#1 Hanzo ( Wraxu) asking for hanzo nerfs

https ://mobile.twitter.com/Wraxu/status/1001727841732644864?s=09

Wraxu was the number 1. hanzo pre- rework, you can check him on youtube yourself, and still the best Hanzo out there by far. He tweeted earlier asking blizzard to nerf Hanzo.

While I agree with him, but pre storm arrow nerf from 80 to 70 Damage per arrow. It felt really odd to get 1 shotted as tracer from across the map or even in close range when engaged him. As close range is supposedly hanzo’s weakness since he is a sniper but this wasn’t the casse he is/ was incredibly good in close-mid-long range.

Personally I don’t think reverting his damage to 80 per arrow is fair because Hanzo is different sniper to Widowmaker. At least I can identify Widow’s location and play around her or cut big distance and fight her in close range which puts widow in a disadvantage and that’s understandable because this is the weak point of any sniper, to fight them in close range, on the other hand, Hanzo is way more mobile than widow, he can take flank routes or climb a wall and land behind you and suddenly you find yourself dead to a headshot, but he definitely needs a nerf not only because he is god as Wraxu mentioned in his tweet but also he outclasses any DPS in the roster atm, playing agianst him as McCree or Solider feels extremely inferior.


Honestly, it shouldn’t take a Tweet from the #1 ranked Hanzo for Blizzard to realise that Hanzo needs more than damage nerf on his storm arrows.

New Hanzo is so objectively broken that it hurts, and if Blizzard’s balance team simply cannot see that, I think it’s time to lay off some staff.


I agree, in his current state, he is borken.


Blizzard’s design logic has been flawed for awhile now.

Hanzo had one main weakness holding him back, the slow speed of his very powerful primary fire. So they not only reduced this weakness by speeding it up, but gave him the ability to spam six fully-charged Widowmaker shots every six seconds.

His E is better than most offensive ults. Widowmaker players would love having an ult that was as good as Hanzo’s E.


Blizzard’s design logic is handing out band aids instead of solving the real problems. It always has been. And in terms of balancing if something is too much dominating the meta, well put in something even more dominating - Brigitte - so that the old overpowered stuff gets obsolete.


In Paladins the archer hero is called Sha Lin as much as I remember, he has hanzo’s E and AoE damage ability + stealth and still feels way way more balanced that Hanzo because he can’t 1 shor, in paladains 1 shot mechanics don’t exist other than few ults but a primary fire in paldains cant 1 shot even from snipers. Thats why it feels more balanced than OW


I suggested a few days ago that Hanzo’s damage nerf should be reverted, but the amount of arrows should be reduced to 4. It feels good to hear that the top Hanzo player agrees with me

Edit: Hanzo mains shouted at me.


Interesting post.

I don’t play Hanzo myself, but I do wonder why his arrow damage would need to increase if the other changes Wraxu proposed were implemented.

  • Reduce storm arrow to 4 (or 5) arrows
  • Increase leap cooldown to 6 seconds

Does anyone know why the arrow damage would need to be increased?

He said 3 arrows with 80 damage per, not 5. As a compensation

Critically, Sha Lin’s storm arrow-like ability makes him stationary. It’s still powerful, but it makes him extremely vulnerable, so you have to think before using it.

Hanzo has no such limitations and can just spam his E whenever it comes off cooldown.

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Surely the arrow damage increase would introduce other problems. I am just failing to see why not simply reducing the arrow count doesn’t address it. As compensation reduce it by 1 instead of 2?

I actually agree wih you, i think they should reduce it 1-2 arrows without reverting the damage back to 80 bas it felt so bad as tracer

You’re wrong, Kinessa with the proper legendary card can deal 2400 damage with a fully charged headshot, which kills many heroes instantly. Just like you would expect by a sniper.

I man Kinessa main, in order to to 1 shot someone you need to activate your ult, and you have only 5 seconds to do so and it still needs aim as a sniper
Edit: typos

Don’t get me started on how one-hit-kill abilities make balance a nightmare. But we have too many of them in the game right now (even discounting ults) that removing/rebalancing them to not be one-shot anymore will be equivalent to making Overwatch II. From the top of my head:

  • Widowmaker headshot
  • Hanzo headshot
  • Reaper shotgun (at close range)
  • Roadhog scrap gun (at close range)
  • Torbjörn alt fire (at close range)
  • Hanzo Scatter Arrow
  • Doomfist Rocket Punch
  • Reinhardt Charge (IMO, the only truly “balanced” one)
  • Tracer/Bastion primary fire and Hanzo Storm Arrows (possible to kill before you can humanly react to the burst damage)
  • McCree Flash the Hammer combo
  • Soldier Helix Rocket + leading burst combo (too fast to react)

I’m sure I’m forgetting some.


And I have just been to the training ground to test it out before I wrote it.

Kinessa can oneshot many heroes with her sniper rifle and proper legendary card alone, a fully charged headshot does 2400 damage then. If you think this is otherwise, then you’re wrong, she does not need an ult for this.

Look at the health pool of damage dealers, flankers and supporters, which typically is somewhat below 2400 and realize what dealing 2400 damage in one shot means for most of them: instant death.

What legendary card, type in the name please

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Eagle Eye.

Since you don’t know this card, I really doubt that you “main” her for a long time nor that you do know her well.

Even worse is he is enabled by Brigitte in a way. She protects him rather well and he can engage in even medium ranges while still feeling comfortable partially thanks to Brigitte making it near impossible to push him.

So a nerf to her would be like an indirect nerf to Hanzo. We can see this is clearly the case because she has an even higher win rate at all skill ratings. Many people come to the conclusion she’s be enabled by Hanzo, but the stats suggest otherise. The stats suggest the opposite is true. Hanzo is more enabled by her.