use it any way you want to. Burst shields, burst if someone comes close or spam more shots from distance. If you as a multiple hundrer hour Hanzo onetrick canā€™t hit most of them often then you are outright bad.

If you lose to these then you are just bad.

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I would be fine with the storm arrow damage at 80 if he had a longer CD. His burst allows him more counter play to other DPS and dive tanks but at 8s itā€™s too easy to just spam. Would it still be broken at 12s??

Widow is different to Hanzo. She can play from much farther away with more consistency. Her play style provides her with more safety in comparison. While her ult is bad for her it is good for the team.

Comparing the two snipers just doesnā€™t feel fair.